
50 cognitive misunderstandings that Musk forwarded and 400,000 likes

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Just after the Spring Festival, everything has restarted, and it is time to get a moment of peace. I especially cherish this little time, because serenity produces epiphany.

Because I feel that whenever I am constantly in a high-tempo state, I am forced to be a confused and unaware gyroscope. Only by stopping can we have the ability to do the most sober self-review.

Take out the Proust questionnaire, ask yourself the same 28 questions once a year, compared with last year, you can see a lot of ideas change and growth;

Ask yourself: What are some of the moments this year when you suddenly realize that you are stupid?

If the number of times is still quite large, it means that this year's progress is particularly fast.

Just some time ago, Musk sent a twitter, the copy is: Should be taught to all at a young age, expounding 50 kinds of cognitive biases that humans are prone to fall into.

I completed my 2021 cognitive correction again again with this map, setting a new route after calibration for 2022.

50 cognitive misunderstandings that Musk forwarded and 400,000 likes

In order to strengthen the memory, I screened and refined 50 misunderstandings, and wrote down the misunderstandings that I thought were most useful and less common.

Myth 1: Self-Serving Bias

50 cognitive misunderstandings that Musk forwarded and 400,000 likes

"Failure always has a reason, but success is all on your own."

In fact, this misunderstanding is not a minority, put it first, mainly hoping to remind yourself in the new year: learn to cherish and appreciate the help of others, but also look down on their own contributions to others.

This feeling comes from a story that shocked me, was real, and related to the above misunderstandings.

The wave of affirmative action swept the United States, and his goal was mainly to prioritize African-Americans and Latinos in terms of job promotion and further education.

In order to fundamentally change the fact that these ethnic groups from poor classes have little chance of winning when they openly compete with more "cultured" whites, and their children are trapped in poverty.

For example, African-American students and white students take the entrance examination together, and admission is not completely ranked according to the score, but under the premise of ensuring the proportion of African-American students admitted, they are ranked separately.

To some extent, white students sacrificed some of their interests to complete African American students.

This movement, of course, led to the rejection of universities by the universities purely because of their policies, and gradually began to protest strongly.

50 cognitive misunderstandings that Musk forwarded and 400,000 likes

But to my surprise, a significant portion of the protesters were African-Americans, and it was precisely the African-American middle class that had made a fortune from the affirmative action movement.

Why protest movements that benefit their own ethnic groups?

This is because, on the one hand, they have grown into figures with heads and faces, but they believe that the existence of the affirmative movement is always a reminder that they are "degraded" (handouts and helped), and only by abolishing this movement can their ethnic group really stand up and sit on an equal footing in the middle class in the future;

On the other hand, as vested interests, they believe that the current environment is "fair" enough, and their ethnic group is capable enough.

They are reluctant to acknowledge their current status because of policy help, but feel that they rely mainly on their own wisdom and diligence.

In fact, however, a large part of the success of these people is attributed to the affirmative action movement.

According to a later study by NYU Law School, only 687 of the 3,435 African-American law students were able to get into the university with their grades, and it was this major that gave them the opportunity to enter the most profitable industry in the United States.

According to another statistic, with affirmative action announced, the percentage of African-American freshmen at the University of Texas Law School immediately plummeted from 5.9 percent to 0.7 percent.

This case is the god reduction of selfish prejudice.

I suddenly realized that it is no wonder that there is a story of "a poor man and woman who get rich by relying on the other half of the family to get rich, and then turn all the credit to themselves, and even sweep the other party's efforts out of the house".

This is neither the loss of morality nor the annihilation of human nature, this is the original ecological humanity.

But the story of the affirmative action movement really punches this "human" face and proves to us:

Most of the time success is not because of how good you are, but because of the help of the heavens and the place, and the eternal gratitude and awe for the help you have received is the way of heaven;

At the same time, the help given to others does not have to be too demanding of due feedback, if it is disappointed, it only needs to understand that this is the human nature that has not been examined and self-transformed, and the ordinary mind.

Myth 2: Confirmation Bias

50 cognitive misunderstandings that Musk forwarded and 400,000 likes

"We tend to find and remember information that confirms our views."

If you believe in the Law of Attraction, I think this misconception justifies an important approach to the Principle of the Law of Attraction:

What you want to get/live in, not only try to imagine and what your desired state will look like, but also avoid generating negative emotions or thoughts that are contrary to the goal.

I personally believe in the Law of Attraction, but also think that it has a certain psychological basis, the so-called "order to the universe" is actually to help people establish positive psychological cues, so that you can achieve goals more easily and quickly in a positive state.

Positive attitudes are especially important because confirmation biases illustrate that "if there are negative and negative thoughts, people tend to look for evidence that can confirm their points." ”

For example, I've always wanted to change jobs, but I haven't even submitted my resume because I've had a "career" self-ending in the confirmation bias trap earlier:

I wanted to change to a foreign company, but I came to the conclusion that "I definitely can't change it, because I have 0 foreign company work experience".

