
"Industry Tips" takes stock of the intelligent development trend of the hotel industry since 2021, do you understand it?

author:Hotel decoration

Advances in technology are changing the hospitality industry faster than ever before. What are the latest trends in the future of hospitality?

In China, the Internet of Things has not only entered the home, but also into the hotel rooms. From access to streaming services to room keys on smartphones, essential hotel amenities in guest rooms are becoming increasingly digital. Digitalization has improved the user's check-in experience, brought more convenience to hotel management, and brought greater imagination space to the future development of the hotel industry.

Now let's take a look at some of the trends in the hospitality industry.

"Industry Tips" takes stock of the intelligent development trend of the hotel industry since 2021, do you understand it?

1. Intelligent room selection

Just as you can choose a seat at an airport self-service check-in, guests also want to have the autonomy to choose their room. Nowadays, more and more guests are able to select the room number they want to stay in advance through the technology provided by the hotel or a third party before arriving at the hotel.

2. Intelligent control of the room

Digital controls for temperature, light, and power, such as the Nest thermostat, can be adjusted and programmed from a smartphone or other device with just the touch of a finger.

"Industry Tips" takes stock of the intelligent development trend of the hotel industry since 2021, do you understand it?

3. Voice control

Upgrading smart speakers, such as Tmall Genie, Xiaodu, Xiao Ai Classmate and other systems can support the handling of some customer specified requirements in the store. These systems allow guests to request service like a personal butler through voice commands.

4. Smart mirror

Many hotels are equipped with high-tech make-up mirrors. Guests can make up, shave or brush their teeth while watching the news, checking the weather, or using the concierge function to get hotel services.

"Industry Tips" takes stock of the intelligent development trend of the hotel industry since 2021, do you understand it?

5. Keyless check-in

Keyboard codes, digital room keys or apps on smartphones eliminate the need for a physical room key and simplify the check-in process.

6. Self-service hotel software

Traditional hotel management systems tend to be expensive and time-consuming to install. There is also a great test of the ability of employees when conducting usage training. After business exploration, the new self-service hotel app allows hoteliers to quickly and easily configure the tool, sometimes even to try it out for free.

7. Automation

Let the system handle "busy work," such as answering common guest questions and sending reports so you can free up time for more important tasks.

"Industry Tips" takes stock of the intelligent development trend of the hotel industry since 2021, do you understand it?

We're seeing innovation in hospitality technology that has been iterating rapidly. In the past, expensive technologies such as artificial intelligence and digital door locks have become cheaper than ever as technology matures and becomes more popular. At the same time, advanced payment systems and application capabilities also allow hoteliers and guests to have more new choices in booking, payment and experience.

While these may still seem like "trends" for now, they will become more and more common in the future. Especially after a new generation of young people grow up, as the indigenous people of the Internet, their requirements for intelligence are natural.

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