
Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

author:73 Divine Cow

As a natural and healthy drink, tea has always been loved by many people, so it has become the second largest drink in the world after water.

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

"Chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea" is the Chinese's opening of the door "seven things", like to drink tea and tea many people, especially in their leisure time to sit down, brew a pot of tea to drink a few sips, there is indescribable comfort and comfort, which is a special enjoyment for many people.

However, among so many tea lovers who love to drink tea, how many people know how to drink tea correctly?

Some people drink tea to quench their thirst and moisten their throats; some people drink tea for social purposes; some people drink tea to enjoy the process of brewing tea; and some people drink tea to go with the flow.

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

But in any case, the main thing for us to drink tea is to feel the unique taste of tea, but also to enjoy the process of drinking tea and tasting tea.

In fact, how to drink tea, and when to drink it? There is no specific right or wrong.

But the premise of our tea drinking is to be comfortable and healthy after all, so if we like to drink tea, we must also consider the safety and health of tea, so we must remember this "4 don'ts" when we drink tea.

▶1, do not listen to false tea advertisements

Have you ever heard the rumor that "drinking tea can cure some difficult diseases".

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

It is this rumor that has deceived many people, which is excessive false propaganda and completely unbelievable. Tea is tea, which can only quench thirst and provide some trace elements for the human body.

It is not medicine, how can it be cured?

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

It is estimated that a few years ago many people have heard or experienced the scam of black tea, originally Anhua black tea is a good tea, the result is used by people with ulterior motives as a tool to accumulate money, the result is that many people suffer economic losses, so now if anyone tells you: "Drink tea to cure the disease"! Then I'm sorry, you can just ask him to leave, such a person is either deceived or has ulterior motives.

▶2. Don't forget to clean the tea set

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

At this point, we all need to pay attention to it, we brew tea, in addition to ensuring the quality of tea, but also pay attention to the hygiene of tea sets.

Some friends often do not have the habit of cleaning the tea set before making tea, which is not right.

Since the cup that has been brewed with tea will have tea scale, it will easily breed bacteria if it is not cleaned.

Moreover, the tea set that has been placed for a long time will also have dust falling in, and it is extremely unhygienic to make tea with such a tea set.

Tea sets should be carefully cleaned before drinking tea and tea, it is best to boil and sterilize with boiling water, and using hot tea sets to make tea will also be more conducive to the release of aroma in the tea leaves, so that the tea leaves will be more fragrant, which is why people who understand tea, before drinking tea, they must burn the tea set.

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

In addition to ironing tea sets and cleaning tea sets, buckets and hot water bottles filled with water should also pay attention to frequent cleaning, so as not to cover the dust or breed bacteria for too long, and when inviting friends to drink tea, if the tea set is not clean, it will be laughed at.

▶3, do not drink any tea

There are many varieties of tea in the mainland, which are mainly divided into six categories according to the different processing techniques, and some of these six major types of tea are not fermented, such as green tea; some are semi-fermented or slightly fermented, such as green tea and yellow tea; some are fully fermented, such as black tea and black tea (Pu'er tea).

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

In these teas, they all have their own unique tea properties, which are suitable for people with different physiques to drink.

Therefore, everyone should find a suitable tea according to their own physical characteristics, which is also the origin of the phrase "tea has no definite taste, and the palate is precious".

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

Therefore, drinking tea should be based on their own body to choose the right tea, rather than encountering any tea to drink, if drinking a tea feels uncomfortable, then this tea should not be forced to drink, you can change a type, until you find a suitable for yourself, or simply do not drink.

My old father drank tea for more than 40 years, but after the age of eighty, he quit tea, mainly because he was old, and he felt that drinking tea was fond of the toilet, and it would affect sleep, so he did not dare to drink tea.

▶4, do not replace water with tea

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

Tea is good, but you can't covet a cup. Although drinking tea can quench thirst, we can't replace water with it.

Drinking water is a normal physiological need of people, no matter who is inseparable from water, and drinking tea is a kind of enjoyment, so it is not advisable to replace water with tea.

Especially can not drink too much strong tea, because strong tea to drink too much, may have an adverse impact on the body, and the excessively strong tea itself is not conducive to tasting the aroma of tea, so when drinking tea, generally about 3 grams of tea, with 50 times the water is good.

All in all, tea is not about how much you've drunk, it's about knowing how to drink it.

If you want to think about your body, it is necessary to follow the scientific method of drinking tea.

Of course, the premise of a good way to make tea is that there must be a tea that suits us. So for the ordinary people, what kind of tea is suitable for us?

(1) Prices within the scope of their own consumer economy. (2) In line with their own physique and taste.

In such a large tea market in China, there are many such teas.

However, the fame of this type of tea is generally very small, although every place has it, but most of them are popular in the local area, and they may not be seen when they come out, and they need some tea to dig them out.

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

Sichuan's Xianwu Fengming and Guizhou's Fenggang Zinc and Selenium are like this, and the next time you like to drink tea, you can pay more attention.

▶ Sichuan - Xianwu Phoenix Tea

This is a black tea from Yibin, Sichuan, and it is also a local agricultural poverty alleviation project, so the pricing is relatively cheap, and it is a people-friendly route.

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

It is also a famous Sichuan tea - "Tianfu Dragon Bud", so the quality control is also relatively strict.

Because it grows in the alpine area above 800 meters, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the tea plant has accumulated a lot of nutrients during its growth.

There is plenty of precipitation here, cloudy and foggy weather, so the buds and leaves grow more fat under this condition, and the trace elements such as tea polyphenols are also higher than the general tea content. The appearance is tight and shiny, the surface of the tea is remarkable, the fragrance is charming; the brewed tea soup will emit an intoxicating fruity aroma, sweet and not greasy; taste a bite, the taste is very smooth, not only not bitter, but also slightly sweet, after swallowing the tea aroma will also echo in the mouth.

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

▶ Guizhou - Fenggang zinc and selenium

This is a specialty from Fenggang County, Guizhou.

Like to drink tea, remember this "4 don't", drink delicious and healthy

The local soil is rich in trace elements such as zinc and selenium, hence the name.

It still uses traditional techniques to make tea, retaining the natural taste of tea.

The dried tea is emerald green and shiny in shape, firm and full, and the tea aroma is fresh and charming, and the fragrance is elegant. The tea soup is clear and translucent, does not contain any impurities, the taste is fresh, the lips and teeth in the mouth remain fragrant, and the swallowing of raw jin is obvious. The bottom of the leaf is green and complete, and the fragrance is still there.

Drinking tea can not only moisten the throat and quench thirst, but also enjoy the tranquility and enjoyment brought by tea to yourself, but drinking tea should also remember this "4 don't". What other things you need to pay attention to when drinking tea, and what are the good tea leaves, welcome to share them, let's discuss together.