
LCK netizens voted for the Asian Games lineup: Brother Shy joined forces with Faker, and Xiu Meike was unexpectedly defeated

League of Legends is one of the official events of the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games, and the gold medals won will also be counted in the final list, which also makes this year's Asian Games League of Legends event more exciting. China and South Korea are naturally the champions of the League of Legends competition, and what kind of lineup the two countries will send at that time is naturally also expected.

LCK netizens voted for the Asian Games lineup: Brother Shy joined forces with Faker, and Xiu Meike was unexpectedly defeated

A few days ago, the netizens in the LCK division launched the Asian Games lineup voting for the second time on the Korean network, it is worth mentioning that this vote includes the Korean aid that competed in the LPL, and finally selected the following three sets of lineups.

First round: Upper Single Theshy, Canyon, Medium Single Faker, Lower Viper, Auxiliary Keria

LCK netizens voted for the Asian Games lineup: Brother Shy joined forces with Faker, and Xiu Meike was unexpectedly defeated

Second team: Single Rascal, Playing Wild Pineut, Medium Single Chovy, Down Road Deft, Auxiliary BeryL

LCK netizens voted for the Asian Games lineup: Brother Shy joined forces with Faker, and Xiu Meike was unexpectedly defeated

Three teams: Upper Singles Doran, Playing Oner, Midscore Scout, Down-Line Gumayusi, Auxiliary Lehends

LCK netizens voted for the Asian Games lineup: Brother Shy joined forces with Faker, and Xiu Meike was unexpectedly defeated

TheShy was successfully selected for a single, accompanied by Nuguri's break, Khan retired, and now LCK is a bit of a bluish on the list. Once LCK was famous for its abundant production of orders, now there are not many orders that can be taken, and it can even be said that Doran has become the "top order" of LCK. As for Rascal, although he is older, he has played well this year, repeatedly dedicating single kills, especially against Doran. In contrast, TheShy is indeed the best choice for South Korea.

LCK netizens voted for the Asian Games lineup: Brother Shy joined forces with Faker, and Xiu Meike was unexpectedly defeated

In the wild position, the third uncle Canyon naturally does not have much controversy, even if DK is now reduced to a second-rate team, but Canyon still plays a brilliant role on the field, and it can even be said: without the third uncle, DK is not even a second-rate team! Peanut and Oner are in second and third teams respectively, and the two have a chance to compete for a place on the bench.

LCK netizens voted for the Asian Games lineup: Brother Shy joined forces with Faker, and Xiu Meike was unexpectedly defeated

As for the single position, Faker will definitely represent South Korea in the Asian Games, before everyone predicted that Faker will play as a substitute, but from the performance of T1 in this spring competition, Faker is fully capable of serving as the starting single. Chovy and Scout were both selected for the second and third teams, and surprisingly, HowMaker, it is reasonable to say that he and Faker are more reasonable to play together!

LCK netizens voted for the Asian Games lineup: Brother Shy joined forces with Faker, and Xiu Meike was unexpectedly defeated

In the next combination, Viper became the number one choice in the Korean Open, which is also inseparable from his performance on the field last year. Both Deft and Gumayusi received votes, while Ruler's defeat was a surprise.

In the auxiliary position, Keria was naturally in a lineup without suspense. Surprisingly, the veteran BeryL, many people actually chose him, and Lehends was in the third line.

LCK netizens voted for the Asian Games lineup: Brother Shy joined forces with Faker, and Xiu Meike was unexpectedly defeated

The two-person road is more testing and cooperative, and the combination of Deft and BeryL is reasonable in the second team. It's just that Gumayusi's ranking is slightly lower, combined with his performance this year, I think he and Keria team up on the road, and the tacit understanding is better!

What do you think about the Asian Games lineup selected by the Korean Open?

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