
Barkley: I think James has the most incredible career under pressure!

NBA star Charles Barkley recently commented on Lakers forward LeBron James on the live broadcast of the All-Star Game.

Barkley: I think James has the most incredible career under pressure!

Asked if he had foreseen James having such a career in 2003, Barkley said: "No, I didn't expect it. But I'll say it. I think he has the most incredible career under pressure. Since joining the league at the age of 18, he has never been arrested, never embarrassed himself or his family, and he has long been the league's best player. In today's society, everyone is trying to destroy you, especially through the Internet. I've said these things before, not just now, I think he's had the most incredible career, from an 18-year-old kid who went to the NBA, to being one of the few 5 to 10 of the greatest players in the history of the league, and they've never come close to getting themselves into trouble, and in today's society, I think that's amazing. ”

Barkley: I think James has the most incredible career under pressure!

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