
The best camera for product photography

author:Global Shadow Hunt

#Photography Knowledge##Photography Tips##Photography Enthusiasts##摄影器材 #

Product Photography is a profitable, interesting and popular photography niche. The right equipment will help you capture those amazing shots that will be sold. So, today, we are going to take you through the best cameras to buy product photography.

If you're looking for quick answers, the most affordable camera for product photography is the Fujifilm GFX 50R. But we also recommend the other nine cameras. After that, we will provide you with an in-depth guide on finding the best camera for your product photography.

The best camera for product photography

10 best cameras for product photography

Product photographers make the most money in the world of photography. In addition to their skills and experience, they use expensive equipment to get the best results.

So, what are the most popular cameras for professional product photographers? Well, the answer depends.

Some cameras used by product photographers can exceed $40,000. Now, that's far beyond the budget of even the most enthusiastic enthusiasts.

We have listed the best options for beginners, professionals and experts in this list. This way, you can choose the perfect camera, regardless of your skill level or budget.

The best camera for beginner product photography

10. Apple Phone 13

  • 12MP
  • Macro functionality
  • Portrait mode

If you're looking for a camera to take a simple product image to sell on a website like Depop or eBay, the latest iPhone might be enough for your needs!

With amazing new features like macro mode, you'll be able to get beautifully detailed photos of some smaller items. Portrait mode is also useful for product photography, allowing you to separate your product from the background without editing the image.

Improvements in the way the iPhone camera handles zoom photos also help the iPhone 13 become the best phone camera for product photography.

The best camera for product photography

9. Sony a6400

  • 240,000 pixels
  • APS-C sensor
  • Sony electronic bayonet

The Sony a6400 may be out of the budget of some beginners, but if you're looking for a compact camera that's easy to use, there's nothing else to look for.

Of course, its impressive 24 megapixels give you enough quality to make great product images. However, its real advantage lies in this small but compatible product with sony's E lens series.

This means you can wear a nice telephoto lens for professional results. The best part is that it gives you an easier way to shoot, but using the same equipment!

The best camera for product photography

8.Matsushita Royi X FZ80K

  • 180,000 pixels
  • 4K video
  • Long zoom of a point-and-shoot camera

The Lumix FZ80K has a range of features that contribute to excellent product photography. First, it has the equivalent of a 20-1200mm lens. So, whether you shoot a wide angle or zoom in, this camera can cover everything.

The camera also has a rear focus function, so you can set the focus point after taking the image! It comes in handy with product photography, especially food photography. Your camera should be on a tripod, and it's easy to incorporate this feature into your photo shoots.

The Lumix FZ80K can handle 4K video. If you need to complete some product videos, this is an excellent feature. For all these reasons and the low price, the Lumix FZ80K is the best beginner camera for product photography.

The best camera for product photography

Best Product Photographic Camera for Professionals

7. Canon 90D

  • 32 megapixels
  • 45 focus points
  • Bluetooth

If you're looking for a camera that can fit on a tripod all day, the Canon 90D is the place for you. You can capture great product photographic images with professional features and excellent image quality.

Its unique Bluetooth feature allows for remote shooting, making it ideal for product photography. You can place the camera on a tripod while adjusting the product lighting and settings.

Every time you move an object a few millimeters to get a perfect image, it makes you don't have to go back to the camera, making the Canon 90D perfect for food photography.

The best camera for product photography

6. Nikon D850

  • 450,000 pixels
  • 153 focus points
  • Snap bridge connection

The Nikon D850 isn't cheap. But if you can afford it, you know what it can do relatively cheaply. Its 45MP sensor alone has enough resolution to compete with the most expensive cameras on this list.

So, what makes the Nikon D850 a great investment? The main reason is the image quality. Of all the DSLR camera options we've listed, it has one of the lowest examples of ISO noise.

It also has excellent dynamic range that allows you to recover shadows and highlights from your photos. Not to mention the 45MP resolution allows you to print large ads without any problems.

The best camera for product photography

5. Canon EOS 5DS

  • 500,000 pixels
  • Fast image processing
  • Dual-pixel, autofocus (AF) sensor

Many people know the legendary performance of Canon 5D. It has always been the DSLR camera of choice for most professional photographers.

