
Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

author:Sit on a landscape day

There are many mysterious and dangerous areas on Earth, and these places often have some mysterious unsolved mysteries that no scientist has been able to explain to this day.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

The mysterious Kunlun Mountains

Do you know the top ten forbidden places in the world? There is RAF Base at Mount Manvis, the Bermuda Triangle, U.S. Area 51, Bikini, Death Valley in Russia, etc... There is a place in China that is also among the world's top ten forbidden places, that is, the famous "Kunlun Mountain". What secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain? It's still an unsolved mystery.

One of the top ten forbidden places in the world

Since ancient times, Kunlun Mountain has been a very wonderful place. Kunlun Mountain, also known as "Kunlun Void", is the first sacred mountain in China. In ancient times, it was revered by people, and in ancient times, many cultivators would come to Kunlun Mountain for cultivation, which was the birthplace of the Kunlun Sect of Taoism, full of a divine qi.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

The birthplace of the Kunlun sect of Taoism - Kunlun Mountain

Legend has it that there is also the existence of the "West Queen Mother" in this area, the West Queen Mother is a mythical god, with a human head and a leopard body, with two blue birds serving at her side, and is the true god of Taoism. Kunlun Mountain has many legends about the Queen Mother of the West, adding a mysterious color to this place.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

The mythical Queen Mother of the West who lived in the Kunlun Mountains

Kunlun Mountain has beautiful scenery, snow-capped mountains, forests, lakes and grasslands, and is a pure land on earth. The Kunlun Mountains are about 2500 kilometers long, with an average altitude of 5500-6000 meters and a width of 130-200 kilometers. It is precisely because of this diverse environment that it is difficult for human beings to invade here and preserve this beautiful pure land.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

Kunlun Mountain, the pure land of the world

There are many wonders on Kunlun Mountain, and people can enjoy different scenery in different seasons. Therefore, in recent years, Kunlun Mountain has become more and more popular with tourists, and many people come to Kunlun Mountain to see this beautiful snow scenery and vast forest.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

A natural picture scroll in the depths of the Kunlun Mountains

Since Kunlun Mountain is so beautiful, why is it one of the top ten forbidden places in China? In fact, the Kunlun Mountain area that tourists can enter is only the outermost part of Kunlun Mountain, and we cannot enter the depths of Kunlun Mountain. The deeper area was full of dangers, there had been many bizarre accidents, it was a forbidden area, and there had even been monsters. So what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

Kunlun Mountain's "Gate of Hell"

Due to the diverse terrain and environment, although the Kunlun Mountains are beautiful and pleasant, it is very steep for humans to cross the Kunlun Mountains into its depths. In the depths of the Kunlun Mountains there is a deep valley called "Death Valley", which is also known as the "Gate of Hell" of Kunlun Mountain.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

What's in the "Valley of Death" in Kunlun Mountain?

The reason why this place is called "Gates of Hell" is because it is almost as terrifying as hell. We all know that animals are more sensitive than humans and have a certain ability to predict dangers, and small animals around Kunlun Mountain are afraid to enter this area. And shepherds often herd sheep in the pastures of this area, and cattle and sheep do not dare to come to this area to eat grass, preferring to starve to death away from this place, as if there are monsters in the gates of hell that make everyone afraid.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

The "Gates of Hell" that can only be viewed from a distance

Once an expedition team went deep into Death Valley to explore and shoot some precious videos, and they were shocked by the scene. Death Valley is almost like a human purgatory, full of corpses of living creatures. There are the remains of wolves, the mutilated bodies of bears, and even the skeletons of humans. Human shotguns have also been found in some places, indicating that someone once died here. It's like a grave, with all sorts of creatures dying mysteriously, and a spooky atmosphere spreading through the air.

There was also an incident that caused a sensation in the country about this Kunlun Mountain Hell Gate. In 1983, a herd of cattle and sheep ran to the mountains to graze because they were hungry at Aral Ranch in Qinghai Province, and they stumbled into Death Valley. When it was too late to find out, and the cattle and sheep had not come out for a few days, a herder planned to summon up the courage to go into Death Valley to retrieve the cattle and sheep. He prepared many self-defense items and a shotgun before setting out, and then headed to Death Valley.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

The Kunlun Mountain incident that caused a sensation throughout the country

A few days later, something unexpected happened, and the herdsman's cattle and sheep all returned, but the herdsman did not come back with them, which made the villagers very worried. Later, when a man was herding, he found the body of this herdsman on a hill in Death Valley, and it was very strange that this herdsman did not have any signs of injury on his body, his eyes were wide open, he was dead, he was still barefoot, and his clothes were relatively tattered. The fact that there were no wounds on his body meant that no beasts had attacked him, so what had happened to him?

