
Do you like to shake your legs? What are the benefits of shaking our legs?

author:Not the paramita of pineapple

Shaking legs, a self-taught, but popular sport. In order to curb leg shaking, your parents or elders will always use the phrase "male trembling poor, female shaking poor" to stop your leg shaking behavior. According to incomplete statistics, 87.1% of men love to shake their legs, and only 63.1% of women who love to shake their legs.

Do you like to shake your legs? What are the benefits of shaking our legs?

Sometimes you are seriously reading a book or working, and suddenly find that the table does not stop vibrating, look down, your legs are shaking unceasingly, this action is more of an unconscious behavior of yours. When you take the subway, you see the people on the other side of the rhythmic shaking legs, which is also anxious and uncomfortable. However, although shaking legs is annoying, for those who shake their legs, shaking their legs has great benefits.

1. Shaking your legs can relieve stress

When people are nervous or anxious, they usually take some repetitive actions to ease the mood. For example: hand strings, rotary pens, rolls of school bags, clasp hands, and shaking legs. When you are nervous and anxious, some repetitive simple movements can give the body a certain stimulus, and the central nervous system will feedback it to the cerebral cortex, which plays a good role in relieving. Simple body movements can also distract the brain and distract people from the matter in front of them. Change the state of anxiety.

Do you like to shake your legs? What are the benefits of shaking our legs?

2. Relieves inattention

People are able to concentrate on studying and working for a limited amount of time. At first, people's brain nerves are highly tense, and with the passage of time, attention becomes difficult to concentrate.

When people have difficulty concentrating, they will involuntarily shake their legs, which is actually a means of alternating rest in the brain. "Shaking legs" is essentially a kind of wandering and slipping, but slipping can come back in time, which can effectively increase people's overall learning time.

Do you like to shake your legs? What are the benefits of shaking our legs?

3. Reduce the harm of sitting

Shaking the legs can promote blood circulation and alleviate the physical problems caused by sitting for a long time. Shaking your legs for two hours a day can burn nearly 200 calories. In addition, you can't tilt your legs when you shake your legs, which directly reduces spinal injuries.

4. Keep your brain awake

When you sit and read a book or study, you can choose to shake your legs to keep yourself awake, and shaking your legs is a stress ability that can increase the blood supply to the brain and keep your muscles and brain active when you sit still. In this way, when encountering sudden dangers, such as beasts of prey, or when it is necessary to carry out a surprise attack, the body can move quickly and will not be strained.

Maybe men shake their legs more than women, and it has nothing to do with whether they are poor or poor, but it is related to the division of labor between men and women in the hunter-gatherer era.

5. Shaking legs is also a disease

There is nothing wrong with shaking legs per se, and if you shake your legs uncontrollably, it may be a disease, the scientific name is "restless leg syndrome". This is a neurological disorder associated with iron deficiency and abnormal dopamine metabolism. Its symptoms are as follows: uncontrollable shaking of the legs, more intense at night than during the day, and even insomnia and difficulty falling asleep because of the shaking of the legs. If you have the above symptoms and cannot be relieved by leg movements, you should pay attention to it and go to the hospital in time.

Do you like to shake your legs? What are the benefits of shaking our legs?

In general, the benefits of shaking legs are quite many, and it is a blessing for sedentary people, but in public places, you must also restrain shaking your legs, otherwise it is easy to cause others to resent. We should pay more attention to the opinions and comforts of others than our own convenience.