
Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

author:The flowers bloom for half summer and spring are gone


As everyone knows, the weapons and equipment of our army during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression were very backward, and many of the weapons were imitated by the mainland under insufficient conditions, and they could not be compared with the advanced equipment in the hands of the Japanese under the same conditions at all, and even compared with the Kuomintang army, there was a huge gap.

But under these conditions, a soldier, through his own unremitting efforts, created a miracle with a non-advanced firearm: 125 rounds of bullets hit 110 enemies, equivalent to the strength of a company.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

This person is Wei Laiguo, the sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who has climbed the Tiananmen Tower six times after the founding of the People's Republic of China to watch the ceremony.

First, the battle for fame

In 1946, the Kuomintang reorganized 54th Army launched a large-scale attack on the Shandong Liberated Area. At this time, Wei Laiguo was already a platoon commander in the Jiaodong Military Region, and his unit was responsible for guarding Langezhuang.

In the entire Liberated Area, Langezhuang is the intersection of many railways, and it is also the east gate of the entire Shandong Liberated Area, and it is of great significance to the entire Langezhuang to hold the Entire Liberated Area.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

As soon as the battle began, Wei Laiguo and others were attacked by Kuomintang artillery fire. It wasn't until the artillery fire stopped that Wei Laiguo had the opportunity to lead the soldiers into the sniper site.

Although the enemy's offensive was very fierce, Wei Laiguo not only did not have a trace of fear, but was full of excitement: "Comrades, we hold our position together, and we must not let the enemy pass us!" ”

He said and took the fighters to pose together, waiting for the enemy to enter the firing range of our army.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

Wei Laiguo had a total of 125 rounds of ammunition in his hand, and he had already made up his mind that he would use these bullets to destroy the enemy as much as possible. In addition to observing the enemy situation, Pan Yunting, the machine gunner beside him, also added a task to himself: to observe how many enemies Wei Laiguo hit.

Because most of the soldiers use weapons made by our military arsenal, the performance is not very good, not to mention the quantity of ammunition. In order to save bullets, the warriors waited until they were only 500 meters away from the enemy before firing.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

Shooting at such a short distance was not difficult for Wei Laiguo, basically every bullet could take the life of an enemy. Every time he hit an enemy, Pan Yunting would place a small stone next to Wei Laiguo.

The soldiers, seeing that Wei Laiguo was so heroic, were aroused by the will to fight, and sent out more fierce counterattacks to the enemy, so that the enemy could not move forward, and could only bombard our army's positions with various cannons.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

2. Specialize in commanding commanders

After the Nationalist artillery had stopped, Wei Laiguo and the others once again aimed their guns at the enemy. However, due to the long-term shooting, Wei Laiguo's three-eight big cover has already appeared stuck, and it can only be poured with some oil to continue to use.

What Wei Laiguo didn't know was that his presence had caused great panic to the enemy. Especially when someone around them is always killed by a blow, everyone is worried that they will become the next target. In order to stabilize the hearts of the army, the enemy commander quickly ordered snipers to snipe Wei Laiguo.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

With a "snap", a bullet hit Wei Laiguo nearby, splashing a layer of dust. Wei Laiguo quickly moved in the other direction, so as to avoid the enemy's fire.

Wei Laiguo looked at the enemy, and it turned out that a gunman was hiding behind a small mound. Taking advantage of the enemy's lack of attention, Wei Laiguo shot and killed the enemy on the small mound.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

The crisis in Wei Laiguo was temporarily lifted, but the warriors were suppressed by the heavy machine guns of the enemy army. At the critical moment, it was Wei Laiguo who stepped forward again and killed the machine gunner in one fell swoop.

The Kuomintang troops were frightened and did not dare to charge easily, and then hid in the trees and fields in an attempt to increase the difficulty of our army.

As everyone knows, this small obstacle did not bother Wei Laiguo, and more importantly, Wei Laiguo decided to use a small number of bullets to attack the commander.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

After careful observation, Wei Laiguo found a strangely dressed person near a large tree, still holding a telescope in his hand. Wei Laiguo thought to himself: Maybe this person is the same as the official. So he raised his gun and shot at this person, knocking him to the ground.

At this point in the battle, Wei Laiguo only had one bullet left. Seeing that the battle was nearing its end, Wei Laiguo found a difficult enemy.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

It turned out that one of the enemy soldiers seemed to be a sniper, and every time he hid in a very hidden place, and his shooting ability was excellent, he could not easily kill him.

