
For the rest of your life, look down on gains and losses, and everything goes with the flow

For the rest of your life, look down on gains and losses, and everything goes with the flow

Text/An Dongyue


Half of life is gain, half is loss.

Gain makes people feel happy and happy; loss makes people feel painful and sad.

We work hard, we work hard, just to get everything we want. However, the greater the dream and the more desire, the more tired people will be.

Moreover, in the process of hard work, there will be many difficulties, traps, and malice. For this, you may lose a lot of things and pay a great price that you can't afford it.

Many times, the collapse of adults often lies in the single-mindedness to get, but always lose, the future can not see hope, the present can not live wonderfully, into a deep self-doubt.

In fact, when people live, they live a mentality. Good mindset, all good. People who truly have a realm will not be overjoyed or sad in the face of gains and losses, and that kind of transcendent spirit is also the desire of many people's hearts.

If you ask: What is the best way to live for the rest of your life?

I think, but eight words: look down on gains and losses, everything goes with fate.

For the rest of your life, look down on gains and losses, and everything goes with the flow

01. Gain and loss are inseparable

"Gain and loss are entangled in the brain, and the weight is on the heart, and we cannot achieve true peace."

Gain and loss are the most disturbing. When a person's heart is confused, he cannot see the beauty of life and feel the warmth of the world.

Look down on gains and losses, peace of mind, the world is beautiful, and the world is warm.

However, the truth is known to everyone, how many people do it? Regarding gains and losses, it is not that we can look down on it.

So-called, people are happy every time the spirit is refreshing. When you are satisfied, it is difficult to be calm and normal, and most of them will share their happiness in various forms. However, this kind of sharing will be regurgitated if you are not careful.

A friend once told me that she was interning in a factory with a few classmates, and because she was personally outstanding, she was quickly promoted. After the news was confirmed, she told several classmates at the first time, but unexpectedly caused everyone's dissatisfaction, gave her a face on the spot, and embarrassed her. After that, she was isolated by everyone, doing everything alone, and almost depressed.

Got a promotion and lost a friendship. The former is pleasing and the latter sad.

After this incident, she understood a truth: if joy is shared with the wrong person, it will become a display, it is better to be a low-key person, and the relationship between people is still better to look down.

Gain and loss are inseparable. When you gain something, you also lose something.

There is a cause and effect between gain and loss, and it is often not at your own disposal. Therefore, it is even more important to learn to look down. Only by looking down on gains and losses can we not be overjoyed and sad because of changes in the world.

For the rest of your life, look down on gains and losses, and everything goes with the flow

02. Fate and devastation are fate

Some of the encounters in the world are fate, and some are robberies. And whether it is fate or robbery, it is a fateful arrangement.

In the vast sea of people, meeting the fateful fate, two people know each other and spend the rest of their lives together, which is the happiest and most beautiful thing in the world.

However, such happiness is not something that everyone can have. Most people have been hurt in the world of feelings, deep or shallow, light or heavy, until they go around and twist and turn, and finally meet the happiness that truly belongs to them.

And the person who once brought him pain was both a cause and a robbery.

If not, how can we meet? If it wasn't for the robbery, how could it be hurt?

A reader asked, why can't I put down a person? Obviously, that person is not very good, nor has he been very good to himself, and even hurt himself, why do he still think of him often and never really let go?

In fact, there are so many reasons, only because that person is a robbery that cannot be escaped in this life.

Fate and doom are fate. The appearance of some people is both a cause and a robbery. When you meet it, it is a lifetime of obsession.

Life is only a few decades, whether it is fate or disaster, it is the best mentality to be at ease with the encounter.

For the rest of your life, look down on gains and losses, and everything goes with the flow

03. For the rest of your life, look down on gains and losses, and everything goes with fate

The years are countless, and in the blink of an eye it is half a life.

Looking back at the road I came from, I gained a lot and lost a lot.

I have also been ecstatic because I have received it, and I have also suffered from losing it. Looking at it now, my heart has long been as calm as water, and I can no longer be shocked by any waves.

Time has changed a lot, and the world and state of mind are no longer what they used to be.

The rest of my life is still very long. The road ahead must be firmly followed. Needless to say, along the way, there will be a lot to gain, and at the same time there will be a lot to lose.

What is different from before is that the current self is mature enough, and the heart is stronger than before, and it will no longer be happy and sad for gains and losses.

Sometimes, there is no impermanence. For the rest of your life, looking down on gains and losses, and following fate is the best way to live.

May we all be able to do it.


Author: An Dongyue, a freelance writer, with warm brushstrokes, writes heartfelt words, and is willing to meet you in the deepest red dust. Welcome to follow.

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