5DS is an enhanced version of 5D. Instead of the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV's 30.4MP, you can get 50MP. It is 5MP higher than the Nikon D850.

The 5DS's high-resolution sensors are comparable to their mid-format counterparts. This means it can produce high-quality images that you can use for large ads in a smaller DSLR camera body.

Of course, it's compatible with canon's dozens of EF lenses. It makes it suitable for shooting with a variety of products.

The best camera for product photography

4. Sony Alpha 7R IV

  • 61 megapixels
  • Fast and extensive autofocus (AF)
  • 5 axis stabilization

When Sony released mirrorless cameras for professionals, many photographers changed. Why? Since the mirrorless options are smaller, they generally have more features than regular DSLR cameras.

That has changed a lot since Sony first launched its professional product line. Alpha 7R IV is the pinnacle of all this research and development.

The Alpha 7R IV is unique in that it has a 61-megapixel back-emitting (BSI) CMOS sensor. This low-light feature blows the Canon EOS 5DS and Nikon D850 out of the water.

The camera also has a built-in image stabilizer that eliminates the tiniest motion blur. This is crucial, especially since your product photography involves capturing the smallest details. In addition, for most professional photographers, its high price point is affordable.

The best camera for product photography

3. Fujifilm GFX 100

  • 1 megapixel
  • Autofocus (AF) phase detection

In 2019, Fujifilm released their first medium format mirrorless camera, the GFX 100. What makes it stand out is its design – unlike its medium-format counterpart. Instead, it looks more like an oversized mirrorless camera.

Although the GFX 100 is larger than a regular mirrorless camera, it is relatively compact for medium format. That's why it's perfect for outdoor projects and indoor shooting.

Of course, the cost of the body alone is very high. But as a medium format camera with a 100MP sensor, it's a big deal. This is especially true, as competitors can cost four times or more for their cameras!

The best camera for product photography

Best Product Photography Camera Specialist

2. Fujifilm GFX 50R

  • Medium format sensor

Can't afford the GFX 100? Then try the GFX 50R, a 50MP version of Fujifilm.

Of course, it's still expensive. But if you think about it, it's about the same price as many flagship DSLR cameras today. That's why this is an excellent entry point for those who want to try out medium format cameras.

So, what does the GFX 50R bring? First of all, you can enjoy expert image quality for a small price. Its medium-format sensor gives you depth and resolution that even the best full-frame sensors can't replicate.

The 50R also uses a smaller file size than the GFX 100, thus saving storage space. Finally, it has a compact body that is perfect for lifestyle product shooting and studio photography.

The best camera for product photography

1. Hasselblad X1D II 50C

  • Small for Hasselblad

You can consider the X1D II 50C, a direct competitor to the Fujifilm GFX 50R. It is relatively compact, has similar features, and has the same price point. Since it is Hasselblad, it also has some of the best lenses for product photography.

This is the considerate price tag for the body. But the X1D II 50C is very affordable, especially for Hasselblad.

If you buy a package with kit lenses, it can make you back a lot. However, if you get a lot of commercial jobs, the price is still manageable. So, if you want a high-end device, this might be the best camera for you.

The best camera for product photography

How to choose a camera for product photography

Product photography is a mixed package of various disciplines. Therefore, the photographic equipment you need ultimately depends on the type of service you want to provide.

Product photographers offer many services for e-commerce, social media, and advertising. Each of these areas requires a different approach. Therefore, the type of camera you get must meet the needs of the service you offer.

High and low megapixels

Are you interested in taking a photo for Amazon, Etsy, or eBay? You can use the less expensive camera body for digital use. You can even use the 12 megapixel option if you wish.

Websites don't perform well when dealing with large file sizes. If you use a high-resolution camera, you have to reduce its quality to upload images. That's why it's better to use a more direct camera and a fewer megapixels for network use.

But what if you want to take a product photo for printing? Then, it is crucial to buy a camera with a high-resolution sensor. Why? Because when printing commercial posters that are several feet wide or even larger, you need to maintain the fine details of the image.

The best camera for product photography

What camera features are required for product photography?

1. Manual mode

Each camera has an auto mode. But professional photographers don't use it very often because it can be unreliable at times.

