
Do you know? Likes can be given up, but love cannot be given up

If life is calculated according to a hundred steps, then what can be stopped after fifty steps is like. And the one who can walk a hundred steps is love.

Indeed, all things in life are like this, like can be given up, only love can not give up. This is true of feelings or careers or anything else.

Only love cannot be given up, and like can be given up. Because liking is just a good feeling for this thing or people, but love is different.

Love is inextricable, because it's something you can't help but want to do. It's like we say we like to read, travel to movies, sing... Although we can easily say it on our lips, only we know that it is just our own likes, and you may never have done it.

Do you know? Likes can be given up, but love cannot be given up

But when we use love is different, for example, I love fitness, then this thing is what I am willing to give my energy and be able to stick to it day after day.

And this is the difference between like and love, like more superficial flow on the surface, and love is more deeply carved into the bone marrow. You won't necessarily do or stick to the things you love. But the things you love must be something you can stick to.

It's as if someone once asked the question, "Is there a clear distinction or boundary between liking and loving?" ”

Here is an answer that I remember deeply: "Like is to give up if you don't get it, and love is to go on unswervingly." Like can be given up, but love can not be given up. ”

It's like when we visit the mall, when you look at something, although you like it, but when you see its price, you suddenly lower your expectations. Because you just love it and feel the right price to take away. The price is not right, it doesn't matter if you don't.

Do you know? Likes can be given up, but love cannot be given up

If it's something you love, it's different, you'll have it in your heart, even if it's not within your reach right now, but you'll start planning how to get it.

This is actually the same as feelings. Why two people will eventually break up is that two people don't love enough. One is to like and one is to love.

As someone once said, "If two people can believe that they can last forever, they can last forever." Indeed, on the surface, listening to this sentence, it seems to be an indifferent repetition. But in fact, if we think about it, you will find that this is actually the case.

It is the different degree of treatment of feelings between two people that leads to the final settlement. If both people can love each other enough, then the relationship can last no matter what kind of problems they encounter.

Do you know? Likes can be given up, but love cannot be given up

But if there is one person who just likes it, then when the relationship is tested, it will begin to choose to escape. And this is also the root cause of why some people can quickly get out of the breakup, and some people can't get out of the breakup for a long time. It is that the degree of love between two people is different.

This is also why we often hear, obviously gave everything for him, but in the end why they still can't be cherished. And some people can get what they want even if they don't do anything.

This is one of the most obvious differences between liking and loving.

The person who likes you just says he likes you, but he's not fully engaged, and when the feelings fade or he doesn't like it, he can pull out at any time.

No matter how much you give, he won't feel moved, because he feels that this is what you have to give yourself, and when I am with you, I also give.

Do you know? Likes can be given up, but love cannot be given up

But love doesn't do that. This is why people prefer to hear "I love you" rather than "I like you" in love. Because the person who loves you will want to give you everything.

I remember the saying, "If there is a good feeling, it is a like." If that liking stands the test, it's love. "It's true that liking can be a momentary action, but loving isn't. Love is something that you will stick to after weighing the pros and cons.

Like can be given to many people or things, but love can only be unique. Only the thing you love the most can be called love.

It is as if seeing a flower, the person who likes it and the person who loves it, the way it is handled is completely different, and the person who likes it will take it back. People who love it will take good care of it so that it can grow well.

Do you know? Likes can be given up, but love cannot be given up

Therefore, like and love are different expressions of feelings. And the biggest difference between them is that one can "give up" and one cannot give up. Likes are usually shallow, while loves are usually deeper. Because like can be given up, but love can not be given up.

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