
Live broadcast preview丨 Rural revitalization practice line - get rich leader into Yichang

author:Yichang released
Live broadcast preview丨 Rural revitalization practice line - get rich leader into Yichang

October 21

Yichang Yiling District Citrus Culture Square will be held

"Rural Revitalization Practice Line——

Get Rich Leader Walks Into Yichang" activity

The "Rural Revitalization Practice Line - Getting Rich Leaders Walk into Yichang" activity is a "Story Sharing Meeting for Rich Leaders" organized with the theme of "Rice Flowers And Fragrant Youth". The sharing meeting invited young leaders from various districts and counties in Yichang to share their entrepreneurial stories, industry thinking, and how to drive more people to get rich together from six aspects, including citrus sales, poultry breeding, tea production, rural eco-tourism, rural revitalization, and agricultural biotechnology.

October 21, 15:00-17:00

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Live broadcast preview丨 Rural revitalization practice line - get rich leader into Yichang
Live broadcast preview丨 Rural revitalization practice line - get rich leader into Yichang

Program theme: "Rice Flowers Fragrant Li Youth Says" - Rich Leader Story Sharing Meeting

Address: Citrus Culture Square, Yiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province

Broadcast time: 15:00-17:00 on October 21, 2021

Program guests: Yan Yong, leader of citrus industry in Zigui County, Yichang City, Zhang Jie, leader of poultry breeding industry in Yichang Changyang Tujia Autonomous County, Zheng Armor, leader of tea industry in Yiling District, Yichang City, Wang Jing, leader of rural eco-tourism in Xingshan County, Yichang City, Zhou Dainian, leader of rural revitalization and prosperity in Zhijiang City, Yichang City, and Ai Defu, leader of biotechnology industry in Yichang Yiting District

Stay tuned!

Source 丨 Yichang release

Editor 丨hao'er Editor 丨 Zhai Tingting

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