
Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

author:Character History
Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

Russia and Ukraine are feuded

In the past two months of 2022, two major events have happened on the earth that have attracted the world's attention, one is the successful hosting of the Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, becoming the city with the shortest interval in Olympic history.

Another is that Russia and Ukraine have clashed again, and this time Russia has sent 110,000 troops, which has reached Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, in just over a day.

Why do we say "and" in the conflict between these two countries?

The feud between Russia and Ukraine, in short, is a pair of brothers fighting each other, divided and united for hundreds of years, and to this day they are still beaten to death and their heads are broken and bleeding.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

Russian history paintings

Russia and Ukraine are truly homologous, belonging to one branch of the Slavs, the oldest and largest tribal group in Europe, the East Slavs.

East Slavs are mainly of three major ethnic groups, Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians, of which Little Russians are now Ukrainians.

Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians share close kinship, and long periods of shared life and the same religious beliefs lay the foundation for historical, linguistic and cultural similarities.

But because of this closeness and indivisibility, they are more intolerant of contradictions and when they wield blades at each other.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

World War II Nazi Germany in Ukraine

In the 10th century, the state of Ancient Rus was established, and at first the capital was chosen in Kiev, but it did not take long to split into 18 small principalities, all of which were destroyed in Genghis Khan's Western Expedition.

In the centuries of conquest by the Mongols, Russia and Ukraine, which were once on the same side, gradually diverged due to differences in population, culture and economic development.

After the restoration of the Ancient Rus in the 15th century, the military, political, cultural and economic center shifted from Kiev to Moscow, and the Ethnic Russians officially established a state and gradually developed into the largest country in Europe.

Ukrainians, who occupied the dominant position hundreds of years ago, with Kiev at the core, lost the ability to stand independent and self-reliant, and have always been the territory of Eurasian powers.

In the 17th century, Ukraine asked Russia for help in order to get rid of the enslavement of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and Russia fought a 13-year war with Poland in order to re-incorporate Ukraine as a cognate land.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

After a long war, Russia and Poland could not defeat each other, and finally had to stop the war by agreement, and divided Ukraine at the negotiating table.

In the negotiations to partition Ukraine, Russia acquired Ukraine on the left bank of the Dnieper River, the Udon region and Kiev, which are now frequently in the news.

The region now has become a powder keg and a place of controversy between Russia and Ukraine, stemming from the 13-year war and the agreement.

This is the first time that a conflict has arisen between Russia and Ukraine over an external power, but as we all know, it will not be the last.

This was the first time that Ukraine, because of its weakness, turned to other behemoths and then been carved up, and of course, not the last.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

Map of the situation in Russia and Ukraine

In 1700, Tsarist Russia and Sweden went to war, and as the war lengthened, Ukraine, which had just returned to Russia in its entirety from Poland, was ready to move again.

Perhaps never forgetting its glory as the place of origin of Russia, Ukraine, like Murong Fu in Jin Yong's novels, always has a dream of restoration.

So they are not willing to become vassals of Russia, bent on establishing their own country, but their ability is not enough to support their independence.

So Ukraine set its sights on Sweden, which was at war with Russia, and secretly colluded with Sweden, hoping to enhance Sweden's power as an internal response, defeat Russia, and thus become independent.

After the matter was revealed, the anger of Tsarist Russia could be imagined, and it directly destroyed the armed forces in Ukraine at that time to cut off the troubles.

Sweden not only directly released the Ukrainian pigeon, but also collapsed, directly lost the war with Russia, and later gradually became a second-rate country in Europe, losing its status as a great power.

Ukraine, which has fallen behind the mountains, has been quite honest about this, and as a part of Russia, it has been more than 200 years, and the time has fast-forwarded to the First World War of the 20th century.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

Germany and Ukraine in World War II

During World War I, although Tsarist Russia joined the Entente, which was the final victor, because of kinship (the Tsarist Empress was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom).

But because of the long-standing internal contradictions, the First World War was not over, and the Tsarist regime was overthrown by the Bolsheviks.

As soon as the Tsarist side fell, Ukraine, which had been dormant for two hundred years, immediately jumped up, and not only took advantage of Russia's blank period to establish an independent regime, but also reached out to Foreign Aid in a double-handed manner.

The reinforcements summoned by Ukraine this time were the allied rivals in World War I, Germany.

Ukraine not only signed a secret treaty with the German Empire at that time, but also provided food and agricultural and sideline products to Germany, and asked Germany to send 450,000 troops into the Ukrainian region to resist the Soviet armed forces.

It can only be said that the innate anti-bone and lack of strategic vision are the genes engraved in the bones of Ukraine, not only every time with the tiger, but also every time with the most greedy and perfidious careerists.

