
1 to 11! Russia vetoed the Security Council resolution on Ukraine, China and India abstained, and the United States and Britain sanctioned Putin

author:Speak the world

When I woke up, the Western countries put several layers of shackles on Russia.

The United States is, of course, the one who picks the lead.

On February 25, local time, White House spokesman Psaki said that the United States will impose a series of sanctions on Russian President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov.

1 to 11! Russia vetoed the Security Council resolution on Ukraine, China and India abstained, and the United States and Britain sanctioned Putin

Immediately afterward, people from the American "circle of friends" went out one after another.

The closest follower is, of course, the United Kingdom.

On the 25th local time, British Prime Minister Johnson said that the United Kingdom plans to impose sanctions on Russian President Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov "immediately".

Notice Johnson's wording "immediately."

While sanctioning Russia, Britain also took Belarus with it.

The British Foreign Office summoned the Belarusian ambassador to the UK to condemn Belarus's role in Russia's military campaign against Ukraine, demanded that Belarus must stop supporting Russia, and noted that British sanctions would also apply to Belarusian individuals, entities and organizations that helped Russia.

What is the relationship between Russia and Belarus? Can a single sentence of "it will also apply" scare Poroshenko?

Britain was followed by Canada. Trudeau also announced on February 25 local time that Canada would impose sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin, Foreign Minister Lavrov and others.

Around the same time, the leaders of NATO member states held a special meeting in the form of video to discuss countermeasures on the situation in Ukraine.

In a statement released after the meeting, NATO noted that it would continue to provide "political support" to Ukraine.

As soon as the war between Russia and Ukraine began, NATO did not send a single soldier or pawn. The so-called "political support" is more like a statement.

However, judging from the information disclosed by the Russian side, this is not the case.

According to the Russian Satellite Network, the Russian military has captured a large number of weapons supplied by the West to Ukraine. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, these weapons include the U.S.-made FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile and the Imperial MBT NLAW anti-tank missile.

In other words, the so-called support is to give you guns and cannons, fight yourself, and bleed yourself.

After NATO, the Council of Europe also announced that the ruling suspending Russia's membership would take effect immediately: from now on, any Russian diplomacy and official Russian representatives will suspend their participation in the main organs of the Pan-European Organization.

To use a less accurate analogy, it is to kick Russia out of Europe.

In addition to sanctions at the national and international level, Western NGOs are also moving.

On February 25, local time, Delta Air Lines announced the termination of its partnership with Aeroflot. Aeroflot joined SkyTeam, a group of 19 airlines, of which Delta Air Lines was a member in 2004. Delta Air Lines reportedly said it would terminate its sharing agreement with Aeroflot. Previously, thanks to a partnership between Delta and Aeroflot, Delta could purchase tickets for its customers flying from Moscow, as well as Aeroflot to purchase Delta Air Lines tickets for its customers.

In the face of layers of sanctions increased by the West. Russia is not afraid.

On February 25, local time, the Russian Foreign Ministry commented on the sanctions imposed by Western countries on Russian President Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, saying that Russia will continue to respond to these measures.

Also on the 25th, the United States and Albania submitted the draft resolution on the situation in Ukraine to the United Nations for a vote. As a result, the result was: 11 votes in favour, 1 vote in reject and 3 abstentions. Russia voted against it and, as it was a permanent member of the Council, the draft resolution could not be adopted.

1 to 11! Russia vetoed the Security Council resolution on Ukraine, China and India abstained, and the United States and Britain sanctioned Putin

It is worth noting that 1 out of 3 abstentions was from China.

The abstention represents "China's decision on China's position based on the merits of the Ukrainian issue itself."

Only when something goes wrong does it know who the enemy is and who is the friend? Who is doing justice, who is pulling the strings?

On the evening of the 25th, Serbian President Vucic made a speech, saying that Serbia would not impose any sanctions on Russia. Vucic reaffirmed the principle of military neutrality in his country.

Also neutral is India.

It is worth noting that India is also neutral. India's foreign minister, Singh, said India maintained a "neutral" stance on the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine and hoped the conflict could be resolved peacefully.

However, the West is unhappy with India's "neutral" posture. It is no wonder that in recent years, India has wanted to follow the United States in a vain attempt to seek greater interests in the Indo-Pacific strategy; on the other hand, it has not followed the United States in the Ukraine issue.

1 to 11! Russia vetoed the Security Council resolution on Ukraine, China and India abstained, and the United States and Britain sanctioned Putin

Let's talk about your impressions and judgment on the next step:

1. This year's Mu'an Conference will be set as "getting rid of helplessness". Under the influence of multiple crises, Western countries feel powerless, lose control, and feel powerless to change the current predicament. As can be seen from the Ukraine incident, in addition to the endless sanctions, the West is indeed "very powerless".

2, when something goes wrong, you know who can deal with it. From the statements and actions of various countries, we can clearly see the true face of some countries that have spoken well and jumped very high before.

3. Do not fight unprepared battles. When Putin decided to send troops, he must have taken into account the reactions of the West: including not sending troops, including various sanctions. It is believed that Russia will, as always, respond to the sanctions.

4. Large-scale war will not last long, but a real ceasefire will take some time.

5. In the face of layers of sanctions, Russia's next life will be very difficult. Support from the East is particularly important.

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