
Food poisoning, caused by 5 types of factors, pay attention to the details of life to avoid being caught

Food poisoning, a disease caused by contaminated food or drinking water, can be divided into different categories according to the source of contamination. Different categories of food poisoning, the symptoms caused and their outcomes are all characterized by their own characteristics. For example, some food poisonings can cause self-limiting gastrointestinal symptoms, while severe food poisoning can lead to permanent disability or even death. So, what are the specific characteristics of food poisoning? How can it be prevented? Let's solve your doubts now.

Food poisoning, caused by 5 types of factors, pay attention to the details of life to avoid being caught

Food poisoning, first of all, needs to be distinguished from gastrointestinal infections. Gastrointestinal infections, mainly caused by viruses, the most common case is norovirus infection, highly contagious, the symptoms are mainly diarrhea, stool is mostly watery or mixed with blood, in addition, there will be loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, muscle soreness, low-grade fever, headache, dizziness. Coping measures are mainly to drink more water, prevent dehydration, minimize the intake of solid foods, and at the same time, avoid dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, sugar, fat, spices, and take drugs with caution. If dehydration or high fever occurs, you should seek medical attention in time. Preventive measures are mainly to pay attention to dietary hygiene, wash hands before meals and after defecation, fruits and vegetables should be carefully washed, and at the same time, pay attention to prevent cross-infection caused by clothes, items, vomit, fecal contaminants, etc.

Food poisoning, caused by 5 types of factors, pay attention to the details of life to avoid being caught

Food poisoning, which can be divided into 5 categories. The first category is bacterial food poisoning, which accounts for more than 50% of the total number of food poisonings, and the main cause of the disease is that the food is contaminated by bacteria, especially cooked meat products or spoiled food. The way of food contamination may be sick animals or sick birds, fly breeding, unclean utensils, cross-infection of raw and cooked food, bacterial contamination by operators, etc., or improper food storage methods, resulting in a large number of bacteria. In addition, food poisoning is also associated with lifestyle habits, such as eating undercooked fish or meat, which can cause hemolytic Vibrio infections. Summer is the season of high incidence of bacterial food poisoning, and the common type is Salmonella infection. Preventive measures are to cook food thoroughly, pay attention to the separation of raw and cooked, and pay attention to hygiene when handling food.

Food poisoning, caused by 5 types of factors, pay attention to the details of life to avoid being caught

The second category of food poisoning is plant-based food poisoning, which may have 3 specific causes, and the first is the accidental consumption of plants or processed products containing toxic ingredients, such as hemp oil. The second type is that the poisonous components in the plant are not removed, for example, raw bitter almonds. The third is improper handling, for example, eating too many pickles that are not pickled, or lentils that are not cooked thoroughly. Plant-based food poisoning, the lack of specific treatment methods, the main measure is to detoxify as soon as possible. The precaution is to increase relevant knowledge and not to consume foods of unknown origin or composition.

Food poisoning, caused by 5 types of factors, pay attention to the details of life to avoid being caught

The third category of food poisoning is animal food poisoning, there are two main reasons, the first is to use animals containing poisonous ingredients as food, for example, the use of poisonous animals to brew pharmaceutical liquor. The second is improper processing methods, for example, improper handling of puffer fish, which can cause poisoning. Some animal food poisoning, the disease develops rapidly, is difficult to treat. The precaution is to handle food in the correct way and not to eat poisonous animals by mistake.

Food poisoning, caused by 5 types of factors, pay attention to the details of life to avoid being caught

The fourth category of food poisoning is fungal food poisoning, the main cause of which is the accidental consumption of food contaminated with fungi. Fungi can grow and multiply in grains or other foods, producing toxic metabolites, and, by heating or general cooking methods, cannot destroy mycotoxins in foods. The prevention method is to carefully check the food and avoid moldy or spoiled food.

Food poisoning, caused by 5 types of factors, pay attention to the details of life to avoid being caught

The fifth category of food poisoning is chemical food poisoning, the main cause of which is the accidental consumption of food contaminated with toxic chemicals, or counterfeit and shoddy food containing excessive additives, in addition, improper storage of food, such as rancidity of oil, can also cause food poisoning. Chemical food poisoning, the onset of which is related to the timing and amount of food eaten, requires testing of remaining food, vomit, blood and urine samples to determine the cause of poisoning. The precaution is to avoid eating processed foods of unknown origin, pay attention to checking the shelf life of the food, and do not eat expired foods.

Whoever loves, pass on health to whom.

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