
Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

author:Little Red Riding Riding Hood
"We hated each other for 20 years, but good enemies are hard to find, and we appreciate each other precisely because of the competitive relationship"

American tough guy Stallone said this about his relationship with Bodybuilder Schwarzenegger.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions
"We fought each other from the beginning, and Stallone was ahead of me. He's on top, making the most money and doing the highest box office. I looked up at him at the top and thought that there could be another person standing in that seat, so I tried to climb up, worked hard, trained hard, and the action movies were filmed one after another. It is this competition that motivates me to keep moving forward and get me to the top!"

Schwarzenegger said so.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

This is the relationship between the two tough guys who once occupied the main position in the American film industry, you disobeyed me, I disobeyed you, competed with each other for 20 years, and finally achieved themselves.

However, when it comes to the feud between these two people, most people think that they are like this because of a woman.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

At that time, Schwarzenegger split Brigitte Nelson when he knew he had a girlfriend, and was directly threatened by his girlfriend.

"There is her without me, there is no me without her". This is the most domineering thing Schwarzenegger's legitimate girlfriend and today's ex-wife Maria said.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

As a member of the Kennedy family, Maria has considerable influence although she does not mix in the entertainment industry and does not take the fashion route. Presumably, Schwarzenegger at that time had already thought that his future political path would depend on Maria to complete. So, he ended up breaking up with Brigitte.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

However, Brigitte is not an easy person to get rid of, she is not only beautiful, but also film and television, catwalk usually eat, has a certain influence in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, Brigitte, who loved Schwarzenegger miserably, still could not accept Schwarzenegger's unilateral breakup without knowing the facts, so she chose to stick to it.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

Schwarzenegger couldn't break up hard, so he had to find a way to break up with Brigitte.

What did he think of? He told Brigitte: Stallone secretly took an indecent picture of me, and you helped me steal it back.

Brigitte thought that she loved Schwarzenegger too much, and she actually arranged it and directly came to an "accidental" encounter with Stallone.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

Stallone did not know the inside story, and met the beauty Brigitte in the hotel where he was staying, causing him to fall into the vortex of love.

Just when Stallone was fascinated by Brigitte and was about to achieve good things, Bridget quietly opened the corner of the curtain.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

At this time, the paparazzi she arranged to be outside the window pressed the shutter and took a picture of the two people's blood.

In this way, Schwarzenegger is anti-guest: the scandal of stallone's horizontal knife to seize love.

This left Stallone's image momentarily damaged, and Schwarzenegger publicly broke up with Bridget on the grounds that he was empathetic.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

Under such circumstances, Bridget, who had suffered a dumb loss, had to fake a play with Stallone and eventually married him.

However, it is true that Stallone loves her, she married Stallone only for image considerations, this marriage is doomed to not be able to end well, less than two years divorced.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

The marriage hurt Stallone a lot, because Brigitte has always been obsessed with Schwarzenegger, and even bluntly said that Stallone simply could not compare with Schwarzenegger, making him lose face in public.

In this way, stallone and Schwarzenegger have indeed formed a great vendetta.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

But in fact, this incident is just a summary of the two people's 20 years, that is, the discord and hostility between them are far from the factors of a woman like Brigitte.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

It turned out that Schwarzenegger had existed as a bodybuilder when he debuted, while Stallone was based on the image of a tough guy.

However, this makes both men very unhappy: if I have to have him?

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

Stallone would feel a headache when he saw Schwarzenegger, because his height could not be compared to the other party, even if he wore 3-inch thick-soled shoes, he was still shorter than Schwarzenegger, which made him very unhappy.

At the same time, Schwarzenegger is handsome, while Stallone has a natural facial paralysis, and he can't face each other when speaking, only open his mouth sideways.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

This has made him feel inferior all the time, and when he faces Schwarzenegger's perfection, he feels even more inferior.

Naturally, Schwarzenegger is also not pleasing to Stallone, because of his appearance, his global bodybuilder brand has been threatened to a certain extent, and he always feels that his position is unstable.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

Once, when Schwarzenegger met Stallone, he looked at the muscle mass on Stallone's body and said arrogantly:

"Not everyone can be Mr. Bodybuilder."

One sentence irritated Stallone:

"Because you're an athlete and I'm an actor."

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

Stallone had an extremely high IQ, said to be as high as 160, so his words made Schwarzenegger suffer on the spot.

Annoyed, Schwarzenegger said to Stallone, "I aspired to be the best bodybuilder at the age of 15, and I did. Now, I want to be the most successful actor, hundreds of times more successful than you! ”

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

In this regard, a competition for actor status between tough guys began.

As the Hollywood saying goes, "Schwarzenegger and Stallone were born enemies, doomed from the first time they met." ”

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

After that, Schwarzenegger worked hard to open up the career line of actors, and took away the role of the weightlifter in "Hungry" with his own wrist. For this film, he won the Golden Globe Award for Best Newcomer.

Stallone was so annoyed by this that he wrote the script for Rocky and wrote and acted the film himself in order to surprise him.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

Naturally, Stallone became popular for the role of Rocky and even won the Academy Award for Best Picture.

"It's not enough to be a little star, if you have the ability, write and act like me"

Stallone finally beat Schwarzenegger once with his highly intelligent brain, but this time alone was enough to make Schwarzenegger vomit blood.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

Schwarzenegger was not ashamed, and after some effort, he finally stood back on Stallone's head again through "Terminator", and even said to the outside world: "You (Stallone) still act in movies?" When I was 100 years old, I was only able to hand me a pipe in the camera. ”

And this happened in 1982, and soon there was a matter of Brigitte's love for Stallone.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

Because of Brigitte's appearance, Stallone's high IQ once again defeated the "big man" Schwarzenegger.

Just think, if normal competition is even if it is enough, even if women are used to calculate themselves, how can Stallone endure it? Thus, the two people began a back-and-forth, 20-year uninterrupted hostility.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

According to the news, Schwarzenegger finally took the political road because Stallone helped Wentilly write the "Schwarzenegger Biography" that made it impossible for her to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry.

Although it is only a legend, it can be seen that the water and fire between the two are already intolerable.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

However, time will precipitate the old things, and at the same time, it can also precipitate the minds of the characters.

When Schwarzenegger and Stallone are no longer young, they seem to see the real motivation to support their careers, and they also see the ultimate direction of life development: all the competition is just a plot where the dust has settled.

Stallone and Schwarzenegger: Falling in love with the same woman, hating each other for 20 years, and finally freezing the previous suspicions

Therefore, in 2012, the two met coincidentally in the hospital, the same shoulder injury, ridiculed each other, felt sorry for each other, and then iced the previous suspicions, which can be described as a smile and a vendetta.