
Changsha Preschool: Focus on teacher education and deeply cultivate preschool teacher training to create a characteristic brand of Sanxiang preschool education

author:Morning Changsha

Red Network Moment Correspondent Wang Ye Yang Yanbo reported from Changsha

Changsha Preschool Normal College preschool education major inherits the century-old teacher education culture, continues the context of teacher education, since its establishment in 1953, has a history of 69 years, is a characteristic demonstration major in Hunan Province. Based on the reform of preschool education in Changzhutan, the profession cultivates high-quality compound technical skills talents with firm professional convictions, love for preschool education, child awareness, good humanistic literacy and sense of innovation, solid knowledge of education, good practice and comprehensive education ability, reflection and self-development ability, and facing the preschool education industry, engaged in childcare education, class management and social services.

Dark horse speed, thick accumulation of thin hair

On December 31, 2021, the 2022 "Chuyi Cup" Hunan Vocational College Skills Competition higher vocational college group preschool education professional skills competition came to a successful end. The preschool education major of Changsha Preschool Normal College sent two teams to win the first prize and the second prize respectively, becoming the dark horse player in the skills competition of Hunan Vocational Colleges, which fully demonstrated the students' solid professional skills and excellent comprehensive literacy.

The school is the standing director unit of Hunan Preschool Education Society, the vice chairman unit of kindergarten director professional committee of Hunan Teacher Education Association, and the Changsha Preschool Education Research and Training Center is located in the school. Since May 11, 2020, the Ministry of Education officially approved the establishment of Changsha Preschool Normal College, the school has developed with each passing day and the construction of preschool education majors has gone further. Over the years, the influence of preschool education and the social reputation have been rapidly improved.

Changsha Preschool: Focus on teacher education and deeply cultivate preschool teacher training to create a characteristic brand of Sanxiang preschool education
Changsha Preschool: Focus on teacher education and deeply cultivate preschool teacher training to create a characteristic brand of Sanxiang preschool education

Talent training, remarkable results

Focusing on the fundamental issue of "what to train, how to train people, and for whom to train people", Changsha Preschool Normal College has always adhered to the party's fine traditions and set up a pragmatic and enterprising benchmark.

The school set up a preschool education professional construction committee, fully carried out market research, after the field of off-campus preschool education experts and scholars, provincial and municipal scientific research unit researchers, kindergarten directors and teacher representatives, preschool education graduates and professional leaders in the school, teaching and research office directors, teacher representatives and student representatives of multiple arguments, formed a preschool education talent market demand as the guide, with the professional core quality training as the focus, based on Changsha and surrounding areas, facing the whole province, cultivating noble moral sentiments, children's awareness, A training program that meets the needs of social development and the cultivation and positioning of good education, professional and high-quality kindergarten teachers. In the evaluation of the professional talent training program of Hunan Higher Vocational Schools in 2021, the preschool education major was rated as excellent, and it was in a leading position in the newly established preschool teachers college and even the same type of college in the province.

Changsha Kindergarten College firmly grasps the requirements of preschool education teachers in the new era, focuses on the training goals of good teachers with ideals and beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge, and benevolent hearts, highlights the first standard of teacher morality and teacher style, refines the practical ability requirements of prospective kindergarten teachers, establishes a system of extracurricular activities in the classroom, builds a teacher moral inheritance model of "two generations of teachers and watches are shaped together", forms an experiential teacher moral cultivation education system, enhances students' sense of professional identity, honor and mission, and engages in the love, childlike heart, patience and patience of early childhood education for students. Ingenuity lays a solid foundation.

The school attaches great importance to the education internship, employment and entrepreneurship of preschool education students, the employment rate of preschool education students is 100%, and the employment of graduates every year is also very sought-after, and the supply is in short supply. According to incomplete statistics, 1 graduate has at least 3 units to choose from, basically achieved high-quality employment, and emerged a group of kindergarten directors and backbone teachers who can pick up the beams in kindergartens, as well as sunshine preschool educators who can start their own businesses and create preschool education brands, and the graduates have been unanimously praised by employers. Because of its good reputation, the annual enrollment of preschool education majors is also extremely hot, and the number of annual enrollments greatly exceeds the enrollment plan.

Changsha Preschool: Focus on teacher education and deeply cultivate preschool teacher training to create a characteristic brand of Sanxiang preschool education
Changsha Preschool: Focus on teacher education and deeply cultivate preschool teacher training to create a characteristic brand of Sanxiang preschool education

Highlight the characteristics and deepen the connotation

The preschool education major adheres to the position of children and aims at the pain points of the industry to run a profession. The first is to face the pain points of the ethical failure of preschool teachers, and take the two major core ethics of children's consciousness and professional belief as the basic positioning of talent training goals to build a complete talent training system; the second is to build a professional group with preschool education as the core in response to the market changes in the children's education industry and industry, and form a professional pattern of "big major and multi-direction". At the same time, in view of the serious imbalance in the gender ratio of teachers in kindergarten education and the lack of male teachers, Changsha Kindergarten College opened the first "male kindergarten teacher class" in the province in 2018, formulated a special talent training program and curriculum plan, strengthened the training of male kindergarten teachers in physical fitness, logical thinking, information technology, etc., and according to social hotspots, combined with current robot education, artificial intelligence and other projects, to create a male kindergarten teacher training program with unique highlights.

Adhere to the integration of kindergarten and school to educate people, explore the operation mechanism of preschool teacher training, and build a "double integration, double tutor" talent training system. In 2019, Changsha Kindergarten took the lead in establishing the Changsha Preschool Education Kindergarten-School Cooperative Industry-Education Integration Alliance, absorbing a total of 37 provincial demonstration, municipal demonstration, garden-based teaching and research demonstration and Hunan Provincial Nursery Education Demonstration Kindergarten, and hired 11 kindergarten directors, business principals and backbone teachers as part-time teachers, 26 kindergarten directors, business principals and backbone teachers as internship guidance teachers, and through gathering high-end high-quality kindergartens and first-line teachers in the province, forming a multi-school multi-park collaborative education mechanism, and achieving 100% of preschool education students. Off-campus internships are carried out in provincial and municipal demonstration parks to effectively ensure the improvement of training quality.

【Source: RedNet】

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