
Can the six presidents of Ukraine be liquidated after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? These four presidents may not escape

author:Mud-legged spectators

Russia is finally on its way! Under the constant encouragement of the United States, the outside world thought that Russia would not send troops. However, western countries do not pay attention to integrity and have not agreed to Russia's demands at all, and Putin will inevitably intervene.

Can the six presidents of Ukraine be liquidated after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? These four presidents may not escape

Recently, there has been a lot of media information about Russia's troops, but the Russian army has been stationed in the Donbass region, and some media data show that russian missiles have hit targeted targets, and airborne troops have landed in Ukraine. Russian troops have appeared in the Kharkov and Odessa regions of Ukraine. It seems that the countdown to the demise of the current regime in Ukraine has begun.

As for Russia's troops, some people think that Russia will merge Ukraine, and this possibility is not available for the time being. The Russian military may wipe out the current regime of the actor president and then establish a pro-Russian regime. As for whether it can be merged, this is Russia's next strategy.

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict will soon end, and after its end, Ukraine's fate will change completely. Today, Ukraine has created this situation, and no one else can blame it, only itself. Were it the presidents of Ukraine who took Ukraine into the ditch, and after the war in Ukraine, how many presidents of Ukraine will be liquidated?

1. Take stock of several presidents

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine has been the most well-off country in the union, with not only the high-quality assets left by the Soviet Union, such as heavy industry, shipyards, aircraft factories, and nuclear bombs. But in the end, Ukraine was gone, and Ukraine's national strength was constantly tossed to the present, which was directly related to the successive presidents of Ukraine.

Can the six presidents of Ukraine be liquidated after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? These four presidents may not escape

Let's start with Kravchuk, ukraine's first president after independence. Krishna can be said to be the first president of Ukraine. But Crafchuk was a pro-American politician at heart and a man who wanted to break away from the Soviet Union. It is said that he has no general relations with the United States, especially he has good relations with Bush Sr. and Clinton.

At that time, Ukrainians thought that if they followed the West, they would have meat to eat. But in the eyes of the United States, Ukraine is a dangerous country, because Ukraine inherited 1/3 of the Soviet Union's nuclear bombs, and the world suddenly added nuclear powers, which would be dangerous if not well controlled. So the United States and Russia joined forces to fool Ukraine into nuclear.

But the real destruction of nuclear weapons was when Kuchma was president. In 2001, Ukraine completely destroyed its nuclear weapons in Its territory. We are going to talk about Kuchma, the second president of Ukraine.

Can the six presidents of Ukraine be liquidated after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? These four presidents may not escape

Kuchma started the Southern Machinery Factory and is said to be a pro-Russian president. But Kuchma also has a good relationship with the West. In the eyes of the United States, it does not want a pro-Russian president on stage. Kuchma also cultivated some young politicians, such as Poroshenko, Tymoshenko and others, who entered Ukrainian politics during Kuchma's presidency. But these people are pro-Western politicians.

In 2003, in order to oust Kuchma, American son-in-law Yushchenko joined forces with Tymoshenko to oust Kuchma, which was the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine. After Kuchma stepped down, it caught Russia's attention. Because Ukraine is too important to Russia, if Ukraine turns to the United States and joins NATO, it is a direct threat to Russia. The Contradiction between Russia and Ukraine also began with Yushchenko, but it has not yet deteriorated and can be afforded on the surface.

Later, Ukraine's pro-Russian Yanukovych came to power, and he gave up joining NATO and chose to get closer to Russia. The United States was unwilling again, so it launched another "color revolution", which in turn caused riots. Yanukovych ran to Russia, and then Crimea changed and voted back to Russia.

Can the six presidents of Ukraine be liquidated after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? These four presidents may not escape

But during the ukraine riots, there was also a transitional president named Turchinov, who had been acting president for nine months after Yanukovych ran away in 2014. Turchinov was ruthless, and when he was the current president, he carried out bloody massacres in the Donbass region. Recently, the Russian security services said that they would prevent Turchinov from escaping from Ukraine, and they would arrest him and interrogate him.

Turcinov was followed by Poroshenko, a "confectionery tycoon" with American support behind him. This man came to power, further accelerating Ukraine's weakness. Because Poroshenko is an oligarch, he is inextricably linked to the United States. After he came to power, he constantly stimulated Russia, and it almost led to war. At this point Russia believes that the danger is coming again and that the Ukrainian problem must be resolved.

