
Slowly like you, slowly grow old

author:CCTV News
Slowly like you, slowly grow old

Are there any such people around you?

Chronic, old soul, bad words,

Wandering in their own little universe,

Comes with an atmosphere of alienation,

The clouds and mist shroud you can't feel the pace of the ta.

The outside is bustling and noisy,

The opportunity is rare again, even if it is "only once",

They also adhere to the philosophy of life of fate,

Tepid and catchy!

Slow heat people, can you be there?

Tonight, let's talk about it.

"Slow Heat Man, Say So"

Slowly like you, slowly grow old


Because of the slow heat,

Often become a lonely person in public,

And so --

You can sift out a lot of unnecessary social interactions.


Under the offensive of enthusiasm, confidence and cheerfulness,

The slow heat appears gray and lackluster.

But people who are slow to heat know,

I am a low-key, sustainable mine.


Like to pretend to be calm to all people or things,

The small theater inside is very lively.

Slow heat people, sensitive tentacles, inward.

Slowly like you, slowly grow old


Slow heat people are best at —

In the rhythm of others,

Hum your own bands.

Unfortunately --

I warmed up myself, but the others left.


Before you actually act,

Slow heat people instead "fast" people one step.

This fast can not be exposed,

It hides in the mind and thinks deeply,

Ponder the various possible scenarios.

Over and over again, hesitantly,

Hesitant and repeated,

At the end, dragging the hind legs of action.


Walk into the fun field,

It is a drain on people who are slow to heat.

I prefer to be alone when I'm fine,

Gain steadfastness, satisfaction and happiness in solitude.

Slowly like you, slowly grow old


Slow hot people fall in love,

One of the natural advantages:

The battle line is elongated,

Blocked a lot of hypocritical likes.


Fall in love with slow-heat people,

One of the daily soul tortures to face:

Are we moving too fast?


Slow-heat people, I am afraid that they will not be in this life

Standing at the center of the world calling for love,

Stormy, fiery cooking oil-style feelings,

It will only exacerbate their uneasiness and suspicion.

Slowly like you, slowly grow old


Compared to love at first sight,

More inclined to love with the wind and rain, small fire warm porridge.

Time is the most trusted partner of slow heat people.


The behavior patterns of slow heat people,

The following lyrics are most accurate:

"Slowly like you

Slowly intimacy

Talk to yourself slowly

Walk slowly with you

Slowly I want to cooperate with you

Slowly give me to you

Slowly like you

Slowly reminisce

Slowly accompany you to grow old slowly

Because slowly is the best reason."

Slowly like you, slowly grow old

"Slow down, it's okay"

Life is moving forward, and people are running non-stop. Fast traffic, communication in a second, a hot and delicious taste... The connection between people also becomes faster in the accelerated rhythm.

Accept that a person easily breaks into your life, and also accept that a person pulls away quickly in your life. It seems to have lost a kind of patience that waits for it to come to fruition.

At this time, slow heat reveals its advantages and preciousness. "I will slowly come to you, just as / You slowly come to me", let go of the attachment to hurry, but instead have a lot of time, to calmly think about a relationship, to see the truth of their own hearts.

Slowly like you, slowly grow old

Almost everyone thinks that those who are optimistic about the action faction, who are born with self-familiarity, will have richer feelings, while those who are slow and hot are dull and poor. In fact, sometimes they are just not good at expressing, just take the relationship very seriously, need a long investment process, constantly evaluate in the mind, and confirm that it is worth it before they are willing to show their full self.

After all, in the values of slow-heat people, getting along is not "treating a lifetime as a day", time can see every face clearly, and long-term companions know every heart.

People who are slow and hot often have the reputation of "long affection". People who identify with themselves are often willing to give a lifetime of sincerity.

If you happen to be a slow-hot person, there is no need to doubt yourself, you are not losing the signal of the same frequency as the world, but just looking for someone who deserves to be treated sincerely in your own way.

Take your time and wait for your own spring blossom day.

Slowly like you, slowly grow old

Text | CCTV News "Night Reading"

Figure | Visual China

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Slowly like you, slowly grow old