
Why do people elder the human spot? Can erythromycin ointment remove age spots? This article tells you the truth

author:Dr. Duan talks about health

Erythromycin ointment is a family medicine, I believe that every household in the small medicine box always has the figure of erythromycin ointment, as an over-the-counter drug, the price of erythromycin ointment is very cheap, only need a few yuan to buy a "universal ointment".

Erythromycin ointment is a common drug for the treatment of pustular and purulent skin inflammation, small area burns, ulcers, face infections, etc. Due to the cheap price of erythromycin ointment, pharmacy clerks will generally place it in the most inconspicuous corner, whether it is finger burns or mosquito bites, insisting on applying erythromycin ointment, can effectively relieve the itching sensation of the body and reduce the breeding of fungi.

Why do people elder the human spot? Can erythromycin ointment remove age spots? This article tells you the truth

The efficacy of erythromycin ointment is very powerful, some people say that erythromycin ointment can also effectively eliminate the production of elderly spots, is this reasonable? Can the growing age spots really be easily improved with erythromycin ointment? This article tells you the truth.

Why do people elder the human spot?

Elderly spots, also known as seborrheic keratosis, is a common benign tumor of the epidermis, mostly seen in the elderly over 40 years old, the age of disease will increase with age, elderly spots belong to the basal cell papilloma, mostly occur in the trunk, head and neck, the cause of elderly spots and skin aging, genetics, genetic mutations, viral infections, ultraviolet radiation related.

Why do people elder the human spot? Can erythromycin ointment remove age spots? This article tells you the truth

【Decreased cell metabolism】

When the human body enters the old age stage, due to the reduction of cellular metabolic function, fat and oxygen content rapidly reduce subcutaneous pigmentation, blood flow slows down, can not timely discharge melanin out of the body, pigment spots deposited in the epidermis will form age spots.

【Decreased enzyme activity】

With age, the enzyme activity in the elderly gradually decreases, including antioxidant SOD, which will lead to an increase in free radicals in the body, and long-term development will also cause free radicals to oxidize the elderly.

【Ultraviolet radiation】

In the case of sufficient sun, ultraviolet radiation capacity is strong, SK content is greatly improved, ultraviolet rays have great radiation to the skin of the human body, long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation will be aggravated, damage to the skin will also induce melasma and age spots.

Why do people elder the human spot? Can erythromycin ointment remove age spots? This article tells you the truth

【Genetic Factors】

The generation of elderly spots is related to genetic factors, if both parents have elderly spots, then the probability of children inheriting old age spots will also be greatly improved.

In addition to genetic factors that cause the production of elderly spots in the human body, when the body's SK is damaged or genetically mutated, it will also increase the production of elderly spots.

Can erythromycin ointment remove age spots?

As an antibacterial drug, although erythromycin has the effect of eliminating skin inflammation, it is not suitable for direct removal of age spots.

The production of elderly spots is related to genetic factors and skin aging, because each person's sensitivity to erythromycin drugs is different, some people use erythromycin ointment, which can effectively eliminate acne marks and acne on the face, and some people will have a great allergic reaction to erythromycin ointment.

Why do people elder the human spot? Can erythromycin ointment remove age spots? This article tells you the truth

Long-term use of erythromycin ointment to apply to the face, due to the fragility of the cuticle of the facial skin, the skin is prone to dryness, molting, dehydration.

The use of erythromycin ointment to remove old age spots belongs to the Internet rumors, no scientific basis, thin skin stratum corneum, people with severe allergies to erythromycin ointment are best not to try easily, want to eliminate old age spots, must use the safest and most scientific method.

Timely supplementation of vitamin E, frequent massage of facial skin, appropriate medical beauty projects, eat more foods containing natural estrogens, develop the good habit of drinking more water, help you effectively eliminate elderly spots, maintain skin health.

In which case it is not suitable to use erythromycin ointment

1. Severe allergy to erythromycin

Although the use of erythromycin ointment is extensive, but the drug is three points of toxicity, erythromycin ointment is not a panacea, some people with severe allergies to erythromycin are not suitable for spitting, otherwise it will induce serious drug allergic reactions.

Why do people elder the human spot? Can erythromycin ointment remove age spots? This article tells you the truth

2. It is not recommended to use sensitive areas

Erythromycin ointment belongs to the class of antibiotic drugs, has a strong elimination effect on inflammation, more intimate and sensitive parts, such as the mucosa of the eyes and nose, female genitalia, male genitalia are not suitable for applying erythromycin ointment, so as not to bring harm to the body.

3. Large-scale trauma

Erythromycin ointment for healing of small area burns and ulcer surfaces is not recommended for patients with large burns, and blind use will only increase the chance of local infection.

Erythromycin also has a strong acne effect, people who often have acne insist on using erythromycin ointment, apply twice a day, about 3 to 5 days, red acne marks can be easily eliminated.

Why do people elder the human spot? Can erythromycin ointment remove age spots? This article tells you the truth

Such a common family essential drug, friends in front of the screen, do you know other uses of erythromycin ointment? Share it in the comments section below.

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