
Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

author:Pan Jie said history
Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

Recently, a scene appeared on the streets of Ukraine, which made onlookers exclaim with anger and exclamation.

Some people found that former President Poroshenko had rented an entire convoy of cash trucks, lined up in rows, and dragged the cash he had saved for many years to move with his family to other countries.

How much property does the former "chocolate king" have to hold so many cash trucks, and how did he, who was once president, be angrily denounced as a "traitor"?

Next, let xiaobian lead you to understand the life history of the former president of Ukraine.

Poroshenko was born in 1965.

His father was Jewish.

Poroshenko's surname comes from his mother, along with a Russian surname, probably because his family feared that he would be discriminated against.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

His father was an engineer and later became the general manager of an investment company.

When he was a child, Poroshenko was a proper rich second generation, enjoying a carefree life.

His academic performance at that time was not satisfactory, and he often failed exams.

Under the care of his father's connections, he successfully entered a major university in Ukraine.

After graduating in 1989, the senior cadre quickly joined the Ukrainian Business Alliance and subsequently became an executive.

The young Poroshenko was very business-minded, and with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the country was in ruins, and the advent of a new era allowed Poroshenko to seize the opportunity.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

Light industry during the Soviet era was not well developed, and Poroshenko saw this business opportunity.

He began importing all kinds of sweets from the West, which was very popular with the locals and earned him his first pot of gold.

After becoming one of the first state-owned entrepreneurs, he immediately founded a large confectionery company and made a lot of money for a while.

Poroshenko, who had a lot of wealth, was not satisfied, and during his university years he was full of interest in politics.

He wants to have power, and only then can he have more wealth.

In 1998, Poroshenko joined a Ukrainian party through bribery, and through his own money-scattering behavior, he quickly became a member of the party and had contacts with many people in power.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

But even so, he was not satisfied, and within two years Poroshenko had formed his own new parliamentary party.

Poroshenko's ambitions with a party were expanding, but at that time, the Ukrainian party struggle was serious, the president's power was still strong, and he did not want to become the target of public criticism, but could only slowly accumulate strength.

So he climbed into the power of then-President Kuchma.

However, this was only his first step, and soon in 2000, Kuchma's power was impeached by the people and other political parties, and many people hoped that Kuchma would step down.

The cunning Poroshenko immediately broke away from the presidential camp, and he instead joined the presidential opposition.

In 2004, ukraine held a new round of elections against the overwhelming opposition of the population.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

Lawmaker Yanukovych, supported by the president, and Yushchenko, a member of the opposition party, engaged in a final battle.

The results of the election showed that the presidential faction won the victory and Yanukovych was elected as the new president.

Poroshenko's opposition party, not willing to lose, launched a public opinion offensive, pointing out cheating and demanding a new election.

They even led a large number of people to hold demonstrations.

In desperation, the authorities had to hold a second election, and this time Yushchenko won the election.

This action was also called the "Orange" movement by the media, and Poroshenko won Yushchenko's favor because he finally chose the right faction.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

As a result, his own position also rose, which also made his business bigger and bigger, and his wealth was also increasing.

By 2006, the confectioner was worth over 100 million yuan and had a fortune on the Ukrainian list.

As the candy business gets better and better, it has the title of "Candy King".

In 2009, Ukraine's then-foreign minister was removed from office for poor governance, and then President Poroshenko replaced him.

At that time, Poroshenko's attitude toward Russia was quite kind, and when asked by the media about Ukrainian-Russian relations and Ukraine's future development, he replied: "Our main direction is to cooperate with European countries, but Russia is still Ukraine's most important strategic partner." ”

With such sleek words, the sharp edge of the problem is avoided.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

After taking a high position, Poroshenko began to accumulate strength, while constantly using money to win over some domestic political leaders, opening up channels for his own candy market.

His confectionery company continued to expand and make it to Europe, and he himself became a world-renowned rich man with assets of more than one billion US dollars.

Poroshenko was overjoyed by the revenue of money, but he was still not satisfied, and since wealth had become the top of the country, he still had to let power do the same, and he was waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity for the president to make mistakes.

The reluctant former presidential faction replaced the representative with Yanukovych, and their regime conflict with Yukos grew.

The two oligarchic regimes in Ukraine have never been able to unify, and they are constantly fighting to win the presidency.

The sleek Poroshenko was circling between these two forces, and with the ability to meet the source left and right, the position was getting higher and higher.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

In 2010, Yanukovych defeated Tymoshenko and was elected as the new president.

