
R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx

author:Downtown for a good place

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R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx

See this sweater on the R network, the weaving method is very simple, but the wiring is very distinctive, recommended to everyone

R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx

The name of the sweater is Syrinx, which was released by designer Stephanie Earp in May 2020, and the link to the work on is:

Let's take a look at:

Let's take a look at the designer's original:

R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx

Look at the works of the weavers

R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx
R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx
R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx
R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx
R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx

It is also beautiful to weave into short sleeves

R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx

This garment is made with mohair and merino yarn, similar to the structure of the lazy spring sweater that many of us have woven, except that the use of mohair at the neckline adds a lot of color to the work. The neckline is slightly transparent and the lower part is not transparent, so that it can avoid the trouble of bottoming when wearing, which is a very good design. Thank you to the designer for providing us with free illustrations, respect the labor of designers, illustrations please do not commercialize!

R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx
R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx
R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx
R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx
R net works introduction - weaving clothes Syrinx

Due to the limited time and level, we cannot provide illustrated translations, and I hope that capable weavers can weave their works! Weavers who need the original illustration please follow the link I gave to the R network to download.