
An important factor affecting the jadeite head | the 1565th lesson of Bihong Jade

There is a saying in the jade world: the layman looks at the color, and the insider looks at the seed. The value of planting water to jadeite has always had an extremely important influence and role.

An important factor affecting the jadeite head | the 1565th lesson of Bihong Jade

Among them, for the water head, I believe that most of the jade friends also have some understanding, it refers to the transparency and purity of jadeite, generally good permeability can be called "water head foot", poor is called "water head short".

An important factor affecting the jadeite head | the 1565th lesson of Bihong Jade

So, what about anything else? Have you ever thought about what factors would affect it? Let's take a look at it today

First of all, the "species" that is often referred to as "planting water" with the head of the water is very much related to it. Generally, when the jadeite species is old enough and thin enough, that is, the mineral crystal particles inside it are small enough, and the combination between the particles is dense enough, the reflection refraction of the light in the interior is sufficient, the better the water head, and the surface looks more and more crystal clear.

An important factor affecting the jadeite head | the 1565th lesson of Bihong Jade

Secondly, when the "ground" of jadeite is better and purer, that is, the fewer jadeite companions such as cotton and imperfections, and the smaller the distribution, the better the jadeite head tends to be.

In addition to "species" and "ground", the "color" of jadeite will actually affect its water head. Generally, the colorless transparent look is more vivid and transparent than the color thick and dark.

An important factor affecting the jadeite head | the 1565th lesson of Bihong Jade

Of course, this does not mean that the dark jadeite must be worse than the light color of the water head, because the jadeite may only exist in the "color pressure species" situation, that is, the rich color overshadows the planting water, resulting in the planting water looks less obvious and ice-permeable, but the actual lighting observation is quite delicate and transparent.

In addition, manual cutting, polishing, polishing and other related "work" situations will also have a certain impact on the jadeite head. In general, the more exquisite the cutting, the more delicate the polishing, and the more precise the curvature of the jadeite, the better the water head and the stronger the surface gloss.

An important factor affecting the jadeite head | the 1565th lesson of Bihong Jade

It is clear that the factors affecting the jadeite head do not mean that we can judge the value of jadeite from these aspects alone, and the process of purchasing jadeite still needs to integrate all aspects of the factors.

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