
NBA - No Buyout! Schroeder and the Rockets reached an agreement, and after playing this season, the Lakers' plan failed again

After Dragic was bought out by the Spurs, he attracted the attention of many teams, and finally he chose to join the Nets, which also disappointed other teams, especially the Lakers. At the trade deadline 0 harvest, set its sights on the buyout market, but so far there has been no gain, Dragic has not grabbed, another target Schroeder is also out of the play.

NBA - No Buyout! Schroeder and the Rockets reached an agreement, and after playing this season, the Lakers' plan failed again

At the deal deadline, the Rockets made a deal with the Celtics, sending Theiss to Schroeder, and thought that the Rockets and Schroeder would reach a buyout agreement, but the two sides did not have this plan.

According to Marc Stein, neither the Rockets nor Schroeder are inclined to reach a buyout, and it is planned to play for the Rockets until the end of the season. Because a player must be bought out before March 2 to represent a new team in the playoffs, otherwise it will not help him to sign the championship team.

NBA - No Buyout! Schroeder and the Rockets reached an agreement, and after playing this season, the Lakers' plan failed again

Last offseason, Schroeder was also very disappointed, originally thinking of pursuing a big contract, but in the end almost no one cared, and finally signed a 1-year contract with the Celtics. Thinking about playing in Boston and then impacting a big contract this year, but playing with the team thinks that it will leave in the offseason, it is better to change players and finally send it to the Rockets. Schroeder has played a total of 52 games this season, averaging 14.2 points, 3.4 rebounds and 4.4 assists per game, and the performance is still good, if it is really bought out, there are still many teams willing to sign him, including the Lakers.

NBA - No Buyout! Schroeder and the Rockets reached an agreement, and after playing this season, the Lakers' plan failed again

In fact, at the trade deadline, the Lakers were also interested in trading the former veteran, but unfortunately the offer they provided did not impress the Celtics. As the deal fails, they also want to wait for a buyout of the market, first Thompson and Dragic did not succeed, and now Schroeder does not buy out, leaving the Lakers with little choice. Obviously, the Lakers' plan has failed, and buying out the market will not gain anything. If you want to make a breakthrough, you have to count on the existing lineup, and hope that Westbrook can get back to form, just like the Wizards last season.

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