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

Herders of Kunlun Mountain

The incident was not conclusive at the time, it became an unsolved mystery, and soon after the incident, the local expedition team was also in danger. The geological expedition was studying in Death Valley, and July 1983 was supposed to be very hot and unbearable, but a snowstorm suddenly fell in Death Valley, accompanied by thunder, and suddenly a thunderclap came down, and the expedition team members passed out.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

The expedition team marched forward in kunlun mountains

When he woke up, he found that the soil around him had turned black, and all the animals and plants on the ground had died, which shocked the expedition team members. Feeling that Death Valley was very dangerous, the expedition team did not stay there for long, and hurried back to the bottom of the mountain, planning to go in later to investigate.

Kunlun Mountain's "Mantis Man"

In addition to the terrible gate of hell in Kunlun Mountain, Kunlun Mountain also has an unsolved mystery - the mantis man. It is said that a scientific expedition team went to Kunlun Mountain to investigate, and while they were exploring a cave, they found a humanoid monster. This monster has a very small head, but its eyes are as huge as a praying mantis, it looks like an alien, although it has limbs, but the place of its hands is actually a mantis-like scythe, and its body is dark green, which looks like a humanoid mantis monster, which makes the researchers frightened.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

The "Mantis Man" in the Human Imagination

The Mantis Man was aggressive against humans, and after being alarmed by the expedition team, he counterattacked and killed all the expedition members present with a sickle. This was a case of quite a small disappearance, and it was full of important intellectuals, which made the local garrison troops very concerned, so they sent several waves of garrison officers and soldiers to Kunlun Mountain to conduct personnel searches.

Following the footsteps of the previous expedition team members, they also found the existence of mantis people, and also found the corpses of the expedition team members everywhere. Fortunately, the garrison soldiers were equipped with guns, and finally killed the mantis people with guns.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

The unsolved mystery of Kunlun Mountain - mantis man

At that time, the incident was enough to cause panic, so it did not spread to the outside world. The mantis incident was spread more than a decade later, and there is no evidence of that time to verify it, so there are various rumors on the Internet. Some people say that the soldiers have taken the body of the Mantis Man to the institute for secret study, and some people say that the incident is completely fictional, and different people have different views on the matter, but in general, the Mantis Man incident is still an unsolved mystery in Kunlun Mountain.

An exploration of unsolved mysteries

Two incidents at the Gate of Hell in the Kunlun Mountains that occurred that year attracted the attention of scientists, so the government sent a new expedition team to Death Valley to study it. This time, the scientists brought more advanced machinery and equipment, and they found that the geology under Death Valley was very peculiar, the magnetic anomaly in the area was very obvious, and the closer they got to the depths of Death Valley, the more prominent the magnetic anomaly was.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

Heavily guarded Kunlun Mountain

Scientists speculate that both events were caused by electromagnetic effects. The reason why there was thunder in the summer before was because the charge in the clouds in the sky was affected by the magnetic field of Death Valley, so the lightning was discharged, and when people or animals passed, there was a certain chance of being struck by lightning, thus electrocuting and dying. This is why there are no signs of injuries on the herders' bodies, which is one of the more reasonable explanations.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

Electromagnetic effects are the most plausible explanation

In academia, different scientists have different interpretations of Death Valley. Some scientists believe that the reason is the swamp at the bottom of Death Valley, the swamp involves all the creatures in it, the creatures will suffocate in it, the corpses will wash down the water to the ground, so that the corpses are not destroyed, and these animals are difficult to escape from the swamp, so unfortunately die. There is no very conclusive evidence or research to show the truth about Death Valley, so it remains an unsolved mystery.

Unsolved Mystery: One of the world's top ten forbidden places, what secrets are hidden in the depths of Kunlun Mountain?

Protect the beautiful natural environment of Kunlun Mountain

Although the scenery of Kunlun Mountain is so beautiful, as tourists, we cannot go to the depths of Kunlun Mountain, and every year many explorers go to the depths of Kunlun Mountain regardless of obstacles, which leads to many accidents.

We should put our own life safety first, whether these unsolved mysteries of Kunlun Mountain are true or false, there is indeed a certain danger in this place. At the same time, we should protect this pure land and not artificially enter here to destroy this beautiful environment.

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