
James is 37 years old What is the current status of his successor? Zion was overrated alphabet brother to achieve a counterattack

James is 37 years old, he is still at the top, when he will be able to completely hand over the first man position, this is really difficult to say. Maybe 1 year or 2 years, anyway, his peak length is incredible. James has played in the NBA for nearly 20 years, and many young players have been hailed as his successors, such as today's 4 people. They are talented and have great potential, so let's find out what the current situation of these young talents is.

James is 37 years old What is the current status of his successor? Zion was overrated alphabet brother to achieve a counterattack

First of all, Simmons, he is a comprehensive technology, originally made people have high hopes, and now it seems that we are all wrong. After all these years, Simmons has hardly improved, and what the rookie data looks like is still what it is. The key mentality has also gone wrong, and now the ball can't be played. The shooting shortcomings are targeted by the whole league, and it seems that they cannot be solved at present, and now he can only be used as a defensive elite, which cannot be the core cultivation of the team, and it will be difficult for Simmons to enter the All-Star in the future.

James is 37 years old What is the current status of his successor? Zion was overrated alphabet brother to achieve a counterattack

Wiggins' dynamic talent is exaggerated, and the training almost completed a 720-degree dunk, which is really admirable. His talent is outstanding, but unfortunately he has delayed himself. He treats the NBA as a job, scoring 18 points per game and going off, winning or losing he doesn't care. He just wants to play more, and then get more salary, honor these are not deliberately pursued, he plays very Buddhist. Now Wiggins is an All-Star, his limits are here, and good talent is a waste.

James is 37 years old What is the current status of his successor? Zion was overrated alphabet brother to achieve a counterattack

Zion was grossly overrated, and he became famous in college, when he was compared to James. As a result, he was seriously injured when he entered the NBA, played for 2 seasons and then injured, this season is going to end, he still has not come back, and there is a high probability that he will have surgery. Zion is basically like this, the talent is good, but there are too many injuries, he is the next Oden. Say something beyond James, and looking back now, he can't even see James's taillights.

James is 37 years old What is the current status of his successor? Zion was overrated alphabet brother to achieve a counterattack

Finally, there is brother alphabet, he is really a counterattack, because his starting point is the lowest of these 4 people. Alphabet Brother is in the 15th pick, while the other 3 are champions, but he is now the highest achiever. Nowadays, the alphabet brother can be 2 MVPs, and there is 1 crown + 1F MVP, or the integration of attack and defense data, and the strength is the top 3 in the league. The key is that he is still improving, at most 2 years, the NBA is his world.

James is 37 years old What is the current status of his successor? Zion was overrated alphabet brother to achieve a counterattack

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