
In just 31 years, why did Ukraine go from being the third nuclear power to becoming a "European brothel"?

author:Stupid grocery store

Why was Ukraine, once the third nuclear power, the world's third largest food exporter, with its developed industry, later called the "European womb" and "European brothel"?

In just 31 years, why did Ukraine go from being the third nuclear power to becoming a "European brothel"?

Changes in Ukraine

Ukraine, one of the countries with the best natural resource endowments, has fertile land, black soil (black calcium soil belt) is nearly double the black land combined in the three eastern provinces of the mainland, accounting for 40% of the total black land area in the world, and was once the world's third largest food exporter.

In just 31 years, why did Ukraine go from being the third nuclear power to becoming a "European brothel"?

Historically, Ukraine and Russia have deep ties, and Ukraine was once a member of the Soviet Union. After World War II, Ukraine established a developed heavy industry system and agricultural system, the annual steel output accounted for 40% of the Soviet Union's annual total steel production, the annual output of grain accounted for about 25% of the Soviet Union's total annual grain output, the economy has been rapidly developed, known as the "granary of Europe". Its domestic military enterprises reached more than 3,000, responsible for 25% of the Soviet Union's warship production tasks, 30% of the tank armored vehicle production tasks.

In just 31 years, why did Ukraine go from being the third nuclear power to becoming a "European brothel"?

Later, in 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine became independent and changed its name to the Republic of Ukraine. At this time, Ukraine was the second largest country in Europe by land area, after Russia, with a population of 52 million. Not only that, it has inherited 350 warships, 1,300 nuclear warheads, more than 1,600 warplanes, 170 nuclear bomb silos and 35% of the military enterprises, making it the world's third nuclear power.

However, just 31 years have passed, and Ukraine is falling at a speed visible to the naked eye, so let's take a few examples:

The total population, from 52 million (1990), to 44 million (2020);

GDP, from 0.36% of the global total (1990), fell to 0.1835% of the global total (2020), more to say, in 1989, Ukraine's GDP used to account for 0.41%;

Real GDP per capita was only 80.2% of real GDP per capita in 1990, which means that the size of the economy did not rise but fell.

In 1990, Ukraine's per capita GDP was $1,568 and Chinese average GDP was $317, a nearly five-fold difference. In 2020, Ukraine's per capita GDP was $3,724, and the average GDP of Chinese was $10,434, which China not only surpassed, but also 2.8 times that of Ukraine. (GDP per capita and real GDP per capita are two concepts, the latter stripping away factors such as inflation and reflecting changes in real production.) )

In 1990, 1 US dollar could be exchanged for about 1 hryvnia (Ukrainian legal tender), and now 1 US dollar can be exchanged for 29 hryvnia.

Through the comparison of these data, it is not difficult to see that in the past 31 years, Ukraine's economic situation has not degenerated.

In just 31 years, why did Ukraine go from being the third nuclear power to becoming a "European brothel"?

European womb?

The Great Recession brought social unrest, and people could not earn money to support themselves. In China, those young women simply could not find suitable jobs, and were forced to start a skin and meat business, becoming the largest red light district in Europe.

Not only that, but human trafficking in Ukraine is also rampant, the worst in all of Europe, and smugglers sell young Ukrainian women around the world to do meat and skin business. Ukrainian groups even made a film called "Ukraine Is Not a Brothel" to protest people's perceptions of Ukraine. The issue of "legalization of prostitution" has been discussed more than once in Ukraine, and even direct initiatives by parliamentarians have been initiated, which is simply unimaginable in many countries.

In just 31 years, why did Ukraine go from being the third nuclear power to becoming a "European brothel"?

There are also a large number of young ukrainian women have to engage in surrogacy-related work, the market price of surrogacy for the Ukrainian people is very attractive, about 10,000 to 20,000 US dollars, equivalent to the income of ordinary people for several years. In the face of huge incomes, more and more Ukrainian women are involved in this industry, which makes Ukraine the most famous surrogacy center in Europe, which has led to the saying "European womb".

So the question is, what is the reason for the degeneration of the world's third-largest nuclear power into this?

In just 31 years, why did Ukraine go from being the third nuclear power to becoming a "European brothel"?

Oligarchs of Ukraine

The biggest cause of what Ukraine is today is: oligarchs

When Ukraine first became independent, because its strength was strong enough, the people were still very confident. However, in view of the fact that Ukraine did not get too good returns from mixing with the Soviet Union, it thought of doing the opposite, learning from the Western countries, and began to copy the Western model, and started a large-scale privatization and liberalization. The result?

In just 31 years, why did Ukraine go from being the third nuclear power to becoming a "European brothel"?

Thus, a large number of oligarchs were born. They just want to enrich themselves and sell Ukraine's own assets to the West at a low price. In the mid-to-late 1990s, oligarchs grew barbaric, almost taking away Ukraine's accumulated wealth, completely grasping the lifeblood of Ukraine's economy and taking full control of the country.

As a result, Ukraine's original industrial system was completely destroyed. They also used the media in their hands to hype ideology and brainwash the Ukrainian people. Later, ukraine's leadership was almost dominated by oligarchs. It can be said that in the past 31 years, Ukraine has been abolishing martial arts all the way under the encroachment of oligarchs, and the people have gradually begun to struggle on the subsistence line, and young women will have no choice but to engage in the skin and meat business and surrogacy.

And once something happens, these oligarchs and the Ukrainian elite almost immediately choose to run away, regardless of the lives of the people at home.

Throughout ukraine's development history of only thirty years, from the world's third military power to the current three armed forces paralyzed in an hour, we should be more fortunate to be born in China. The people have faith, the country has strength, and our peaceful and happy work is not because of world peace, but because of peace in the motherland.

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