
James and the Lakers came to a fork in the road, the team affected the super Kobe Bryant, and Mei Ji listed 3 trading plans

What exactly is wrong with the Lakers and James, which has also become the focus of heated discussion in the NBA. Nowadays, the Lakers have to fight for the playoffs, the transaction particles are not received, and the reinforcements are blocked one after another, the prospects of the Lakers are not optimistic, and the contradictions between James and the Lakers management have also been exposed many times. There are even American journalists who have listed trade options, and the Lakers can send James away in the summer.

James and the Lakers came to a fork in the road, the team affected the super Kobe Bryant, and Mei Ji listed 3 trading plans

After James joined the Lakers, he quickly led the team to a significant change, especially the partner Thick Brow won the championship, which also proved James's ability. Today, the Lakers have formed a big three, but the effect is not ideal, and the arrival of Wei Shao has not brought positive changes, but has put the Lakers in a change. Now the Lakers, thick eyebrows hurt, Westbrook is a variable, and James's remarks have become a controversy.

James and the Lakers came to a fork in the road, the team affected the super Kobe Bryant, and Mei Ji listed 3 trading plans
James and the Lakers came to a fork in the road, the team affected the super Kobe Bryant, and Mei Ji listed 3 trading plans

For the future, James said that he wanted to play with his son in the last season, and around the Lakers trade, there were some problems between James and the Lakers management, and Pelinka issued some false statements without communicating with James, resulting in a disharmonious relationship between the two sides. In this case, James and the Lakers have indeed reached a dangerous point, and the team reporter also pointed out that now James's status in the Lakers is even more than kobe Bryant of that year, and many of the Lakers' decisions and ideas about him can only be "yielded".

James and the Lakers came to a fork in the road, the team affected the super Kobe Bryant, and Mei Ji listed 3 trading plans
James and the Lakers came to a fork in the road, the team affected the super Kobe Bryant, and Mei Ji listed 3 trading plans

However, the Lakers are not without their own ideas, and even USA Today reporter Sanjesh Singh listed three plans for the Lakers to trade James. These three plans include completing trades with the Cavaliers, Suns and Warriors, which is only a reporter's idea, but it can also be seen that James is indeed in the Lakers' situation. Of course, such a deal may not be very big, and James should not accept it.

Now, in order to solve the problem, James still has to lead the team into the playoffs, wait for the return of the thick eyebrows, and then attack the championship this season, only the results can solve the problem.

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