
Countless players break the defense! Three and the big god simulation of the "majority" in reality

  The Steam Festival kicks off on Feb. 21, with more than 600 games offering limited-time play versions, and one of those games, named "Most", is gradually catching up. Familiar with the noisy streets of the city, the unemployed homeless people watching playing cards and chess, the scavengers in the streets and alleys... Most of the scenes in the game make people feel as if they are downstairs at home.

  As early as the beginning of December last year, when the game was first exposed, this game has led to a lot of discussion, and this game full of "realism" has also made players complain, "Playing games is to escape from reality and enter a conceived world to experience, this can be good... Pull yourself back to reality", "I'm so tired from work, why do I have to go to work when I come back from work".

Countless players break the defense! Three and the big god simulation of the "majority" in reality

  But the data will not deceive people, although the players say "996 back to continue 996", but the body is still very honest. The game ranked first in both the "Hot Coming Soon" and "Daily Active Demo Players" categories of the new festival.

Countless players break the defense! Three and the big god simulation of the "majority" in reality

  Back in the game, the players are the "majority" of the society that make up the game, but the years are not quiet, you need to deal with the debts of your father, and complete the game under this "high pressure" indicator.

Countless players break the defense! Three and the big god simulation of the "majority" in reality

  Moving bricks at construction sites, delivering takeaways, handing out flyers, stealing batteries... In the game, you are often a three-way god-like character, who went to work in a big city and was accidentally killed by a car; the hard work of moving bricks was squeezed by the foreman for 30 oceans of unspoken rule fees; the money for injury and no medical treatment was paid, and finally he had no choice but to die of illness. These scenes have also become the source of players' defenses, and they have called out for a mentality explosion.

Countless players break the defense! Three and the big god simulation of the "majority" in reality

  Fortunately, the game also has a high frequency of NPC interactive scenes, including many scenes that can comfort the player, the sister in the ward calls you to comfort you, and the hotel aunt will help you penniless for free.

Countless players break the defense! Three and the big god simulation of the "majority" in reality

  Of course, there are also players who complain after trying to play demos, this game seems realistic, but it is out of touch with reality everywhere. The experience of honestly working to make money is completely inferior to cheating chess, slot machines, and being a poisonous dog, and everyone has become a utilitarian monster in the end.

Countless players break the defense! Three and the big god simulation of the "majority" in reality

  But more players feel that the future of the game can be expected, although the whole game process basically does not feel fun, but this is not a portrayal of real life! The Steam New Product Festival will also end on February 28th, and there are still 4 days to go, so players who want to experience it must hurry up!

Countless players break the defense! Three and the big god simulation of the "majority" in reality

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