
Hometown mountain Hometown people Hometown feelings

author:Fun facts about the canal

Hometown mountain Hometown people Hometown feelings

Hometown mountain Hometown people Hometown feelings

Text | Nostalgia

The moon is the circle of the hometown, and love is the edge of the hometown. My hometown of Baishiwan Village in Heshun Town is a small village surrounded by mountains. There is a mountain pass in the south and north of the village that leads to the outside, with many slopes, longitudinal ravines, dense forest vegetation, and many natural wonders. Speaking of the origin of the name of the village, the history books have recorded that in the old days, there was a good field in the south bay of the village, "Baishi (sound dàn) Bay". In the twelfth year of Qing Tongzhi (1872), flash floods washed away the fields, and the annual output of 100 stone fields became stone beaches. In order to let future generations remember this natural disaster, people renamed Baishi Bay (yin dàn) Bay to Baishi Bay, and it has been used to this day.

There is a song called "Who Doesn't Say My Hometown Is Good", which expresses people's preference for their hometown. It was a remote mountain village, no towering mansions, no beautiful parks, but in my heart, my hometown was a beautiful picture that did not need to be carved, wildflowers could be picked at the roadside, and the south river ditch that passed through the village was like an old man telling the story of the experience of the village; Drinking a glass of nostalgia makes me drunk in the landscape of my hometown.

Here is the folklore of the "Kangxi Emperor's Grandmother" that the old people in their hometown often mention.

There are rich forest resources from Donggang Town in the north to Wangjiagou in the west, with a slope area of more than 6,000 mu.

There are beautiful natural landscapes such as Ten Thousand People Carrying, Southern Marquis, Gun Gun Ridge, Hutou Mountain, and Izumi Jiao.

There is a Hongqi Canal supporting project built in the 1970s to connect Donggang Town to Lower Yan'anyang County, surrounding the whole village----- three trunk canals and three branches of the canal and many bucket canals.

Here is the red traffic line of the yubei office of the famous eighth route army headquarters during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, which once left the combat footprints of Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, Chen Yi, Lü Zhengcao, Yang Dezhi, Shu and other revolutionary predecessors, and wrote the revolutionary epic of the party leading the people to brave hardships and dangers and resist the war to the end...

Every mountain, every ditch, every ridge, every field, every flower here is a deep thought and concern for me in my life. Everything in my hometown is reflected in my mind, it contains the good memories of my childhood, it makes me feel the warmth of my hometown.

In my memory, hometown has a taste. The taste is particularly intimate, unique, heart-warming, deep into the marrow, intoxicating, unforgettable, and fragrant. The taste of my hometown, more importantly, the thick rural tone, the call that shouts my breast name, can always awaken the softness in my heart, and the words with the earthy smell are the most appropriate warmth that can not be found after walking through thousands of rivers and mountains.

Sweet is not sweet hometown water, kiss not close to hometown people. No matter where we are, our hometown will always be our spiritual home and spiritual home. No matter where you are, you can rely on a warm breath to let a tired heart return to your hometown, find that long-lost feeling, and throw yourself into the warm embrace of your hometown. Whether our hometown is barren or rich, we cannot change the mood of loving and praising our hometown; we will not forget the down-to-earth, hard-working hometown people.

Walking on the country road, a refreshing fragrance, filtered by the slanted wind and drizzle, pure and gentle into my body. Isn't this a Baishiwan village that can hook up with the soul of the country, see the villagers, hear the sounds of the country, remember the homesickness, and inspire our childhood memories? This refreshing presentation suddenly made us feel the charm of our hometown Baishiwan Village!

Although the hometown in my memory is distant, it is very kind, because it is full of spring feelings for my childhood, leaving me with many unforgettable memories, page by page full of interesting stories about my childhood. The hometown complex is the golden yellow of wheat swaying in the field, the soft sticky taste of childhood in the mouth, and the clearest and most beautiful memory in life.

I can't forget that when the first machine well was successfully completed at the south grave of the village, the eyes of the whole village were filled with tears of excitement and sweet smiles. Fathers and fellow villagers who work hard in the fields are as sensitive to drought as they are to their own lives!

I can't forget that when harvesting wheat in summer and ploughing the fields in autumn, the scene of my hometown fathers and fellow villagers getting up early and greedy, and there are long queues on the road.

I can't forget the scene of studying and playing with classmates Xu Yinzhao, Li Wenchang, Li Yangshan, Li Shulin and other students, going up the mountain to cut grass together on Sundays, and participating in the labor of the production team when the farmers are busy.

Can't forget, during the New Year, the villagers were immersed in the joy of the Spring Festival. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, the sky was just dark, after eating dumplings, people dressed in new clothes began to visit the New Year from house to house. People's faces are filled with spring colors, making this small village in the deep mountains look full of life. Laughter, flowing in the streets and alleys, blessings and greetings, rising in every household...

My hometown, how many words can describe my feelings for you? This is a special product of a difficult time to rely on each other and never forget for a lifetime, but also a kind of complex and feelings. This memory became the most extravagant fragment of his life, carefully hidden.

