
Western 985 Western Institute of Technology settled in Tongzhou, Beijing, layout research institute, South Polytechnic next to each other

author:Chart exploration

At the 2022 Beijing City Sub-Center Investment and Major Project Conference, it was proposed to start the construction of the Beijing Research Institute of Northwestern Polytechnical University and the Tongzhou Financial Development and Talent Training Base of Tsinghua University. This means that after waiting for 3 years, the Beijing Research Institute of Northwestern Polytechnical University, the 985 university in Shaanxi, is about to land, and is expected to start construction in 2022, and become neighbors with the Nanjing University of Science and Technology project!

Western 985 Western Institute of Technology settled in Tongzhou, Beijing, layout research institute, South Polytechnic next to each other

The predecessor of Northwestern Polytechnical University was Northwestern United University, which was born during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, when Northwestern Union University and Southwest Union University were equally famous. Southwest United University is composed of Tsinghua University, Peking University and Nankai University; Northwest Union University is also composed of a number of cattle schools, including the current Tianjin University, China University of Mining and Technology, Northeastern University, and 1 university from Beijing, Beiping University. Like Southwest United University, as a temporary university alliance, after the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, they were re-established, only Peking University did not succeed in resuming, and the current historical inheritance was inherited by Northwestern Polytechnical University, in a sense, Northwestern Polytechnical University is a university from Beijing. The establishment of the Beijing Research Institute by Northwestern Polytechnical University this time also has a taste of returning to the ancestral land!

Western 985 Western Institute of Technology settled in Tongzhou, Beijing, layout research institute, South Polytechnic next to each other

As early as October 2019, Northwestern Polytechnical University signed an agreement with Beijing Tongzhou District to prepare for the construction of the Beijing Research Institute. According to the data at the time, the research institute focused on the fields of three airlines, network security, unmanned systems, and intelligent manufacturing. The address of Northwestern Polytechnical University in Beijing, located in the east of the National Cyber Security Industrial Park (Tongzhou), will also be inclined to such a professional as network security!

Western 985 Western Institute of Technology settled in Tongzhou, Beijing, layout research institute, South Polytechnic next to each other

The specific address of Beijing Research Institute is located in the National Cyber Security Park, Xiji Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing, with a construction land scale of about 30 mu and a construction land scale of 20,326 square meters, which is the core plot of land in the National Cyber Security Park. But despite this, the scale of the Beijing Research Institute is still a little small, after all, Beijing belongs to the place of land and gold, and it is not easy to squeeze out 30 acres of land in the sub-center of Beijing City, and Tongzhou District will also give certain financial support in the early stage of the operation of the Beijing Research Institute!

Western 985 Western Institute of Technology settled in Tongzhou, Beijing, layout research institute, South Polytechnic next to each other

It is worth mentioning that this is already the eighth off-site research institution in the layout of Northwestern Polytechnical University. Due to the serious brain drain of well-known universities in the west in recent years, it is called peacock southeast flying, and the most serious phenomenon is Lanzhou University, but this situation also exists in Northwestern Polytechnical University. As a countermeasure, Northwestern Polytechnical University has laid out 7 off-site research institutes across the country in a few years, namely Qingdao Research Institute, Jiangsu Taicang Yangtze River Delta Research Institute, Shanghai Collaborative Innovation Center, Zhejiang Ningbo Research Institute, Guangdong Shenzhen Research Institute, Chongqing Science and Technology Innovation Center, and Beijing Research Institute is already the eighth off-site research institute in northwestern polytechnical university layout. Of course, the biggest move of Northwestern Polytechnical University is still in Taicang, which is under construction in Taicang, which can easily dock with the Yangtze River Delta region. However, the status of the Beijing Research Institute is also very important, and it can radiate the whole country from a high position.

Western 985 Western Institute of Technology settled in Tongzhou, Beijing, layout research institute, South Polytechnic next to each other

According to the relevant planning, the 0060 plot of land auctioned by Xigong University and the Nanjing University of Science and Technology that auctioned 0052 plot live next to each other, and these two well-known universities are members of the seven sons of national defense and have more exchanges with each other. If you add the other two members of the National Defense Seven Sons in Beijing, Beijing Institute of Technology and Beihang University, then it is the four sons of National Defense gathered in Beijing!

Western 985 Western Institute of Technology settled in Tongzhou, Beijing, layout research institute, South Polytechnic next to each other

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