
Character | Luo Guosen: a messenger of "fruit" rooted in the frontline of "three farmers"

author:Pingshan release

If every city has a word to match, then it must be "sweet" that echoes Ping Shan. This sweetness is the sweetness from 200,000 acres of fruit; this honey is the "rich honey" brewed by one person.

Luo Guosen, born in January 1966, bachelor degree, senior agronomist, is currently the director of the fruit tree technology promotion station of the Pingshan County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, the city and county science and technology commissioner, and has been rated as an outstanding village agricultural technician of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, the Yibin Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, and the advanced worker of the Pingshan County Party Committee and County Government.

At the first sight of Luo Guosen, no one can hook him up with sweetness, thin tall, dark skin, kind smile, this is the first impression given by Luo Guosen. Because of the years of running in the mountains and valleys, facing the hot sun and wind, Luo Guosen has exchanged the title of "black expert"; because he has been sticking to the front line and fighting unremittingly for decades, Luo Guosen has won the trust and love of the county's fruit farmers. From the ignorant "layman" to the "guardian spirit" of 200,000 mu of fruit, Luo Guosen has never stopped chasing his dreams.

Character | Luo Guosen: a messenger of "fruit" rooted in the frontline of "three farmers"

▲ Luo Guosen explained the knowledge of fruit tree management to the masses


With a passion for blood, dream of being a jingo iron horse

"When I was 29 years old, I went to the county fruit tree station, and at that time there were very few fruits in the county, and the main crops were red oranges, and the fruits were not the main source of income for the people. At that time, I planted a 'seed' in my heart, thinking that no matter what, I would make the fruit a 'rich fruit' for the people of the whole county. Recalling the scene when he first arrived at the fruit tree station more than twenty years ago, Luo Guosen was very emotional.

As the saying goes, "everything is difficult at the beginning", and Luo Guosen's fruit dream journey did not start smoothly. In the 1990s, as the red orange varieties aged, the taste, price and market became more and more unsatisfactory. This saddle Luo Guosen, during that time, the most visited places he visited were orchards and fruit markets, and he was determined to find a new way for Ping Shan fruit. After many investigations and demonstrations, the county began to vigorously develop limes, this fruit was once crowned in southern Sichuan, and entered the national market, once won the bronze medal of the Second Agricultural Exposition in China, with the reputation of "Ping shan lime citrus a heavenly house".

In the more than twenty years since Luo Guosen went to the county fruit tree station, affected by the relocation of immigrants and the market environment, Pingshan fruit has undergone "three major changes", from red orange to lime, from Cangxi sydney pear to yellow flower, golden flower, cuiguan and other varieties of pear, from pear to plum, this period of ups and downs, but he has always taken the dream as a horse, learned from practice, groped in learning, maintained full of passion, and unswervingly fought in the front line of "three farmers".

Character | Luo Guosen: a messenger of "fruit" rooted in the frontline of "three farmers"

▲ Luo Guosen went deep into the field to carry out technical training of "hand-in-hand", "face-to-face" and "intimate"


Tread every inch of land and draw a blueprint of hope

The wheel of time has run over the years, leaving behind sorrow and joy, and also leaving every footprint of Luo Guosen on the land of Ping Shan. In order to broaden the road of fruit industry development in the county, fruit tree experts and fruit farmers have preferentially cultivated an excellent variety from the original plum resources - Yinhong plum, in 2006 Pingshan began to try to plant Yinhong plum, in 2009 began to promote the development of this variety in a large area. After more than 10 years of careful cultivation, the county has an existing planting base of 120,000 mu of yinhong plum. In the unique sandy soil of Ping Shan, the mineral content is very high, and then superimposed on the subtropical climate of the Jinsha River Valley, the current red plum presents the characteristics of thin skin, tender and crisp flesh texture, tender and crisp taste, sweet and delicious. And because its fruit appears dark or light purple on the sunny side, like a shy girl, it is called yin red plum, and it is also called "half red" by the locals!

From scratch, from 0 to 120,000 acres, the hardships during the period are unimaginable, but Luo Guosen has come step by step. "When the red plum was first developed, farmers were reluctant to plant, and a fruit variety that had never been heard of made everyone feel bottomless, and no one dared to take the first step." Together with the township workers, we mobilized door-to-door, going door-to-door to do the work over and over again, first finding large households that were willing, and then being driven by the demonstration of large households. "After withstanding the initial pressure, everything did not work out. In 2018, due to the one-sided pursuit of yield by fruit farmers, the fruit of yinhong plum was small and the quality declined, and the phenomenon of slow sales occurred. "To solve the current difficulties, pain points, and blind spots, we must improve the quality and efficiency from the source of the base and improve the quality of the fruit." Luo Guosen worked hard to find the next direction of work.

During the period of poverty alleviation, Pingshan County hitched a ride on the "express train" of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the cooperation between the east and the west. Luo Guosen and the eastern Laiping agricultural experts joined forces to form an agricultural expert service team to transform the promotion of agricultural technology from traditional experience-based promotion to integrated technology promotion, providing a strong technical guarantee for the transformation of the Yinhong and Lee industries to improve quality and efficiency. The expert group also compiled the "Pingshan Yinhong Plum Standardized Cultivation Model Map", which adopted the "Zero Distance for Agricultural Technology Promotion" model to effectively combine the agricultural expert forum with the model map on the wall, so that the agricultural technology promotion time was shortened from 7-10 days to 1-3 days. At the same time, Pingshan has also innovated the "six unifications" standardized production mode of Yinhong Li, treating the "field" as a "workshop" to achieve unified variety strains, unified cultivation management, unified plant protection control, unified formula fertilization, unified supply of agricultural materials, and unified grading packaging. With the efforts of Luo Guosen and others, the quality and price of Pingshan Yinhong plum have risen year after year, with an output of 130,000 tons and an output value of 816 million yuan in 2021.

Character | Luo Guosen: a messenger of "fruit" rooted in the frontline of "three farmers"

▲ Luo Guosen and other experts compiled the standardized cultivation mode map of yinhong plum


Thickly planted for the people's feelings, waiting for happiness to blossom

Today's Ping Shan is not only dyed red by 120,000 mu of indigo plums, but also 30,000 mu of citrus, 20,000 mu of longan, 20,000 mu of loquat and 10,000 mu of small fruits full of fragrance for four seasons. "The way to the base link has been found, opening up the market is the direction of our next efforts, and the 'modern agricultural whole industry chain transformation model' is the development trend of agriculture in the future." Luo Guosen has outlined in his heart the blueprint for the future development of the fruit industry.

"In the future, the fruit industry in Pingshan will always have to be handed over to the hands of young comrades, and recently I have been wondering whether they can continue the burden of these 200,000 mu of fruits. Who will this baton be handed to in the future? Luo Guosen has been thinking about these issues recently, and he has less than five years to retire, and he must pass on his experience and knowledge to the young "guardians" as soon as possible. The word "inheritance" carries a responsibility, continues a feeling, and shows a spirit, from 1995 to 2021, from now to the future, Luo Guosen inherits the "heart of the people".

When the green silk was changed into frost and white, and the former handsome face became ink stained, I realized that in the blink of twenty-six years, the messenger of the "fruit" has always been there, and the future will not be absent.