
At home, teach you to make fragrant pepper salt pig's trotters, caramelized meat tender, delicious relief, eat once also want to eat

author:No.1 Food Mansion

"Gourmet Hidden Head"

Fragrant light full of spring breeze,

Spicy hand evenly pink,

Pepper plate to celebrate the birthday of the guests,

Salt in the fun of entertainment really,

Pig blood full of wind and strength,

There is the rest of your life in your hooves.

——No.1 Gourmet Mansion

At home, teach you to make fragrant pepper salt pig's trotters, caramelized meat tender, delicious relief, eat once also want to eat

In our daily lives,

I believe that many people should be familiar with the ingredient of pig's trotters.

Although we usually cook the main body of this ingredient into pork knuckle soup,

But for some culinary enthusiasts,

If you have mastered some methods of braising or brine,

In fact, the finished dish about this ingredient should be the existence of people who love it.

At home, teach you to make fragrant pepper salt pig's trotters, caramelized meat tender, delicious relief, eat once also want to eat

Take this chili salt pig's trotter shared today,

In the first half of the book, the author uses the operation method of brine pig's trotters,

Just to make the natural taste of pig's trotters more tender and fragrant,

And in the second half,

In order to make this food more flavorful,

Deliberately blended with spicy flavor of pepper and salt characteristics,

Then after frying and sautéing,

You can produce a delicious taste with a scorched leather texture.

If you are also interested in today's chili salt pig's trotters,

Let's take a look at how it's cooked.

At home, teach you to make fragrant pepper salt pig's trotters, caramelized meat tender, delicious relief, eat once also want to eat

【Food name】:Fragrant chili salt pig's trotters.

【Preparation ingredients】: 2 pounds of pre-chopped pork trotters, 30 peppercorns, 4 dried peppers, 3 green onions, 4 slices of ginger, 3 spoons of cooking wine, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 2 spoons of soy sauce, 2 spoons of dark soy sauce, 5 rock sugar, 1g of salt and chicken essence, 2 star anise, 2 pieces of cinnamon, 3 pieces of fragrant leaves, 3 grams of pepper salt powder, 20g of breadcrumbs, a little minced shallot ginger and garlic.

At home, teach you to make fragrant pepper salt pig's trotters, caramelized meat tender, delicious relief, eat once also want to eat

Step 1: First, put the prepared pig's trotters into a 350ml pot of water, boil on high heat for seven minutes and then remove and set aside.

At home, teach you to make fragrant pepper salt pig's trotters, caramelized meat tender, delicious relief, eat once also want to eat

Step 2: Prepare a pressure cooker, add the boiled pig's trotters in turn, and the water flush with the pig's trotters, ginger slices, green onions, star anise, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, cooking wine, oyster sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, rock sugar, salt, stir a few times, cover, simmer for 25 minutes. For this step, the pressure cooker is just to make the pig's trotters soft rot faster, if there is no high pressure ditch at home, the ordinary saucepan can be simmered for 45-50 minutes.

At home, teach you to make fragrant pepper salt pig's trotters, caramelized meat tender, delicious relief, eat once also want to eat

Step 3: Add 150ml of cooking oil to the pot, turn the oil to low heat, clamp the dried pig's trotters into the pot one by one, fry them appropriately until the surface is golden and dry, and fish out the oil control. Because the previous pig's trotters have been marinated and cooked, the frying time does not need to be too long, about five minutes or so to remove the oil control.

At home, teach you to make fragrant pepper salt pig's trotters, caramelized meat tender, delicious relief, eat once also want to eat

Step 4: Finally add a little oil to the pot, pour 50% of the oil temperature into the green onion, ginger and garlic, dry pepper segments and fry the aroma, and then add pepper salt, chicken essence, bread chaff and fried pig's trotters in turn, stir-fry again for about a minute and a half to taste.

At home, teach you to make fragrant pepper salt pig's trotters, caramelized meat tender, delicious relief, eat once also want to eat

Compared to today's cuisine,

Do you think his method is relatively simple?

If you really like this delicacy today,

Try it yourself at home.

At home, teach you to make fragrant pepper salt pig's trotters, caramelized meat tender, delicious relief, eat once also want to eat

Then today's cuisine will be shared here, if there is still something you don't understand, you can also chat privately with the author. This article is personally original by No. 1 Food Mansion, welcome to like, collect, pay attention to, comment Oh, we will not see tomorrow.