"What to do? If he continues like this, he will definitely cause great casualties to the warriors. ”

Suddenly, an idea popped into Wei Laiguo's head: let the warriors raise their hats above their heads to confuse the enemy, and take advantage of the enemy's deception to seize the opportunity to kill him.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

This method really worked, and Wei Laiguo killed the enemy's shooting expert with the last bullet, which greatly reduced the casualties of our army.

In this battle, Wei Laiguo exchanged 125 rounds of ammunition for 110 enemy casualties, and was revered as a sharpshooter.

What is even more incredible is that Wei Laiguo has neither received elite training nor was he born with a talent for shooting, but has completely cultivated such a skill by relying on his own efforts and using ordinary firearms alone.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

Third, military experience

In 1925, Wei Laiguo was born in a poor family in Shandong, and his father suffered from a chronic disease and could not work, so Wei Laiguo did not have the opportunity to receive a good education.

When he reached the age of ten, Wei Laiguo was forced to work in the landlord's house, working like a cow and a horse every day, and suffering from hunger and beating. All these encounters, Wei Laiguo remembered in his heart.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

Finally, one day, Wei Laiguo could no longer bear this kind of life, secretly ran home, and never went to work at the landlord's house again.

"I couldn't stand it anymore, I had to be beaten every day and work from morning to night."

Wei Laiguo cried and told his father what had happened to him, hoping that his father could find other jobs for him.

"Well, go a craftsman and learn the mason's craft."

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

In this way, Wei Laiguo began to apprentice with the mason again, doing chores every day.

Just as the days went on like this, the Japanese began to invade the land of China, and Wei Laiguo became an active anti-Japanese element.

However, Wei Laiguo's uncle was the Eighth Route Army, so there were often Japanese puppet soldiers who came to the house to ask for people, and also threatened their grandfather and father. After a long time, Wei Laiguo decided to follow his uncle's example and join the army to resist Japan.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

At first, Wei Laiguo's mother did not agree with this practice, she was worried about her son's safety, and she did not want her son to leave the house.

"Now that the Japanese are so bullied Chinese, it is not necessarily better to stay at home, it is better to go to the battlefield to fight the devils."

After some persuasion from Wei Laiguo, the mother finally agreed to her son's request to join the army. When Wei Laiguo was 16 years old, he left his hometown and became a true soldier of the Eighth Route Army.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

Fourth, practice shooting hard

When he was just a soldier, Wei Laiguo received a gun and two bullets. In the face of such a precious bullet, Wei Laiguo was not willing to practice shooting with live ammunition, and every time he posed to imitate the appearance of the real shooting.

In 1943, the Eighth Route Army received information that the Japanese puppet army wanted to grab grain, so it sent Wei Laiguo's unit to protect the grain.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

This was Wei Laiguo's first actual combat shot, but the result was not ideal, and the two bullets did not hit the enemy.

It was also after this battle that Wei Laiguo practiced his shooting skills even harder, getting up every day before dawn and often asking his predecessors for shooting experience.

In 1944, Wei Laiguo and others were ordered to attack Longsu Island. During the battle, Wei Killed several enemy troops, including a squad leader.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

With the accumulation of hard practice and actual combat, Wei Laiguo's shooting skills improved by leaps and bounds, and finally created a record of one person killing a company.

After the battle of fame, Wei Laiguo was promoted to company commander and led all the soldiers of the company to practice shooting skills.

In 1947, Wei Laiguo repelled the main Kuomintang forces with a full-scale battle, withstanding an attack 60 times more than our own.

In this battle, Wei Laiguo killed 92 enemy troops with 140 rounds of ammunition, and the whole company killed 202 enemy people with 265 rounds of ammunition.

Wei Laiguo: The sharpshooter praised by Chairman Mao, who destroyed a company by one person and climbed the Tiananmen Tower 6 times

It was with such achievements that Wei Laiguo became a sharpshooter personally praised by Chairman Mao, and even ascended to Tiananmen Square six times to watch the ceremony. But Wei Laiguo was able to become a sharpshooter not only by design skills, but also by careful observation of the battlefield and the ability to respond to unexpected situations.

Since then, Wei Laiguo has participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and continues to serve in the army, and in 2014, wei Laiguo passed away at the age of 90, paying tribute to him!