
See the Winter Olympics painting champion Yibin This teacher used a paintbrush to draw the champion style

author:Yibin Cultural Tourism

The Winter Olympics in the world of ice and snow have the same enthusiasm as fire

Excellence Respect Friendship

Under the eyes of the whole world

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics was grandly opened

It's a sporting competition

It is also a sporting event

See the Winter Olympics painting champion Yibin This teacher used a paintbrush to draw the champion style

Exciting snow and ice events

Fire spread throughout the net of ice piers

The food of the Winter Olympic Village is constantly praised

Athletes live in a colorful quarantine period

Both convey the Olympic spirit

The athletes in the arena are heroic

The blood of the spectators outside the arena boiled

In the hometown of the servants, Liju County

Art teacher Zhang Qiang uses the brush in his hand

Sketching Chinese athletes in the struggle

Recreate the winning scene in the form of painting

A few strokes of the painting

It's like every step an athlete takes in an event

What is hidden is love and unremitting efforts

Let's walk into the sketch world of teacher Zhang Qiang

Feel the charm of the Winter Olympics under the brush

See the Winter Olympics painting champion Yibin This teacher used a paintbrush to draw the champion style

On February 5, the Chinese team won the relay competition of the short track speed skating mixed team (Qu Chunyu, Fan Kexin, Wu Dajing, Ren Ziwei and Zhang Yuting) at the Beijing Winter Olympics, the first gold medal won by the Chinese delegation at the Beijing Winter Olympics.

See the Winter Olympics painting champion Yibin This teacher used a paintbrush to draw the champion style

On February 7, Ren Ziwei won the gold medal in the men's 1000m short track speed skating final at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics with a time of 1 minute 26.768 seconds, which was the second gold medal won by the Chinese delegation in this event.

See the Winter Olympics painting champion Yibin This teacher used a paintbrush to draw the champion style

Gu Ailing, the legendary Beijing girl, won the gold medal with 188.25 points, which was her first winter Olympic gold medal and the first gold medal won by the Chinese team in the snow sports of the Beijing Winter Olympics. The third gold medal won by the Chinese delegation in this competition was born.

See the Winter Olympics painting champion Yibin This teacher used a paintbrush to draw the champion style

On February 12, in the men's 500m of speed skating at the Winter Olympics, China's Gao Tingyu broke the Olympic record with a score of 34.32 and won the gold medal, which was the fourth gold medal won by the Chinese delegation.

See the Winter Olympics painting champion Yibin This teacher used a paintbrush to draw the champion style

On February 14, Xu Mengtao, a Chinese star who participated in the Winter Olympics for the fourth time, won his first Winter Olympic gold medal, which was also the fifth gold medal won by the Chinese delegation at the Winter Olympics. Congratulations to Xu Mengtao on reaching the summit!

See the Winter Olympics painting champion Yibin This teacher used a paintbrush to draw the champion style

On February 15, in the final of the men's big jump in snowboarding at the Beijing Winter Olympics, China's Su Yiming won the championship with a score of 182.50, which was the sixth gold medal won by the Chinese delegation at the Winter Olympics.

See the Winter Olympics painting champion Yibin This teacher used a paintbrush to draw the champion style

On February 16, Qi Guangpu won the gold medal in the men's aerial skills competition of freestyle skiing at the Beijing Winter Olympics, the seventh gold medal won by the Chinese delegation at the Winter Olympics.

See the Winter Olympics painting champion Yibin This teacher used a paintbrush to draw the champion style

On February 18, in the final of the women's U-shaped venue in freestyle skiing, Gu Ailing won the 8th gold medal for the Chinese sports delegation, ending with two golds and one silver.

It is both touching and rewarding

The wonderful performance of the Chinese delegation

Race out of Chinese style

At the same time, it also shows the Chinese sportsmanship

Fair competition, mutual understanding, friendship and unity

May the flowers of the Olympics bloom forever

The Olympic tree is evergreen

About the author of the painting

Zhang Qiang, born in 1961, university culture, senior primary school teacher (deputy high). Chief teacher of the art discipline at the county level. He is currently a member of the Sichuan Calligraphers Association, the Sichuan Hard Pen Calligraphers Association, the Sichuan Artists Association, the Yibin Calligraphers and Artists Association, and the Vice Chairman of the Calligraphers Association and the Artists Association of Junxian County.

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