
Do you really understand cars? Take stock of 6 car misconceptions and see how many you believe?

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Many people will add some car friends to exchange car experience after buying a car, but in fact, many of the shared car knowledge and information are difficult to distinguish between true and false. Even if it is online information, a lot is wrong, it is easy to be biased to everyone's understanding of the car, today we will talk about the misunderstanding of car knowledge, see how many you believe?

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Do you really understand cars? Take stock of 6 car misconceptions and see how many you believe?

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1. The heavier the car, the better?

Now, major car brands are vigorously promoting car lightweighting, but there are still many people who still hold the idea of "heavy cars driving at high speed and stability", and even before seeing owners on the Internet installing bricks in the trunk, so that a car feels more "stable" to drive. In fact, there are many ways to make the car more stable (smooth start, speed up, turning, deceleration, etc.), but increasing the weight of the car is the lowest level of practice.

PS: But driving a car to put bricks in the trunk after snowy days can temporarily increase the pressure on the rear wheels and reduce slippage.

Do you really understand cars? Take stock of 6 car misconceptions and see how many you believe?

2. Is the outer steel plate of the car not important in the collision?

The steel plate with a few millimeters of difference in the outer layer of the car is actually like the difference between A4 printing paper and poster jam paper in the collision, and the difference is not very large. In the event of a car collision, the real force is the anti-collision beam (referring to structural parts such as longitudinal beams), rather than the steel plate sprayed with car paint on the outside. When buying a car, many old drivers like to knock on the door to evaluate the thickness of the steel plate, seeing such a phenomenon, can't help but make the snail GG doubt whether to buy a car or buy a watermelon.

Do you really understand cars? Take stock of 6 car misconceptions and see how many you believe?

3, do not buy a car from the crowd

When many people buy a car, there will always be people around to persuade them not to buy a car from the crowd, but Snail GG believes that people who buy "Volkswagen" models do not mean that they have no personality, they are just more rational. The larger the audience of the car, it means that the market share is relatively high, and it is good to repair, but it also means that the retention rate is high and will not depreciate. In addition, the large number of people who buy a car can also prove that the car has been tested by many people, and the purchase error rate will be relatively small.

Do you really understand cars? Take stock of 6 car misconceptions and see how many you believe?

4, to prevent puncture, summer need to reduce the tire pressure

Many people think that the summer temperature is high, the temperature in the tire is high, and the internal pressure is strong, so the tire pressure of the summer tire should be adjusted to a lower level, but the fact is that the tire pressure reduction will increase the friction between the tire and the ground, resulting in the acceleration of the tire temperature, and then the tire becomes soft, the strength decreases, and the danger of puncturing the tire at high speed will increase a lot, so the summer tire can not reduce the tire pressure. The right thing to do is to maintain a normal tire pressure range. The tire pressure range varies from car to car and can be found in the vehicle's user manual or in the label near the B-pillar door side.

Do you really understand cars? Take stock of 6 car misconceptions and see how many you believe?

5, the larger the displacement, the more expensive oil

In most cases, the larger the displacement, the more fuel-intensive it is, but this is not always the case. In the case of high speed, large displacement models are more fuel-efficient in the speed range of colleges and universities, and small displacements only have advantages at idle speed and low speed. Under the same engine technology, moderate displacement is the most fuel-efficient, so when buying a car, it is not necessary to pursue small displacement. So what is the moderate displacement? For compact models, 1.0-2.0L is moderate, and for mid-level cars, 2.0-2.5L is a more suitable displacement.

Do you really understand cars? Take stock of 6 car misconceptions and see how many you believe?

6. Prejudice against car brands

Domestic cars are not as good as joint venture cars, domestic cars are very low; the shell of Japanese cars is made of paper skin, scrapped when hit; understand the car does not buy Korean cars, German cars are safer than Japanese cars, American fare oil, etc., these believe that many car owners have heard of, but in fact, each car has its own characteristics and advantages. If you want to really understand a car, you still need to experience its true feelings through test drive, judge the quality of the car through the feedback of previous owners, and don't listen too much to the one-sided comments on the Internet.

Finally, regarding the knowledge of using the car, I hope that the owners will take the time to carefully read the books used, which is much more reliable than reading a bunch of articles and discussions on the Internet.

Do you really understand cars? Take stock of 6 car misconceptions and see how many you believe?

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