
I'm on the job during the Spring Festival! Haikou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau market supervision and control continues to file

author:Food Safety Hainan

In order to ensure food safety during the Spring Festival, the staff of the Haikou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau adhered to the front line of work, and before and after the Spring Festival, closely focused on the fields of food and drug safety, special equipment, tourism market, consumer rights protection, supply and price stability, etc., focusing on the "three safety" market supervision such as food safety, special equipment safety, and drug safety, ensuring the stability and order of the market, and creating a good and healthy market consumption environment for the public to celebrate the Spring Festival.

I'm on the job during the Spring Festival! Haikou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau market supervision and control continues to file

Strictly control the epidemic prevention and control to ensure that the masses travel with peace of mind

"The imported cold chain food purchased must be reported to the market supervision office one day in advance, and after checking the complete four certificates and disinfecting the external packaging, the code is completed and the code is scanned out of the warehouse." The sales terminal must identify the traceability code, which is convenient for customers to scan the code to inquire and purchase, and do a good job in the sales record ledger to ensure that every transaction and sales can be traced from the source and the flow direction can be traced. On February 4, the law enforcement personnel of the Haikou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau came to Xinbu Island Seafood World, The North and South Vegetable and Fruit Wholesale Market, Hainan South and North Frozen Preservation Co., Ltd., the Farmers' Market and other places to inspect the normalization of epidemic prevention and control such as frozen storage, imported cold chain food, vegetable prices, plastic bans and retail pharmacies.

It is understood that on the eve of the Spring Festival, the bureau held a special meeting on market supervision during the Spring Festival to formulate plans and strengthen deployment. During the Spring Festival, a bureau leader is arranged to lead a team to strengthen supervision and inspection every day, so that the masses can live a good and rest assured year; law enforcement personnel will inspect supermarkets and farmers' markets every day to inspect supermarkets, imported cold chain food clearance certificates, inspection and quarantine certificates, disinfection certificates and nucleic acid test reports, and the "four certificates" are complete and the sales of bright codes; understand the implementation of food testing work and plastic ban work in supermarkets and farmers' markets; strengthen the inspection and supervision of retail pharmacies, and consolidate the main responsibilities of retail pharmacies. Focus on checking whether the store strictly implements various rules and regulations in accordance with the requirements of the relevant documents on epidemic prevention and control, whether it strictly implements the "three prevention" work, whether it strictly implements the "four categories" drug real-name scanning code registration and sales system, and whether it registers the 150 varieties listed in the "four categories" drug catalog in accordance with the real-name registration of epidemic prevention and control.

I'm on the job during the Spring Festival! Haikou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau market supervision and control continues to file

Strictly control food safety to ensure that the masses can eat at ease

On the eve of the Spring Festival, the bureau issued consumption reminders such as food in response to the hot spots of Spring Festival consumption to fully protect the rights and interests of the public. In order to ensure that the public Chinese New Year's Eve meals to eat with confidence, on the eve of the Spring Festival and during the Spring Festival, the Haikou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau carried out inspection activities for catering units. The inspection mainly focuses on food safety, clear price marking, combined with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, carry out special inspections of Chinese New Year's Eve meals, and focus on the comprehensive "physical examination" of medium and large catering units in key segments of the jurisdiction, especially large and medium-sized restaurants that undertake Chinese New Year's Eve meals. At the same time, it highlights the safety supervision of hot food and food production units in the festival, carries out on-site inspections of the implementation of various food safety management systems such as personnel management, purchase inspection, facility disinfection and environmental sanitation of food market entities, supervises the implementation of the main responsibility for food safety, and makes every effort to ensure the safety of the masses.

I'm on the job during the Spring Festival! Haikou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau market supervision and control continues to file

Strictly control commodity prices to ensure that the masses can buy with peace of mind

In order to strengthen the work of ensuring supply and stabilizing prices during the Spring Festival, the Haikou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau launched the "Work Plan for Ensuring Supply and Stabilizing Prices in Special Periods", implemented the system of hanging points for leaders and the system of on-site supervision, and each farmer's market was inspected and supervised by a deputy director of the sub-bureau, so as to achieve full coverage of the supervision of the urban farmers' market; the inspection team sent by the sub-bureau of the territory and the supervision office to carry out daily inspections, increase the inspection of the farmers' market, the convenience diversion point, the large supermarket, the wholesale market, and the place where tourists consume concentrated, focusing on the daily necessities of residents. Monitor the prices of local specialty commodities and epidemic prevention products consumed during the Spring Festival, and seriously investigate and deal with illegal acts such as not clearly marking prices in accordance with regulations, fabricating and disseminating price increase information, price fraud, price gouging, illegal price increases, and extra-price charges.

I'm on the job during the Spring Festival! Haikou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau market supervision and control continues to file

Strictly control the protection of consumer rights to ensure that the masses' rights protection is warm

In terms of tourism market supervision, on the basis of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, the bureau implements the responsibility for tourism safety and resolutely implements the "four strict investigations": strictly investigate and deal with unfair competition in the tourism market, the manufacture and sale of counterfeit and shoddy products, and unlicensed business behavior; strictly investigate and deal with illegal advertisements or false publicity; strictly investigate and punish unlicensed tour operators to organize tour groups; and strictly investigate and deal with tour operators' use of contract standard terms to exempt themselves from liability, increase consumer responsibility, exclude consumer rights and other contract violations.

I'm on the job during the Spring Festival! Haikou Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau market supervision and control continues to file

Strictly control the quality of special equipment and products to ensure that the masses have a comfortable time

The bureau conducts a major inspection of the safety production of scenic spots, cinemas, shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels, hotels and other personnel-intensive places in the whole city, elevators and special equipment operated by enterprises, and eliminates potential safety hazards. In view of the lack of daily maintenance and inspection of special equipment, the relevant units are ordered to rectify within a time limit. Implement the enterprise safety production responsibility system to ensure that the public celebrates the holiday safely.

In addition, during the Spring Festival, the bureau organized special inspections of fireworks and firecrackers, and went deep into the urban-rural junction department, urban villages, farmers' markets, grocery stores, incense shops, etc., to check whether there was illegal production, sale, transportation, storage and display of fireworks and firecrackers. Increase the publicity of the law, remind citizens and tourists to abide by the safety management regulations of Haikou fireworks and firecrackers, strengthen positive guidance, and create a new trend for the New Year.

During the Spring Festival, the bureau dispatched more than 700 law enforcement personnel, inspected more than 1,800 market entities such as food stores, supermarkets, catering stores, and special equipment users; quickly responded to and properly handled 986 public demands. (Song Wei, Wu Jialiang)