The German Empire at the end of World War I, like Tsarist Russia, which had already fallen, was already terminally ill and only one step away from extinction.

Ukraine threw a hug at them at this time, and the result was self-evident.

Germany unceremoniously swallowed the tribute offered, and after the arrival of the troops, it directly killed the "small court" formed by Ukraine itself and established a puppet government controlled by Germany.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

Stalin on the right

Germany's original intention was to use Ukraine as a base to attack the newly established Soviet Russia, thus gaining a large amount of land and population.

However, at that time, the leaders of Soviet Russia knew very well that Germany was already at the end of the crossbow, so they did not fight with Germany, but used the agreement to stabilize Germany and gain respite.

By 1918, Germany's defeat in World War I had been decided, and even the imperial regime was overthrown by the German domestic revolution, and the German Empire was declared extinct.

In this way, the false independence that Ukraine relied on Germany to obtain did not exist, and it returned in the eyes of the Soviet Union and became one of the republics of the Soviet Union.

The First World War caused a great reshuffle in Europe as a whole, and the contradictions that had formed between countries could no longer be contained after twenty years, and the Second World War broke out.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

Nazi German army and Ukrainian women

On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany sent 190 divisions, 3,700 tanks, 4,900 aircraft, and nearly 200 warships, totaling 5.5 million troops, to attack the Soviet Union in three ways.

The Soviet Union naturally resisted such aggression at the level of annihilation of the country, but in the war, there were always some people called "compatriots" who would become the leaders of the invading army.

In the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union against Nazi Germany, Ukraine became the leading party of the German aggressors.

In the more than two decades of becoming a Soviet republic, the contradictions between Ukraine and Russia were sharper than at any other time.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

Ukraine had a hard time within the Soviet system

After the founding of the Soviet Union, it was immediately encircled and suppressed by European and American countries, and the economic blockade, natural disasters and global economic crises brought many difficulties to national development and people's lives.

Ukraine has always been divided into two value systems, simply put, East Ukraine is pro-Russian, West Ukraine is pro-European, the cause has a historical origin, there are also factors such as different industrial development directions.

East Uzbekistan, which is the most famous European granary, was undoubtedly more economically developed in the agricultural era and traded more frequently with Western European countries.

The first decades of Ukraine's accession to the Soviet Union were also the period of the Soviet Union's transition from an agrarian to an industrial country, and Western Ukraine became a blood transfusion pool for industrial areas including Eastern Ukraine as an agricultural region.

In short, Siwu worked hard to produce grain in exchange for foreign exchange, and then most of the profits were sent to support the development of industrial zones.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

On the left is Khrushchev

Siwu works more, makes less profits, and watches other areas that are originally more backward than themselves enjoy the fruits of their labor, and after a long time, they are naturally very dissatisfied.

Not to mention, during this period, Europe experienced a major drought that was rare in a century, which led to a reduction in grain production, and the Soviet Union's experimental business model was frequently wrong, resulting in a terrible disaster.

Ukraine, who is said to have suffered millions of people in the disaster and whose death toll is difficult to count, put the account directly on the Soviet Union.

So when Nazi Germany advanced into the Soviet Union, Ukraine immediately declared "independence" and organized an army to follow Germany to fight the Soviet Union.

The Ukrainian "government" even helped the Germans hunt down Communists and Jews, resulting in the murder of more than 1.5 million Ukrainian Jews.

This black history not only caused the Holocaust at the time, but its effects stretched back decades, and Ukraine is now the only country in the world where legitimate Nazi forces exist.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

Nazi forces in Ukraine

Germany enjoyed the supplies provided by Ukraine and won the Battle of Kiev with the help of some Ukrainians, before showing its fangs to Ukraine as it had done more than two decades ago.

Germany defined Ukrainians as a low-class people and imposed a series of colonial policies on them, such as not allowing Ukrainians to receive education and hunting down hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians as slave laborers and sending them to German factories.

The Ukrainians realized they had been deceived again, and some headed for Moscow to join the Soviets.

But there were also some who always helped the Nazi Germans, fighting the Soviets in the german rout to cover the back roads for the Germans.

With the soviet union suffering in World War II, what Ukraine did should have been fiercely liquidated, but Ukraine, which had been digging its own pit and jumping for hundreds of years, had a good luck in the end.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"


Because after Stalin's death, the person in charge of the Soviet Union was replaced by Khrushchev, a Russian who grew up in Ukraine and made his mark.

Khrushchev commented on the merits of the Soviet Union and the world, but his reign in power was indeed a rare and good life in the history of Ukraine.