Following this line of thought, I paid attention to the unsuccessful cases of job hopping in the process of collecting information, and how many times in the recruitment requirements mentioned the need for foreign company work experience.

Even if I see successful cases, I still think that it is an individual event, and every day I lament that fate has failed me, and over time I directly give up on myself.

Until two days ago, a friend who worked in a foreign company came to me for emergency relief and entrusted me to help revise the English year-end summary, I suddenly realized that in fact, English is OK is already a stepping stone, I still have a financial and business management background, but why have I never faced its value?

And the self gives up for too long, but it causes the language to be blunted for too long without a knife.

50 cognitive misunderstandings that Musk forwarded and 400,000 likes

I've wasted so much time and emotions, wouldn't an interview be better if I used that energy to reinforce my language skills or keep submitting resumes?

But you see, when I have the idea that I can't do it, my actions also begin to subconsciously certify that I can't do it.

So it's time to build some positive perceptions that you've never had before, and then deliberately look for evidence in your life that supports it.

I once saw a sentence that hit me in the air: If you do something now and find that the road does not work or is wrong, then don't use the existing thinking to review or correct it, because it is this kind of thinking that leads you to mistakes, and no matter how much you change them, you are still wrong.

What you should do is explore and build a new system of thinking.

And the misunderstanding that Musk mentioned that will strengthen similar confusion is:

Availability Heuristic: When we make judgments, we usually rely on the most intuitive examples that come to mind.

Anchoring: Decisions are very dependent on first-glance information.

After reading these misunderstandings, I think you must have a question in your mind: but sometimes I have repeatedly argued or feel that the existing cognition is not a problem.

The answer is to look at the next misunderstanding.

Myth 3: Backfire Effect

50 cognitive misunderstandings that Musk forwarded and 400,000 likes

"When an erroneous message is corrected, if the corrected information does not match the original view of the person, it will deepen people's trust in the wrong information."

So the advice for the above question might be: think again.

Because the backfire effect is a complete discussion of how we become obsessed with certain cognitions.

The backfire effect originated in a 2006 experiment.

Brendan of the University of Michigan and Jason of Georgia State University invited a group of experimental subjects (both pro-war and anti-war fighters) to first falsify news for them to read, such as:

The U.S. military found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq; then let the subjects read the real report: the U.S. military found nothing in Iraq.

The results of the experiment showed that most opponents of war did not believe in fake news, while those who supported war tended to believe fake news. (This is also a manifestation of the confirmation bias)

The most confusing thing is that even if they tell the supporters of the war afterwards that "nothing was found" is true and have debunked the rumors, they believe the false news even more.

This is the backfire, the real information used to correct not only can not eliminate the rumor, but the reverse burning burns the real information to pieces, and the rumor is consolidated in reverse.

It shows how absurd it is for people to defend their cognition.

I suddenly understood why the best crisis public relations for collapsed stars is "no explanation", because if public opinion has been hopelessly one-sided, even if it comes up with verified reverse facts for everyone to see, it will only strengthen everyone's trust in rumors.

In order to avoid believing in yourself too much, you can also refer to the same kind of misunderstanding for self-reflection:

Na ve Realism: We are accustomed to believing that what we observe is objective fact and that others are irrational, uninformed, and biased.

Na ve Cynicism: Believing that you are objective and that others are more self-centered than they appear.

Myth 4: Pessimism Bias

50 cognitive misunderstandings that Musk forwarded and 400,000 likes

We sometimes overestimate the probability of a bad outcome.

In fact, this kind of misunderstanding that is easy to make people fall into negative emotions is:

Zeigarnik Effect: People are more likely to remember unfinished tasks than tasks that have already been done.

Declinism: We tend to romanticize the past and look negatively at the future, thinking that the whole world is going downhill.

The reason why these few misunderstandings are specifically raised is because these are really the ideas that we often have every day!

And once these thoughts linger, they will gradually turn you into a poor person with negative energy, and it is important to empty the years regularly.

For example, when I get to work, I am anxious: Hey, what did I do today, how do I feel that I haven't done anything? But it's just easier for you to remember what you haven't done yet, to forget what you've already done.

For example, in the past, it was always easy to add a dream filter, but the current self and the world are always getting worse, the epidemic will never pass, the money will always be so small (if nothing is done, it will be less and less), and the days will never get better.

But these few misunderstandings are reminding us:

It is normal to have these ideas, and it is easy for everyone to think so, but these ideas are most likely wrong!

So even if the stock funds have lost money these days to the point of not daring to open the software to play a new level in order not to witness the shocking decline, they still have to believe: everything will be alright.

Although this is a joke, it is true to always believe that life will get better and better.

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