Hometown is the root of a person's walking between heaven and earth. Whether it is in a foreign land with a broken moon or a dark and windy night, there are all kinds of familiar tastes that quietly sneak into the heart, quiet and leisurely. It is the taste of the "sweet rod" of corn, and the more it is chewed, the sweeter it becomes; It is the taste of soybeans fried, the more chewy the more oily; It is the taste of white melon seeds stir-fried seasoning, the more chewy the more fragrant...

Whenever someone asks about my hometown, I instinctively praise myself about the village. Make those of us outside proud. Although my hometown is indeed not famous and is not familiar with my friends, my hometown is always the most beautiful place in my mind, a dream that follows my lifelong memory, and a feeling that follows my lifelong unchanged feelings.

The spring breeze of reform blew all over the land of Shenzhou, and the fire of reform and opening up burned all over my hometown, making my hometown ---- Baishiwan Village look brand new, making it like a young and energetic girl, Chuchu and moving. The great achievements made in our hometown are the pride of each of our wanderers.

Beauty is in the four seasons of the hometown, beauty is in the hearts of the hometown people, and beauty is also in the spring of the hometown. Walking into Baishiwan Village, what is brought to people is one surprise after another, the appearance of the village has undergone earth-shaking changes, the infrastructure construction is changing with each passing day, the ecological environment continues to improve, the vitality of the countryside is becoming more and more prominent, and the modern atmosphere of the new rural area is overwhelming, and the happiness, sense of gain and pride of the masses are born spontaneously.

Hometown mountain Hometown people Hometown feelings

On the water side Wang Zhigang

Achievements are done, and happiness is struggled. With the people in the mountains who "have to put the back to the front" sense of competition, Baishiwan Village has kept pace with the times in the change of the times, turned around gorgeously, and fully demonstrated the new charm of the civilized and rich village.

What the people want, what the government wants. The cadres of the two committees of Baishiwan Village united and worked hard, seized the opportunity, pioneered and innovated, step by step, one step at a time, one step at a time. It has improved in party building, industrial development, rural grassroots governance and other aspects. In 2016, three groups of 60 kilowatts of photovoltaic power generation projects were installed on the hillside behind the village committee, which was spectacular. In the past, the road behind the village was piled with stones, uneven and uneven, and it was difficult to walk in the rainy day, but now it has a new look. In August 2017, we invested 1.1 million yuan to harden the 4.2-kilometer road from Baishiwan to Huangjiapo, which was accessible in all directions... The hometown of the past was barren and desolate, but today's hometown is gorgeous and colorful.

The hometown in memory, with the development of the times, the familiar grass and trees, one person and one thing, slowly disappeared in the changes of history. Strolling on the village street, the road is clean and tidy, the environment is beautiful, and the air is fresh. The mountains are green, the water is green, and the sky is bluer. After nightfall, the lights are brilliant, and Baishiwan Village is presenting itself to the world with a new image.

The night of my hometown, the days of my hometown, and the mountains of that layer... Both are full of poetry and enlighten philosophy. Countless days and nights, standing in the silent night sky and looking at my hometown, recalling the beautiful pictures of the past. All the changes in my hometown have been brewed into a pot of mellow and fragrant aged wine, transformed into a deep ink and danqing, and chanted into a beautiful and timeless splendid poem, which eventually becomes an eternal treasure engraved in our hearts.

"The hometown is beautiful, the beautiful landscape is picturesque, the people are drunk, and the beauty makes people sing and fly." On the fourteenth day of the first month of 2022, the two committees of Baishiwan Village released the news of holding a symposium on conspiring to develop at the village level in the WeChat group of the village, and all the people of Baishiwan Village rushed to tell each other. Why would a piece of news make a villager so upset? So haunting? What about getting a villager to move? Because this was the first symposium organized after the Spring Festival in Baishiwan Village, more than 20 people attending the meeting gathered into a voice for the first time: up and down with one heart, revitalize their hometown. This will become a milestone for Baishiwan Village, gathering more sufficient confidence and more and more energy for the high-quality economic and social development of the hometown.

Hometown is hometown, she brings people spring, joy, warmth, vitality, and hope.

One by one, the new policies for people's livelihood warmed the people, the picture scrolls of serving the masses slowly spread, and one by one the gradually approaching happy dreams bloomed in Baishiwan Village.

The construction of the hometown is getting more and more beautiful, people's lives are getting better and better, I believe that the future of the hometown Baishiwan Village will be more brilliant and beautiful!

Hometown mountain Hometown people Hometown feelings

Landscape persimmon (oath) depends on Wang Zhigang

- Author Profile-

Hometown mountain Hometown people Hometown feelings

Li Wanquan is also known as Li Yulong, and his pen name is Xiangyin Nostalgia. Male, from Baishiwan Village, Heshun Town. He is the author of "Charity Compound" published by China Social Publishing House, "Life and Dreams" published by People's Daily Publishing House, "Chronicle of Industrial and Commercial Administration of Linzhou City" published by China Yanshi Publishing House, "Linzhou Municipal People's Congress Chronicle", "Hongqiqu Continuation", "Hengshui Town Chronicle", "Suburban Township Chronicle", "Hongqiqu Construction Craftsman Style", and other literary and historical books, and co-authored "Compilation of Linzhou Ancient Chronicles", and has published more than 600 works in news media at all levels.

Original: Heshun Folk Art

Hometown mountain Hometown people Hometown feelings