Automatic cameras are still not comparable to the human eye. No matter how high-tech they are, they still make mistakes.

That's why photographers prefer full control over all aspects of photography. Manual mode allows them to do this.

What if you've never tried manual mode before? It's not hard to learn. Check out this quick guide on manual mode and you'll see.

Basic camera settings

When it comes to product photography, the automatic camera settings are not always accurate. So, if your device allows you to choose a combination of ISO, shutter speed, and aperture, it's still the best option.

This way, you get the right exposure every time. In addition, your camera should allow you to adjust the white balance to capture accurate colors.

Of course, the manual mode setting is also extended to lens focus. When using Auto mode, the camera doesn't always focus well on small products or low light. However, if you tweak everything yourself, you can make sure your main theme remains clear.

The best camera for product photography

2. Interchangeable lenses

Nowadays, smartphones and point-and-shoot cameras are impressive. However, when shooting a product, the built-in lens does not meet all your needs.

Why limit yourself to the built-in lenses when there are tons of other lens options that are explicitly made for different situations? After all, the photography of each product is different.

For example, macro lenses are suitable for small items such as jewelry. Meanwhile, the 24-70mm lens is ideal for lifestyle product photography.

The best camera for product photography

3. High resolution sensor

When entering the product photography work, check the number of megapixels in the camera. The larger the number of megapixels, the larger the file and the higher the print quality.

The higher your resolution, the better your ability to capture detail. In post-processing, the level of accuracy obtained from high-resolution cameras allows you to fine-tune edits better.

Another benefit of high-resolution sensors is the ability to crop very tightly and still print very large. More megapixels means more detail and less compression. More detail means you can crop more and fiddle with the composition without the risk of losing information.

The number of megapixels required

Many product photography companies ask about the number of megapixels in a camera. Any option with a resolution of 40MP to 100MP or higher is ideal for large commercial projects.

But that doesn't mean the best camera for product photography has to be 50MP or higher. When you're still starting out, it's doubtful that you'll get projects that require big print ads.

Your first job is likely to be online or social media. So, this means that even with a 12MP camera, you can produce great photographic products.

But to help you get better results, it's best to stick with the 24MP option. After all, they're common in most entry-level cameras anyway.

The best camera for product photography

4. High dynamic range performance

Product photography is ultimately all about lighting. Of course, ordinary people can take photos of the product anywhere they want to go. But what sets the work of professionals apart is how they create beautiful lighting around objects.

The best camera for product photography must have excellent dynamic range. In other words, it needs to capture the brightest highlights and the darkest shadows equally.

Determine the dynamic range

Every camera is different, so their dynamic range performance is also very different. So, how do you know which camera has the best dynamic range? Since you can't test every camera, you'll need to rely on reviews.

If the camera you choose only has three stops of dynamic range, then this is not a good choice. Why? Because when editing a photo, you may not be able to recover shadows or highlights. However, if it has eight or more block points, the chances of blowing out the image are reduced.

The best camera for product photography

What lenses do I need for product photography?

Even if your camera has a 100MP sensor, it doesn't make much sense if you have a useless lens. Remember, higher megapixels come at a higher price! Instead, it's better to use more expensive lenses with excellent clarity and resolution.

If your lens cannot produce a clear photo, it negates the resolution of the camera. Therefore, choose a system with a reputable lens. Thankfully, most camera manufacturers offer excellent options.

Check lens compatibility

It's best to consider the types of lenses you can buy for your camera. For example, does your brand sell premium macro lenses specific to your device?

If not, then this may not be the best option. This problem is especially prevalent when it comes to new mirrorless systems. Some of them have new mounts that are not compatible with lenses already on the market.

So, before you buy, do your research. Check that the camera you have in mind is compatible with the lens you need.

The best camera for product photography


When you start, don't overthink the camera that best suits your product for photography. If you have an old 12MP DSLR or mirrorless camera, that should be fine.

Don't spend money on expensive cameras, especially if you haven't experienced it yet. If you don't know how to use them properly, then taking advantage of all their features can be challenging.

So, take a moment to learn. The more experience you gain, the more you earn. As your income increases, you can buy a better device that works best for you.

Keep in mind that even the most experienced product photographer has experienced what you are going through. So be patient, because you'll end up there too.