
The man burst into tears as soon as he ate, what is this magical situation?

author:Together in Zhenjiang


The man burst into tears as soon as he ate, what is this magical situation?

Mr. Zhang from Wuhan

It doesn't matter if something is good or not,

As long as you eat it, you will cry!

What's the magic of it?

The man burst into tears as soon as he ate, what is this magical situation?

In the ward,

The doctor gave Mr. Zhang a bag of beef jerky,

Just chewed for a while,

The change just happened:

Cheng Mianzheng, director of the Department of Tear Tunnel Oncology of Wuhan Egger Eye Hospital, said after observation: "As long as he chews, the secretion of tears will increase immediately when he chews, and the secretion of left tears will be 3 times higher than that of the contralateral side." ”

In fact, the problem of Tears in Mr. Zhang's left eye has appeared since last year. Every time he ate a little longer, his cheeks would burst into tears, which brought great inconvenience to life.

According to the doctor, Mr. Zhang's problem is called "crocodile tear syndrome", which is closely related to the facial paralysis he has experienced before.

The man burst into tears as soon as he ate, what is this magical situation?
The man burst into tears as soon as he ate, what is this magical situation?

Dr. Cheng explains: "Mainly the fibers of the facial nerve, the fibers secreted by the innervated masticatory muscles and salivary glands go to the tear glands during the recovery of facial nerve paralysis, and they do not go to their original positions. ”

In the end, the experts through surgery to cut off the nerves growing on Mr. Zhang's tear glands and the symptoms have improved significantly.

According to experts, after the appearance of facial paralysis, if treatment is delayed or the condition is more serious, there may be sequelae of "crocodile tear syndrome".

The man burst into tears as soon as he ate, what is this magical situation?
The man burst into tears as soon as he ate, what is this magical situation?
Song Aiqun, deputy chief physician of the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said:

"Facial paralysis, like stroke, is a disease that pays attention to the timing of treatment, and the spasm of the vascular around the facial nerve leads to local congestion and edema of the facial nerve.

Only the sooner neurodegeneration is controlled, the better the later treatment effect. ”


Source: Look at the news

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