
Chen Yiwen, a voice actor who became popular with Peppa Pig, although she is not very old, she is very thorough

author:Dubbing talent app

Did you remember such an anime image before? It's all pink, and although the prototype is a piglet, the image created by the painter's pen is cute, and the language and story are unbearable.

There is also the opening sentence that will feel a little magical after listening to it too much: "I am Page, this time my brother George; then my mother, this time my father..." This character is the protagonist of the British cartoon "Peppa Pig" that was previously popular in China.

Since the introduction of China in the past few years, there was no better children's animation film environment at that time, which caused a very warm response, this cute and lively Peppa Pig has also won the love of many people, and even among some flying children's age groups, there has been a huge popular trend.

Chen Yiwen, a voice actor who became popular with Peppa Pig, although she is not very old, she is very thorough

When this animation set off a boom in China, some people also had a strong interest in the dubbing of the Chinese version behind it.

After all, as an imported anime, Chinese dubbing is absolutely necessary, so that it can have a certain popularity and influence in the domestic children's market, and it is also convenient for people to watch.

So what kind of voice actors are behind this dubbing such a cute character? In fact, it is a new generation of voice actor Chen Yiwen, although she is still relatively young, but she has 8 years of dubbing experience, and the roles played are not few.

Chen Yiwen, a voice actor who became popular with Peppa Pig, although she is not very old, she is very thorough

Even though there are already representative characters like Peppa Pig, for her, she is still self-aware and shallow about the circle.

Despite her good results, she still tries to maintain her modesty and normalcy. She laughs at herself for being a boring person in everyday life, and can only feel the radiant happiness when she voices.

Chen Yiwen, a voice actor who became popular with Peppa Pig, although she is not very old, she is very thorough

Accidental entry

To say that Chen Yiwen entered this circle, in fact, there has not always been a direct purpose, but there are some "accidents".

Chen Yiwen is a native of Suzhou and graduated from the famous Tongji University majoring in television editing and directing, so she was not a pure science class in the beginning. Such a situation is really not a very favorable condition in the dubbing circle.

Fortunately, she has some talent, and 10 years ago, she accidentally participated in a dubbing. At that time, a Taiwanese idol movie was about to be broadcast on cctv6, but the voice of the heroine needed to be slightly greener and cleaner, and there was no strong Taiwanese accent. And it was this tentative audition, I didn't expect to really let Chen Yiwen give the interview.

Chen Yiwen, a voice actor who became popular with Peppa Pig, although she is not very old, she is very thorough

So from here, Chen Yiwen can also be regarded as officially starting the dubbing road opened up by mistake.

This road is not very good, the heroine in this work is actually a pair of twin sisters with different personalities, but all the dubbing work needs to be done by Chen Yiwen alone. And she has no dubbing experience at all, and can be said to have no experience when entering the dubbing studio.

Fortunately, after this, she met her own teacher and guided her to study systematically to a certain extent, so that she could walk a lot.

Chen Yiwen, a voice actor who became popular with Peppa Pig, although she is not very old, she is very thorough

Persistence and humility

For a "layman" like Chen Yiwen, if you want to succeed, you actually need unremitting efforts and practice to improve to a certain extent. Therefore, Chen Yiwen also adheres to this road to a certain extent.

In the four years after that drama, Chen Yiwen began to emerge, successively serving as a voice actor in dozens of TV series, from costume dramas to modern dramas, from martial arts films to romance films, as long as there is a role that can be dubbed, she will be willing to accept, and carefully study and figure out the character's personality and intentions, so that her interpretation can be closer to the role.

Chen Yiwen, a voice actor who became popular with Peppa Pig, although she is not very old, she is very thorough

She believes that "although voice actors are more passive, it does not mean that voice actors cannot be comprehensive." If you always set limits on yourself by fixing labels, you are not actually a qualified voice actor. ”

So even after the fire because of "Peppa Pig" in the back, Chen Yiwen still did not give up her efforts, and still insisted on continuous progress in such an environment to make herself more powerful.

Chen Yiwen, a voice actor who became popular with Peppa Pig, although she is not very old, she is very thorough

Summary: Although Chen Yiwen's explosion looks accidental, behind it is her own persistence and non-giving up. So in this circle, persistence and talent, as well as humility, are equally important.

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