
Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

As long as there are women's places, the topic of weight loss is definitely an unavoidable spell, especially when the aesthetic concept of white skinny is popular, it is even more so that many women have reached an unprecedented attachment to "thin", it is undeniable that most people are still thin and some look better, and it is also to see these successful cases of slimming down and becoming beautiful, so that weight loss has become the focus of many people's lives.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

But there is a phenomenon that should also be noted, that is, some people are thinner but more ugly, more vicissitudes, many people just shallow level of thinking that after weight loss, skin sagging leads to thinner is more ugly, in fact, there are three levels of reasons behind this, you can see if you have, if there is some reason for one, basically you can see that the thinner will be more ugly, what factors are affecting it, let's take a look at it ~

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight
Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

Face shape with edges and angles refers to some lines of the face is more prominent, tough, such as some of our common square face jaw angle lines, as well as cheekbones high, zygomatic arch extension, temple depression caused by the sense of edge, there are these features of the face shape is not suitable for excessive weight loss, the next for everyone to give some examples to see, can intuitively compare the changes before and after.

For example, Cai Shaofen, the "empress dowager" with a diamond-shaped face, still has some flesh on her face that looks better.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight
Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

A square, long face with a strong sense of bone. From the Adele's face shape after weight loss, it can be seen that she is a more typical rectangular face, plus a little bit of small square face, and the width of the upper and lower parts of her face is almost the same, which causes the sense of bone to be more prominent, and the face without soft tissue filling is more old.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

On the contrary, she is more than more recognizable, her body is plump, and there is a gorgeous sense of court nobility, which is expensive at a glance, so if you also have these angular and more distinct face shapes, moderate weight loss can be, and it is better to maintain a slightly plump body.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight
Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

In addition to the influence of face shape, do not underestimate the role of the five senses, a little change can change a person's temperament, especially for people with some bitter facial features, especially so.

For example, we often see Kimura Takuya's wife, Kudo Shizuka has a bit of a bitter face, and the corners of her mouth are slightly drooping, which is why many people can't get her appearance.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

However, the corners of the mouth are also drooping, some people are bitter, some people are beautiful, and the main difference is the fullness of the face.

The sagging corners of the mouth originally look a little arrogant, giving people the impression of high cold that is not easy to approach, if it is too thin like Kudo Shizuka, the soft tissue of the facial features is too small, and its sharp lines will aggravate this sense of aggression.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

But when your body is fuller, and your facial fullness is more full, then the sharp lines of these facial features will be hidden under the skin and flesh, appearing more juvenile, less aggressive, combining the bitterness caused by the sagging of the corners of the mouth, but bringing a different sense of coldness.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

Orbital concave. In fact, the eye tail hanging and the corner of the mouth sagging is the same reason, and in addition to the downward trend of the facial features, there is also a manifestation of old age and bitterness is the orbital concave, the difference between Asians and Europe and the United States is that we lack the prominent brow bones of Europeans and Americans, so Asians will have a sense of bitterness once the orbital concave.

To solve this bitter and old state, or that sentence, this type of person can not lose weight excessively, after weight loss, eye fat storage becomes less inverted and more obvious, will only make the face more dull.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight
Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

If you only think that if you don't have the above characteristics, so you want to lose weight immediately to become beautiful, you are very wrong. Many women have tried a variety of weight loss methods for beauty, but everything must have a limit, if the weight loss method taken is improper, the body is "done" by itself, the whole person looks lost and decadent, talking about how to become beautiful.

Take a look at the wrong ways to lose weight below do you understand? Avoid these and then lose weight to do more with less.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

1. Eat with low calories

Now weight loss knows to "close your mouth, open your legs", compared to the way to "open your legs" for a long time to see the effect, "close your mouth" to eat some low-calorie foods is obviously more effective in a short period of time, but if the total calorie intake is less than 600 kcal per day, it will have a negative impact on the heart.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

There are also some girls who fall into thinking that vegetarian diet loses weight faster, food single leads to protein and trace element intake is too small, resulting in hair loss more and more thinning, thin is thinner, but also more bald, to know that attractive women almost will not be less than a beautiful hair.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

2. Weight loss is not controlled

For the excessive pursuit of thinness, leading some people want to "from fast to heavy", do not know that weight loss is too fast, the skin on the body will change from the original tight and elastic to a loose and invisible state, more old and bloated, not only that, this way almost in the later stage will occur "weight rebound" situation, white weight loss, so we must lose weight step by step, maintain proper exercise, to a small base of weight slowly thin, is the best.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

In short, before losing weight, you should still know more about the basis of your body, and in the process of weight loss, you should also use a healthy way of losing weight, otherwise you will lose weight all the way through hard work, and the result will be counterproductive and more than worth the loss.

Don't lose weight anymore, if you have these 3 characteristics, it is even more ugly to lose weight

The content of this issue is over first, what supplementary discussion can be expressed in the comments, see you in the next issue! Every time I gain knowledge of becoming beautiful, I am in order to meet a better self.

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