
Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

author:Angels love grains of rice

This article was first published on the WeChat public account "Angel Love Rice Grain" (ID: angelemily1)

Today is the 27th birthday of British actor Taron Egerton.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Unexpectedly, this British boy has a head tattoo at a young age; the word is not high, only 172 centimeters, but the career is really smooth: only 4 movies have been released in the debut 3 years, and the word of mouth is super popular.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

The first film, the 14-year World War I romance "Testament of Youth", 78% rotten tomatoes, taren played the older brother of Kan sister Alicia Vikander, nominated for the Best Newcomer Award at the London Film Festival.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place
Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

In the movie, Snow Kit Harington also plays Kan mei's first love.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

and Hayley Atwell, the U.S. team female ticket for Agent Carter.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

The following year he starred in the $414 million game "Kingsman: The Secret Service," co-starring Colin Feith, Samuel Jackson, and Sir Mike Kane, with 74% Rotten Tomatoes. Tarlen was also named Best Male Newcomer at the 2015 Film Awards by Empire magazine and was also nominated for the Baptister Film Award for Newcomer.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

The same year released the crime thriller "Legend", with Tang teacher Tom Hardy.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place
Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Playing his boyfriend Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

This year's Olympic-themed biopic Eddie the Eagle, released this year, is with Wolverine Hugh Jackman.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Upcoming titles include the already-released Ace Agent 2, with the addition of Harry Bailey, Julian Moore and Boss Money.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

There is also the biographical film "Billionaire Boys Club", in collaboration with President Shimoki.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

In short, most British actors are in their 30s to start becoming popular in Hollywood, and Tarren did it before he was 25 years old.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

The fashion world loves him too, with Chinese fans still calling him "Egg Egg" in a foul way, and he was named one of the 50 best-dressed British men by GQ magazine last year and this year.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

How can this be?

First of all, he's pretty talented!

Taren was born in England and later grew up in Wales. The place where he lives is particularly interesting! is a small village on the Welsh island of Anglesea Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, commonly referred to simply as Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, which translates to Chinese is "Lanverpur Guin gilgo Ger Gri Ger Gri Len Ti Leo Gogo heh", meaning " The Church of St. Mary in the Valley of the White Hazel Forest near the Rushing Whirlpool and the Church of St. Tian Xilu near the Red Grotto".

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

No kidding! He also said it in "Ellen Show".

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place
Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place
Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Australian actress Naomi Watts also lived here for a few years.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

It feels like a rolling keyboard, supposedly made by a local tailor, and it turns out to be the longest officially recognized place name in the UK and one of the longest in the world.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

His name also has a story, originally his name was intended to be called "Taran", which means lightning in Welsh, but his mother accidentally spelled it wrong, which became the current Taron.

Hahahahahaha mom!

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

There were many twists and turns in life at the beginning, but then it was all the way: at the age of 16, I found that I liked to perform, and at the age of 19, I was admitted to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA) in the United Kingdom, one of the world's most famous drama schools. How good is RADA? Below are some alumni representatives.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

(Anthony Hopkins、 Alan Rickman、Michael Sheen 、Ralph Fiennes、 Liev Schreiber 、TomHiddleston)

When Tarun was in school, he won the school's "Best Student Performance Award", performed at the National Theatre in London and the Royal Court Theatre, and has been able to make money. His other hobbies include music, dance, and martial arts.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Again, it's a hard-working boy.

To get the role of Eggsy in Ace Agent, he interviewed six times in five weeks (and once ran to the director's house).

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

When the filming was official, Uncle Darcy had a stand-in.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

He didn't, but honestly quit pizza and beer, practiced boxing and fitness, and trained for three months. This classic underwater escape sequence was done by yourself.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place
Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

He said, I had never learned to dive, all the reactions were real, I was terrified, and I drank a lot of water to shoot this scene.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Colin Feith commented that Taren knew how lucky he was to play the role, and in a way that luck might paralyze an actor, but he got into shape quickly and did a good job, which impressed me.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Again, he has his own ideas for career planning.