In addition to alleviating the various liquidations made by Ukraine during World War II and formulating a more generous policy for Ukraine, Khrushchev also gave Ukraine a piece of Russian land in vain.

The gift of this land not only made the Russians very dissatisfied at the time, but in 2014 Putin brazenly attacked and took it back in the jaws of the world.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"


This land is the Crimean Peninsula, the throat of the Black Sea, and the only ice-free port in the sea.

From the Tsarist era to Putin, every Russian speaker has spared no effort to fight with everyone for Crimea.

After Khrushchev, good luck in Ukraine continued, because Brezhnev, who succeeded Khrushchev, was still Ukrainian.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"


Together, Khrushchev and Brezhnev helmed the Soviet Union for nearly thirty years, during which Ukraine lived quite well within the Soviet system, ranking second and transcendent.

During the former Soviet Union, Ukraine's industrial and agricultural complex areas established an advanced industrial system and an education system for all, and sat on the world's richest real estate grain area and more than 80 kinds of mineable rich mines.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

So when the Soviet Union collapsed, Ukraine and Russia experienced another separation of families, this time Ukraine had considerable confidence and "big brother" to break the wrist.

Relying on the pro-European and anti-Soviet "origins", Ukraine, with the support of Europe and the United States, obtained the Black Sea Shipyard, the largest shipyard in Europe that can produce aircraft carriers, and China's Liaoning ship was "born" here;

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

Russian-Ukrainian conflict

Obtained the famous tank design and manufacturing unit of the Soviet Union, Kharkiv Morozov Mechanical Design Bureau; obtained the world's largest aircraft An-225 transport aircraft design and manufacturing unit, Antonov Design Bureau;

Obtained the world's largest aero-engine development company, specializing in the provision of engines for various types of aircraft, known as the "power czar" madasic company ...

In fact, the Soviet Union's military enterprises, Ukraine got 3594, from small arms to aircraft, tanks, aircraft carriers, rockets, large transport aircraft and other land, sea and air equipment.

In addition, there are 700,000 troops, more than 6,000 tanks, 1,500 aircraft, more than 300 ships, 176 intercontinental ballistic missiles, and 2,500 tactical nuclear weapons.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

Nazi demonstrations in Ukraine

Ukraine has returned home with a full load in the competition with Russia, becoming the world's third largest nuclear power in one fell swoop, and incidentally taking away Russia's "heart meat" - the Crimean Peninsula.

It is reasonable to say that with such a script in hand, Ukraine's dream of "independence" that has been done for hundreds of years has finally come true.

No, but in thirty years, Ukraine has ruined everything.

Because Ukraine has not been cured for hundreds of years, although it dreams of "independence" every day, it never refuses to be independent and self-reliant, and always wants to find a backer and go under the tree to cool off.

This time, the patron of Ukraine's "matchmaking" is NATO, an international military organization dominated by the United States, which is stuffed with American "little brothers" and "followers.".

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

NATO was a military alliance established by the capitalist camp after World War II to contain the Soviet Union, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, this Cold War product should come to an end.

However, NATO, under the pretext of the Soviet Union, has been calling for wind and rain for decades, and has long become an important weapon for the United States to control Europe, and it is also the most important symbol of US hegemonism.

Naturally, Russia has once again pressed all kinds of people who threaten the world, and NATO will continue to play the role of the world's police.

Although NATO is an international organization, there is only one real "talker", that is, the United States, and Ukraine wanted to join NATO at the beginning of its "self-reliance", to put it bluntly, it wanted to hug the thigh of the United States.

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"


The United States looked at this silly white sweetness that was covered with the "legacy" of the Soviet father, just like Germany decades ago and Sweden two hundred years ago, wiping the saliva from the corners of its mouth and laughing.

So the routine of Ukraine falling into it countless times over the centuries was repeated as it was, and the patrons ate their tribute, disarmed them, and urged them to lead the way to fight with the "big brother".

Ukraine, as it had done before, approached "Big Brother" with its patron on its toes and shouted: "See who came with me, and don't come out to die!" ”

After shouting, I found that there was silence all around, and when I turned my head to look at it, I couldn't even see the shadow of the mountain...

Russia and Ukraine: Hundreds of years of enmity are hard to stop, why the United States inserted a foot as a "scumbag"

The drama was like a dead loop, playing out over and over again, in the process Russia reclaimed the Crimean Peninsula, took control of eastern Ukraine, and approached the city of Kiev.

Ukraine, on the other hand, was once again looted by everyone and left in place to whimper, but looking back at their centuries-old feud with Russia, it is really a confused account of who is right and who is wrong.

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