
Nine Chinese characters, nine extremes

Nine Chinese characters, nine extremes

Zhao Mengfu Book


"Ask the Emperor Ten"

Don Bai Juyi

The bittersweet heart is up to me, and the poor are destined to let him.

Sit down and pour zhang han wine, and sing and sing public opinion songs.

RongSheng is optimistic, and there are many leisurely and self-adapting.

Knowing that the king can decide things, how about winning or losing?

Life is full of tastes, the most difficult to say is bitter, the most difficult to eat is also bitter. Life is not satisfactory in the world, and walking red dust needs to be sharpened.

Which person did not come out of suffering? Who would dare to say that they have not suffered? It's always going to be bitter for a while, but it's not going to be bitter for a lifetime.

Nine Chinese characters, nine extremes

Book of Tang Yin


Six Feet Alley

Qing Zhang Ying

Thousands of miles to repair the book only for the wall, let him three feet and why bother,

The Great Wall is still there today, and Qin Shi Huang was not seen in that year.

Only the man with great ambitions can endure and abandon the senseless disputes in front of him; the man with great vision can endure, and he only appreciates the beautiful stars in the sky.

Forbearance is not cowardice, it is not useless, forbearance is a kind of strength, it is a kind of thought, it is a kind of compassion, it is a kind of wisdom!

Nine Chinese characters, nine extremes

Wen Zheng Ming Book

- Smile, ten years less

"Five Songs to Wine"

Cunning and foolishness are foolish, and it is like being drunk and forgetting the opportunity.

The heavens and the earth are wide and narrow, and the eagle osprey emperor flies separately.

What is the dispute on the snail's horn, the stone fire sends this body.

It is foolish to go with the rich and be happy with the poor, and not to laugh.

Ju Zequan stone flowers and bamboo, poetry and wine chess books, golden stone museum, Qing Tan reward singing; the line is famous mountains and rivers, ascending high and looking far, seeking talents and visiting friends, and the affection is long.

In those activities that are not utilitarian, happiness is with life, regardless of rich or poor. These happy times are one of the reasons why we live in the world.

Nine Chinese characters, nine extremes

Su Shi Book

- People move to live, trees move to death

"Climbing the Stork Tower"

Don Wang Zhizhuo

The day runs by the mountains, and the Yellow River flows into the sea.

Want to go to the next level.

Life is in motion, life should remain "dynamic", do not have to be satisfied with the status quo, rather than humiliatingly let the soul "die", it is better to fight.

Break your familiar habits, dare to step out of this old rotten "cage", and find a new place to live, a new place means a new beginning.

Nine Chinese characters, nine extremes

The Book of the King's Offering



Don Wang Wei

People idle osmanthus flowers fall, and the night is quiet in the spring mountain sky.

The moonrise frightens the mountain birds, and when the song is in the spring stream.

Jing is not the kind of moody and invisible reservedness, nor is it the kind of hidden city government.

The real "stillness" is to abandon the impetuous heart of this mountain looking at the mountain high, and not to pursue illusory and unrealistic fantasies.

Under the temptation of the sound and color of the dog and horse, do not drink and hate for life because of their own thoughts.

Nine Chinese characters, nine extremes

Rice Book

- Heaven and earth, all things are born

"Looking at the Cave Garden"

Don Liu Yuxi

The lake light and autumn moon are two phases, and the pond surface is unpolished without goggles.

Looking at the landscape of Dongting in the distance, a green snail in a silver plate.

"The sky is high for birds to fly, the sea is wide and the fish leaps", "harmony and difference" is a very magical force, which brings people not only material, but also spiritual comfort and guidance.

Harmony with oneself, indifferent to fame and fortune; with people, liver and gallbladder love and self-love; husband and wife, know each other how warm; a family and, the door is prosperous and blessed; the world is harmonious, auspicious and prosperous!

Nine Chinese characters, nine extremes

The Book of Luk-Cambodia


"Fixing the Storm"

Don Lee Xun

Aiming at the smoke and the hidden fall,

Success comes to seeing the spring of the five lakes.

A leaf boat groaned and drunk,

Yun Shui, at this time, recognized the free body.

Flower Island for the neighboring gulls,

Deep down, I haven't seen the city people for years.

Having attained the subtle will of Xiyi,

Latent joy, lotus clothes with absolute dust.

In life, I only seek a "ya", a faint hint of sweetness, a soft wisp of heart, a warm true feeling, and a beautiful dream.

It will not make the viewer obsessed, will not make the appreciator sink, and will not make the lover crazy, all nature, all unworldly, everything into the beautiful and distant artistic conception.

Nine Chinese characters, nine extremes

Chu Suiliang Book

- The clouds are in the sky, the water is in the bottle

《Xi Jiang Yue》

Song Zhou Dunru

Day by day the glass of wine is full, towards the small garden flowers,

Self-singing and dancing, unrestrained and unhindered.

Qingshi several spring dreams, how many wizards of red dust,

No need to worry about it and arrange it, and get it now.

The so-called transparency of life is the state of "smooth", the clouds are in the blue sky and the water is in the bottle, and the green mountains do not hinder the white clouds! A life that is not "smooth" is full of cracks.

Only when it is "smooth", the closed life will be open, the tense life will be loosened, and the defective life will be complete. Make life comfortable, honest and authentic.

Nine Chinese characters, nine extremes

Li Shimin's book

- Good people, long-lasting


Don Lee Shang-yin

It is difficult to say goodbye when we meet, and the east wind is powerless.

Spring silkworm to the end of the dead silk, the wax torch into gray tears began to dry.

Xiao Jing but sad clouds changed, night groan should feel the cold moonlight.

Pengshan has no more roads to go, and the blue bird is attentive to visit.

To be good to others is, in the final analysis, to be good to oneself. Only by being pure in heart and not being malicious toward others can we maintain a kind heart, and this kind word and deed will surely benefit one's body and mind a lot, and eventually get the reward of goodness.

Therefore, being happy and happy to be kind to life, being kind to others, being kind to yourself, and living every day with a smile and heart may be the true meaning of life.

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