After acting in "Ace Agent", a bunch of big productions came to the door, but Tarren refused. He said that Hollywood is now launching a series of movies endlessly, many scripts do not even have the central characters, the roles are usually handsome men and women taking a risk together; the characters have no personality, just need to find small fresh meat to play, but in the end it is very boring!

Sure enough, just after playing the handsome, Taren completely dressed up ugly in the biographical movie "Eddie the Eagle". The British Eddie Edwards, who was the prototype of the film, wanted to participate in the Olympic Games since he was a child, and after finding that he had no drama in the Summer Olympics, he decided to participate in the Winter Olympics, and he did not need too much self-study funds, there were not many competitors, and the threshold for participation was not high.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

The technology is very dishes aside, Eddie is deeply myopic, wear glasses and put on goggles, standing on a high platform hair can not see. And because his qualifications were too shallow, he had to find his own sponsorship, his parents also funded him, and even lived in a mental hospital in order to save the cost of accommodation.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Stumbling along the way, Eddie finally participated in the 1988 Winter Olympics, but did not win any medals and finished at the bottom. But because of his natural humor and spirit, sports journalists at the time rushed to cover Eddie.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Because of Eddie, the Olympics even revised the rules to qualify for the world's top 50, or the top 30 percent. Frank King, president of that year's Winter Olympics organizing committee, told the head of the British delegation at the end of the session: Some won gold medals, some broke records, and one of you soared like a real eagle.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Taren said that what he likes most about Eddie is that although he is stupid and often ridiculed, he is definitely not a fool, but he has a character that others do not have, always able to turn pessimistic things into a positive side, and his heart is getting stronger and stronger.

In order to prepare for the role, he also did his homework and makeovers, and even Eddie himself was stunned to see him when he first visited the set: Why are you so similar to me when I was younger?

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

(The second digit on the right is the prototype)

After the release of the movie, the reputation was good, 80% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Finally, as a 27-year-old, he has a mature mindset.

He told The Guardian that I once saw Leonardo and there were a dozen or so people walking around behind him, and I think a lot of people wanted to be him, but I know myself as a private person, and I want to be able to socialize freely with my friends, even if I go to a bar or be seen as silly, I need not to worry about my image.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Wolverine also said that when I entered the industry for 12 years, I was as confident as Taren.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

In his bones, Tarun felt that he was still an ordinary boy from Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, and walking on the road would not be recognized by no one.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

He is also very childlike and likes to watch cartoons, he once tried the sound for Paddington, but in the end the role was given to his good friend Ben Meow Ben Whishaw.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

But the wish for dubbing has come true! Next month's musical cartoon Sing, which features Matthew McConaughey and Witherspoon, voices the gorilla Johnny and Sing in his voice.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

That's it!

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

[Love Rice Grain Talk]

Seriously, when I first heard the plot of "Secret Agent Academy", I thought it was a cliché film, but I didn't expect it to be hot and good-looking! Say a little more about director Matthew Vaughn. He has overseen two big smoking guns, "Kidnapping and Robbery" and "X-Men: Reverse Future", and has also directed "Hai bian King" and "X-Men: First Battle".

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

(Second from the left)

The point is that the real-life wife is The German supermodel Claudia Schiffer!

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Claudia was known as a "live-action Barbie" and was hailed as the first generation of supermodels along with Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell, and Christy Turlington.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Ah, it was a true beauty era without PS!

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Claudia once had a marriage contract with magician David Copperfield, the two met in 93, got engaged in 1994, and once performed magic on the same stage, breaking up in 1999.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

After marrying a British director in 2002, Claudia is now a mom of three children. At the age of 46, I am still in good shape. However, the fatal wound of the corrupt man was indeed a hairline.

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

Okay, here we are today, hurry up and send it out for everyone to prepare to chop their hands.

We'll see you tomorrow!

Taren Edgerton: The successor of the corrupt male god, I want to give him the first place

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