
There was a heavy exchange of fire in eastern Ukraine, with more than 53,000 people entering Russia

【Text/Observer Network Wang Shichun】Comprehensive Russian TASS News Agency, Wudong Armed Forces subordinate TV station OPPOT TV and other media reported on February 21 that the armed forces in eastern Ukraine continued to accuse Ukrainian government forces of violating the ceasefire agreement on the 21st, and released more firefight videos. In the video, the Ugandan armed forces attack ukrainian mortar positions with anti-tank missiles and capture allegedly Ukrainian government prisoners.

At present, the exchange of fire between the two sides is still continuing. The Ukrainian side continues to accuse Ukrainian government forces of using weapons that violate the ceasefire agreement, including howitzers of more than 122 mm caliber and 122 mm rockets. Ukrainian government forces accused the Ugandan armed forces of violating the ceasefire agreement.

Although the exchange of fire continues, but the Ukrainian side intends to "downgrade", Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexei Leznikov said in an interview with The Ukrainian "1+1" TV station on the 20th local time that it is inappropriate to talk about Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the next few days.

On February 20, Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron had two phone calls in one day. In a subsequent statement issued by the Kremlin, the two heads of state expressed grave concern about the sharp deterioration of the situation on the Donbass contact line. Putin pointed out that the provocative behavior of the Ukrainian security forces is the reason for the escalation of the situation.

At present, the Ugandan armed forces continue to evacuate the population into Russia. On the 20th local time, Russian Emergency Minister Chupriyan said that more than 53,000 residents in the eastern region of Ukraine have crossed the border and entered Russia.

There was a heavy exchange of fire in eastern Ukraine, with more than 53,000 people entering Russia

Wudong armed forces use BTR armored vehicles to attack "Ukrainian army infiltration units" inside buildings

There was a heavy exchange of fire in eastern Ukraine, with more than 53,000 people entering Russia

Wudong armed forces arrest infiltrators Source: OPPOT TV, a subordinate television station of the armed forces in eastern Ukraine

There was a heavy exchange of fire in eastern Ukraine, with more than 53,000 people entering Russia

Red Star Station released a video of Wudong armed forces using anti-tank missiles to attack Ukrainian mortar positions

Intensive firefights in Wudong: Nearly 2,000 ceasefire violations were recorded in 24 hours

The representative office of the luhansk people's republic of The Luhansk armed force in eastern Ukraine at the Center for Joint Monitoring and Coordination of Ceasefire Agreements said that the Ukrainian armed forces had violated the ceasefire regime 17 times in 4 hours, including the use of prohibited weapons. "Seventeen violations of the ceasefire regime by the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been recorded," the press release said. 13 settlements were shelled. The Ukrainian army also shelled three settlements of the Donetsk Republic using 120 mm and 122 mm caliber shells banned by the Minsk agreement. ”

The representative office of the "Donetsk People's Republic" stated that they had responded to the firing positions of the Ukrainian armed forces.

In addition to the use of shelling, the armed force "Luhansk People's Republic" in Eastern Ukraine also stated on the 20th that the armed forces have recorded 42 times ukrainian drones to conduct aerial reconnaissance activities near the entire military contact line, and the Ukrainian armed forces have also dispatched TB2 drones.

The Wudong armed forces also released more videos of the exchange of fire. On the 20th, Russia's Red Star Station released a video taken by the Donetsk armed forces, in which an 82mm mortar position of the Ukrainian government army was hit by anti-tank missiles of the Donetsk armed forces, and the video location occurred near Dokuchaevsk.

Also on the 20th, the MGB, a special forces unit of the security department of the "Donetsk People's Republic" in eastern Ukraine, released a video of the crackdown on the alleged infiltration of Ukrainian government forces. Allegedly, the MGB raided a sabotage group of Ukrainian government forces hiding in a building. In the video, Wudong uses BTR and RPG-28 rocket launchers. Wudong armed forces said that members of the "sabotage team" were killed several times and two MGB members were injured in the exchange of fire. At the end of the video, MGB also captured alive a prisoner who was allegedly a Ukrainian government force.

