
At the international conference, Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for a "united front" in Europe, but the United States was present but was treated as air

author:Sun Xuwen

Against the backdrop of a volatile situation in Ukraine, the globally watched Munich Security Conference kicked off on February 19, local time. The international security conference was of a high level, as can be seen from the representatives of the countries and organizations present, which was attended by more than 30 heads of state and government, more than 100 ministerial-level officials and heads of international organizations (online + offline combination).

The Chinese side was attended by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, the United States was present by Vice President Harris, and the Russian side rarely sent a representative to the current Mu'an Meeting, the first time in 1999. In addition, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy, German Chancellor Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Draghi, NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg, and European Commission President von der Leyen attended the meeting.

At the international conference, Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for a "united front" in Europe, but the United States was present but was treated as air

According to Xinhua News Agency, there are two main hot topics at this Munich Security Conference, one is "getting rid of helplessness" and the other is the situation in Ukraine.

The first topic refers to the "collective powerlessness" that prevails in Western societies under multiple crises such as COVID-19, climate change, and geopolitical situations. In this regard, in fact, it seems more like a kind of "disease-free groaning" in this regard, because this problem does exist, but China's approach to this problem is to face the difficulties, while the West is stagnant.

The so-called sense of collective powerlessness is more like the West's dissatisfaction with the rise of third world countries, which has led to the loss of their privilege of sitting on their own success.

At the international conference, Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for a "united front" in Europe, but the United States was present but was treated as air

The second topic, the situation in Ukraine, is the focus of this article. At the Munich Security Conference, whether it is the United States, NATO or the European Union, the situation in Ukraine is repetitive, and the dog cannot spit out other ivory in its mouth except for threatening Russia.

U.S. Vice President Harris threatened to impose "unprecedented sanctions" on Russia if it took military action against Ukraine.

The eu and NATO threats to sanction Russia are even more foolish, with European Commission President von der Leyen claiming to consider energy sanctions against Russia and saying that two-thirds of Russia's energy flows into Europe to prove that the sanctions will have serious consequences for Moscow.

NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg supports the EU's claims, claiming that on the one hand, it is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and on the other hand, to avoid Russia using natural gas to blackmail Europe.

At the international conference, Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for a "united front" in Europe, but the United States was present but was treated as air

Look, in order to cooperate with the United States in suppressing Russia, the EU and NATO are so mad. A while ago, the natural gas shortage led to a large-scale and widespread increase in electricity prices in Europe, and there were blackouts everywhere, when Europe encountered a cold wave, which froze the whole of Europe.

Now that the EU and NATO are talking about weakening gas imports from Russia, how, are they ready to resist the past in the winter?

On the day when the United States and Europe threatened sanctions in unison, Russia chose not to attend the Munich conference and hold a large-scale strategic deterrence nuclear exercise to warn the United States and the West. Under Putin's personal command, Russia's land, sea and air forces and strategic missile forces held exercises.

Among them, the land-based troops test-fired the "Yars" land-based intercontinental missile, the Tu-95ms strategic bomber launched cruise missiles, and the "Karelia" nuclear-powered strategic submarine launched the "Blue Sky" submarine-launched ballistic missile. These three weapons are all strategic weapons that are both nuclear and conventional.

At the international conference, Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for a "united front" in Europe, but the United States was present but was treated as air

What is China's position on the THREAT OF SANCTIONS by the United States and Europe against Russia? At the Munich Security Conference, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended by video and delivered a keynote speech, stressing that the world today is once again facing the risk of division and confrontation, and some major powers have regained the Cold War mentality and provoked confrontation. Only by upholding multilateralism and strengthening solidarity and cooperation can we overcome challenges and move towards a bright future.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi put forward a three-point proposal, pointing out that if the world is to get better, countries should do what they should do.

At the international conference, Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for a "united front" in Europe, but the United States was present but was treated as air

First of all, the major countries must set an example, and China expects the major powers to take the lead in supporting multilateralism.

Second, all countries must strengthen cooperation and jointly build a new type of international relations based on mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation. Here, Foreign Minister Wang Yi emphatically pointed out that no country, even a superpower, can replace international rules with its own will, let alone override international rules; the security of one country cannot be at the expense of the security of other countries, and the security of the region cannot be guaranteed by strengthening military blocs.

Obviously, the previous sentence refers to the United States, and the latter sentence refers to NATO. This can be seen as a response to US Vice President Harris and NATO Secretary-General Jen. Stoltenberg, as well as support for Russia's legitimate security concerns.

At the international conference, Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for a "united front" in Europe, but the United States was present but was treated as air

Finally, Foreign Minister Wang Yi stressed that Central Europe must play a role in the process of making the world better. China will continue to support the European integration process and support Europe's strategic autonomy. At the same time, China hopes that the European side will jump out of the "triple positioning" mindset of China and grasp the general direction of China-EU relations from a long-term perspective. ("Triple positioning" refers to cooperation, competition, and confrontation, which is actually to damage China's interests and take Advantage of China.)

It should be said that Foreign Minister Wang Yi said something sincere to Europe, and every word revealed China's expectations for Europe, and at the same time called on Europe's strategy of "united front" against US hegemony. On the situation in Ukraine and some major international issues, China intends to support Europe to stand up and make its voice heard.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi's speech is not long and concise, but it mentions Europe 10 times, and the whole text does not mention the United States once, and the presence of the vice president of the United States is regarded as air. This is quite surprising to Americans, and it is not pleasant to be ignored.

At the international conference, Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for a "united front" in Europe, but the United States was present but was treated as air

Germany and France, two European giants, are in desperate need of European independence. The German-French attitude was even more crucial as Britain approached the United States, which was also Anglo-Saxon.

At the Munich Security Conference, German Chancellor Schoelz stressed the need to resolve the Ukrainian issue through diplomatic means. French President Emmanuel Macron has also been actively mediating the situation in Russia and Ukraine, and when the Chinese and French heads of state called a few days ago, the Chinese side gave an evaluation of "praising the efforts of France and Germany under the framework of the Normandy mechanism".

At the international conference, Foreign Minister Wang Yi called for a "united front" in Europe, but the United States was present but was treated as air

It is true that there are strong anti-China and anti-Russian sentiments in Europe today, but they have not reached the level of hysteria in the United States.

The Biden administration has intensified the contradictions between Europe and Russia by forcing NATO to expand eastward, which has made russia-Europe relations tense again; the United States, Britain, Australia and Canada, which are several countries in the Anglo-Saxon system, have repeatedly hyped up in recent days to ask China to condemn Russia on the Ukraine issue, and they have played a similar idea.

Whether it is from China's attitude toward European countries led by Germany and France, or from Russia's contacts with Germany and France, it is not difficult to see that China and Russia have realized that the hysterical United States has "no cure" and needs to "unite" Europe. Give Europe confidence, awaken Europe's sense of independence and self-determination, and work with China and Russia to oppose the sinister conspiracy of the superpowers to fight the Cold War again.

I just don't know how many Europeans have listened to China's advice and how many points have listened to it!

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