I thought that after the actor Zelinsky came to power, he would be able to handle Russian-Ukrainian relations wisely. But the actors still acted well, cross-industry work was simply not feasible, and eventually Ukraine once again fell into the American trap and became an American pawn.

Now that Ukraine has created such an outcome, these 6 presidents are responsible, but the biggest responsibility is Yushchenko, Poroshenko, and Zelinsky.

2. Whether it can be liquidated

The war situation in Ukraine developed rapidly, and Putin issued a "war document", which was very powerful. Moreover, the Russian military is very fast, and the Russian media is also very powerful, and air raids and public opinion warfare are mixed. The fate of the overthrow of the current regime in Ukraine is already doomed. Russia has prepared Zelinsky's plane to run away, and let Zelinsky run away in a Turkish plane.

Russia will not occupy Ukraine, but Ukraine will inevitably form a pro-Russian regime. After the birth of the new Ukrainian regime, can the previous ukrainian presidents be liquidated?

Kravchuk and Kuchma estimate that the possibility of being liquidated is very small, and Yanukovych has run away, because he is pro-Russian and cannot be pursued, and it is possible to return to continue to be a politician. But Yushchenko, Poroshenko, Turchynov, Zelinsky may be liquidated.

Can the six presidents of Ukraine be liquidated after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? These four presidents may not escape

Yushchenko's relations with the United States are not ordinary, Yushchenko has not appeared since the Ukrainian crisis, and it is unclear whether he can be in Ukraine. According to sources, Poroshenko ran to Poland, and the confectionery tycoon may have smelled of war. But recently Poroshenko has appeared again, and condemning Russia's use of force, it is not known whether Zelinsky ran away.

However, whether these 4 people ran away or not, reckoning is inevitable, especially Poroshenko has already been sentenced, and he has caused the most trauma to Ukraine. And it's also one of the people Russia hates the most. So Poroshenko will be liquidated and possibly wanted even if he runs away.

Although Yushchenko is pro-American, he did not create many problems during his tenure, and the possibility of liquidation is very small. Zelinsky, for his part, could be tried in absentia for war crimes.

Some people will say, and Tymoshenko and others, this woman is not simple, and wandering between Russia and the United States, what will be her fate?

Tymoshenko is also an oligarch, a former politician who has no role. It is not excluded that Tymoshenko has already run away.

Can the six presidents of Ukraine be liquidated after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict? These four presidents may not escape

3. A few points of reflection

Through the outcome of Ukraine, taking stock of the 6 presidents of Ukraine after independence, we will find a law: as long as Ukraine is pro-American, Ukraine will suffer losses. Until Zelinsky became president, he had no experience in governing the country at all, thinking that being president was like a play, completely falling into the pit of the United States and destroying Ukraine.

In fact, whoever becomes president will not have a good ending. Since Crimea's return to Russia, Ukrainian politicians want to say that it is difficult to be pro-Russian, so they have to walk on the pro-Western road, being used as a pawn by the United States and at the mercy of the United States. So the ending can't be good.

In this world, small countries are dead if they want to lean on the United States. The geopolitics of the United States around the world is obvious, in addition to suppression, it is to co-opt. Like Gaddafi, he knelt down to the United States, and the United States still let Gaddafi die.

One would argue, why aren't america's Western allies in this situation?

In fact, this is just an illusion, the United Kingdom is regarded as a hardcore ally of the United States, but the United States will still weaken the United Kingdom through Brexit and other forms. In 2022, after the truck driver demonstration in Canada, there are sources that the black hand behind it is pushing.

Not to mention the countries of the European Union, in the eyes of the United States, the European Union is the opponent of the United States. The United States cannot suppress it by means of war, but cut the LEEK of the European Union through other means. It also listens to global allies through means.

Why did the United States bomb the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia that year?

Don't think that the U.S. target is for Milosevic, the U.S. target is for the euro. The United States does not want the newly born euro to pose a threat to the dollar. So the United States is not so kind.

Western countries are now mixing with the United States, mainly because the United States is strong and has to follow. If the United States weakens, few countries will follow.

Through the chaos in Ukraine, we get a truth: never believe in the United States!

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