There was a heavy exchange of fire in eastern Ukraine, with more than 53,000 people entering Russia

Wudong armed forces arrest infiltrators

There was a heavy exchange of fire in eastern Ukraine, with more than 53,000 people entering Russia

Wudong armed forces digging trenches, dressed in green ruin camouflage from the Russian company ANA: Social Media

Ukrainian government forces have accused the Ugandan armed forces of undermining the ceasefire agreement, and the Ukrainian army has accused separatists of violating the donbass ceasefire agreement 136 times, stressing that it will continue to conduct exercises across the country and announcing the closure of the Shachatia border crossing where Donbass was bombed

At present, the exchange of fire between the two sides is still continuing and intensifying. The ombudsman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) announced on the 20th that they recorded nearly 2,000 ceasefire violations in 24 hours, which is the highest number this year.

Russia also blamed Ukrainian shells for falling on Russian soil. On the 19th, The Russian Rostov region was attacked by a Ukrainian shell, but there were no casualties or property damage. Then on the 20th, the Rostov region again released news that the local area was attacked by another Ukrainian shell. According to photos of the wreckage of the shell posted on social media, this was supposed to be a 122mm rocket fired by a BM-21 "Hail" rocket.

In the face of accusations from the Russian side, Zelenskiy added in a speech at the Munich security conference on the 19th that the allegations about Ukrainian missile attacks on Russian areas are absurd and groundless.

Ukraine: It is inappropriate to talk about Russia invading Ukraine in the coming days

Although the exchange of fire is still continuing, but the Ukrainian side intends to "downgrade", Ukrainian Defense Minister Alexei Leznikov said in an interview with Ukrainian "1+1" TV station on the 20th local time that it is not appropriate to talk about Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the next few days. Reznikov put it this way: "As of today, Russia has not established a strike force in any of the cities it encircles Ukraine. Therefore, in my opinion, it is inappropriate to talk about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow attack. ”

However, Reznikov also added that the risk has not been reduced and that the Ukrainian army is ready to deal with Russian troops and resist any attack.

Serhii Haidai, governor of Ukraine's Luhansk region, said on February 18 that Ukrainian forces had been ordered to restrain fire as much as possible to "avoid an invasion under the pretext of Russia." "They will only return fire when their lives are directly threatened, when they are hit near their positions," he said. ”

More than 53,000 people from the Wudong region enterEd Russia

According to the official website of the Russian president, during the phone call between Russian President Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron on February 20, the two heads of state expressed serious concern about the sharp deterioration of the situation on the Donbass contact line.

Putin pointed out that the provocative behavior of the Ukrainian security forces is the reason for the escalation of the situation. NATO countries are sending modern weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, pushing Ukraine on the path of a military solution to the so-called Donbass problem. Civilians in the Wudong region are suffering and have had to evacuate to Russia to escape the growing shelling.

Putin stressed that Ukraine is only doing negotiations, in fact stubbornly refusing to implement the Agreements in Minsk and the agreement reached by the "Normandy Model" Quartet. Putin reiterated that the United States and NATO need to take Russia's security requirements seriously and respond concretely and substantively to them.

Meanwhile, the Kremlin said the presidents of the two countries agreed that the search for a diplomatic solution should be stepped up through the "Normandy model" to restore the ceasefire and ensure progress in resolving the Donbass conflict.

At present, the Ugandan armed forces continue to evacuate the population into Russia. On the 20th local time, Russian Emergency Minister Chupriyan said that more than 53,000 residents in the eastern region of Ukraine have crossed the border and entered the territory of Russia, and 142 buses have been transported to 101 temporary resettlement sites. Earlier, on the 18th, the civilian armed forces in eastern Ukraine announced that due to the danger of a military operation launched by Ukraine, a large-scale concentration of local residents was evacuated to Russia from the same day, and women, children and the elderly were the priority evacuation targets.

The government of Russia's Rostov region said it would properly arrange for the evacuation of residents 24 hours a day. At the same time, the oblast has also sent a request for help to the whole of Russia, and a large number of volunteers and humanitarian aid are currently on the way.

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network and may not be reproduced without authorization.

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