As soon as he took office, he sent his longtime political enemy Tymoshenko to prison.

He was extremely ambitious and dissatisfied with the previous parliamentary reforms, so he changed the state system back to the presidential system.

The leader of the president and businessman began to sell state assets in order to make money.

His behavior was discovered by the people, causing a large number of people to turn to the streets and march.

This time, Poroshenko smelled the fall of the country's leader again, and he immediately threw himself into other parties to suppress Yanukovych.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

Poroshenko's power has been greatly enhanced, and his name is well known to the people of the whole country.

In 2014, Parliament removed President Yanukovych from his post.

In that year's election, Poroshenko, with his great influence, was easily elected president of Ukraine.

In reading out his oath as inaugural president, Poroshenko stressed: "Crimea is Ukrainian. ”

You know, the Russian-Ukrainian relationship at that time was very complicated, and his statement was also contradictory to his previous attitude towards Russia.

As a result, Russia is very dissatisfied with the new president.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

His election was an urgent hope of the people.

Poroshenko's previous image of moderation and pragmatism is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the people hope that he can bring peace and stability to the country.

After all, at that time, the Ukrainian people were in deep trouble, the country continued to be turbulent, the country was about to be divided, and people were very eager for stability.

As a result, the "candy king" who had high hopes was successfully elected president of Ukraine.

After Poroshenko became president, he brought his ability to influence the domestic power to treat other countries.

On the one hand, russia put up a posture of "friendly construction", and on the other hand, it flirted with European countries.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

You know, the reason why his candy company can do so much is inseparable from the support of European countries.

However, compared with their own small means at home, if they continue to interact with other countries in this way, they will definitely lead to their dissatisfaction.

And through his next moves, it seems that the president has spent all his intelligence on domestic forces, so that he is so incapable of dealing with national affairs.

Eastern Ukraine has been fighting for years to deal with this headache.

The president listened to the oligarchs and agreed to their own proposal for armed resistance.

Therefore, many oligarchs were no longer controlled by him after they had military power, and they stood against Poroshenko, and by the time Poroshenko reacted, it was too late.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

But the "stunned youth" insisted on depriving them of their powers, and one of the oligarchs named Kolomoisky led the armed forces to occupy his company in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

In the end, it was the United States that resolved the matter and forced Kolomoisky to withdraw his troops.

Since then, the president has become more dependent on americans, believing that with Americans behind him, he can fully handle any government problem.

As a result, Ukraine has completely fallen into the trap of the West.

After that, Poroshenko let go of himself, and his next series of moves were even more jaw-dropping.

His economic blockade of the chaotic eastern region has forced the people who had not turned against the state to be helpless and strongly demanded independent statehood.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

In dealing with crimea, he chose to remove local voting rights and remove polling stations.

Such a childish act not only hurts the people and money, but also does not achieve much results.

Faced with the country's economic difficulties, Poroshenko began to borrow money from other countries.

This led to inflation in Ukraine 10 times.

During his tenure, the Ukrainian people suffered terribly and the country's poverty rate soared.

According to the survey, by 18 years, one-third of Ukrainians had become poor households.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

In the face of the problem of the oligarchy in the country, the president had no solution, and he himself was the largest oligarch at that time.

In the five years of his leadership, the national leadership has been continuously pulled out of corruption by the media, and various scandals have emerged one after another.

Five years of rule had so disillusioned him that someone uttered such a phrase when electing a new president.

"Ninety percent of Zelenskiy was a disaster, but I voted for him because if Poroshenko were re-elected, it would be a disaster, and I'd rather bet on the ten percent chance."

In 2019, with Zelenskiy winning, the loser Poroshenko had to leave the field.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was trapped, renting multiple cash trucks to transfer cash, how much money he really had

As a businessman, during his tenure, he constantly sacrificed the rights and interests of the people to gain national interests, even if the public wealth can be ranked in the top ten of the rich list, coupled with his unexposed property, it is simply unimaginable.

And how much of this wealth was exchanged for the blood and sweat of the Ukrainian people, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

In the end, the candy merchant president was accused of trading with separatists and guilty of treason.

However, with the changes in the domestic situation, he was finally released again, and there was the scene at the beginning of the article.

Poroshenko, the man who treats the state as a commodity and buys and sells the interests of the people at will, will become an eternal sinner of history.

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