
In the rain, the grass is green and dyed, and the rain reads poetry to call spring

Today's rain, which is the second solar term of spring, generally begins on February 18 or 19 in the Gregorian calendar and ends on March 4 or 5, when the sun reaches 330 degrees of ecliptic longitude. Rainwater means two meanings: one is that the weather is warmer and the precipitation is gradually increasing; the other is manifested in the form of precipitation, with less snow and more rain.

"Xiaolou listens to the spring rain one night, the deep alley Ming Dynasty sells apricot blossoms" "The grass in the rain is green and dyed, and the peach blossoms on the water are burning red", the rain is coming, do you want to go out of the house, step on the soil, smell the flowers, and even touch the rain? Read the poems of the ancestors who wrote rain, and swim in the rain.

In the rain, the grass is green and dyed, and the rain reads poetry to call spring

Spring nights are rainy

Du fu

Good rain knows the season, when spring is happening.

Dive into the night with the wind, and the moisturizer is silent.

The wild trails are dark and the river boats are alone.

Xiao looked at the red wet place, and the flowers were heavy in the official city.

There are more than 15,000 five laws of the Tang Dynasty, and Lao Du's "Happy Rain on Spring Nights" can still be called Mu Xiu Yu Lin when placed in it; there are also many poems by Tang Yongyu, and Lao Du's work is still a special show.

The poem was written in the spring of the second year of the first century (761). At that time, Du Fu's settlement project caotang in Chengdu had been completed the previous year, temporarily ending the difficult and difficult wandering exile career, living a rough life, and the mood was relatively happy, so he wrote a number of beautiful chapters of the scenery of the chant, "Spring Night Happy Rain" is one of them. The whole article writes "rain", and it is "night rain", and it is the rain of "spring night", and it is not the obscene rain that does not open for months in the spring rain, but the silent "good rain" of moisturizing things, and the emotional state of the lyrical protagonist is not a "happy" word and its joyful person.

"Good rain knows the season, when spring is happening", the poet first anthropomorphizes the spring rain, it seems to know the season, and comes to the world in the early spring when all things are born. Although this is plain spoken language, it is a song that has been recited and quoted through the ages. "Sneaking into the night with the wind, moisturizing things silent" is even more so, this is the positive writing of good rain, "night" word to wake up the title, "submersible" word to indicate that it is spring wind and rain rather than bitter rain and heavy rain, moisturizing everything and quietly, showing the function of good rain, and the above "good rain" cares.

"The wild path clouds are black, and the river boats are alone in fire" is written on the side of the rain, and it is a black "cloud" lined with a unique "fire", like a watercolor painting with contrasting colors. Chengdu is also known as "Jinguancheng", "Xiao looks at the red wet place, the flower is heavy jinguancheng", which is connected as a suspenseful word, with "flower" echoing "spring", with the "xiao" envisioned in the night to awaken the "night" of the real scene in front of you, with the "red wetness" wet with red flowers wet with rain, and the "flower weight" with spring flowers raining and heavy "flower weight" setting off the rain of the night, which can be described as the god of the four words in the title.

In the rain, the grass is green and dyed, and the rain reads poetry to call spring

Rainy and sunny

King Drive

Before the rain, I first saw the flowers between the flowers, and after the rain, there were no leaves in the flowers.

Butterflies flew over the wall, but suspected that spring was in the neighbor's house.

Wang Chai's poem is titled "Rain and Sunshine", he first wrote about the situation he saw from the "before" of the rain and the "after" of the rain, from the beginning of the flower to the scattered fall of the flower, not only pointing out the title, but also expressing a feeling of cherishing spring, but it is still written in this way, it is still plain, the wonderful thing is that this is just a paving stroke, and the association between this and that behind is very wonderful, it stimulates the reader's imagination, and the poetic flavor is therefore spontaneous, such as chewing olives, the taste is inexhaustible.

Lan Xi Song

Dai Shulun

The cool moon is like an eyebrow hanging on willow bay, and the middle of the mountain looks in the mirror.

Lanxi three days of peach blossom rain, carp came to the beach in the middle of the night.

"Lanxi", the name of the water, is in the southwest of present-day Lanxi City, Zhejiang. "Zhào song", 棹 is the instrument for rocking the boat, and the song is the song that the boatman sings when he rocks the boat. This poem writes about the night scene after the rain in the spring of Lanxi, like a frame of leisurely landscape sketches. The first two sentences are a large scene of static scenery, which is the arrangement of the background and the rendering of the environment. The last two sentences are small scenes of moving scenes, close-ups of carp on the beach in the middle of the night, so that the whole poem is in addition to a clear and quiet, but also adds a quiet and dynamic vitality, and an unexpected charm.

In the rain, the grass is green and dyed, and the rain reads poetry to call spring


Wang wei

Light shade pavilion light rain, deep courtyard day open.

Sit and watch the moss, and want to put on the clothes of the people.

"Book affairs" is the meaning of Jing Sheng's love and direct writing. The title of the poem, "Book", is to write about the things in front of you and your own feelings. "Pavilion", the pavilion where the poet lived, means to see the sky light and cloudy on the small building, and the drizzle is like silk. "Cabinet" is used as a verb solution, the same as "shelving", which means shelving and temporary rest, that is, the first break of light rain. "Lazy", lazy. This means that there are no visitors during the day, and the courtyard door is too lazy to open. "Sit and watch", sitting alone and watching. There is no one in the deep courtyard, and in the quiet environment, the poet sits alone and meditates, staring at the moss on the ground in the courtyard, and in the trance, the pale green color seems to be covered with his clothes. "Sit and watch the moss, want to get on people's clothes", this is Wang Wei's Zen sentence of instant love, which can be compared with his "Jingxi white stone, cold red leaves." There is no rain on the mountain road, and the empty green wet clothes" ("In the Mountains") is more beautiful, and it is all without a word.

In the rain, the grass is green and dyed, and the rain reads poetry to call spring

Bamboo Branch Words (Choice 2)

Liu Yuxi

Mountain peach saffron flowers are on the head, and the spring water of the Shu River is lapping at the mountain stream.

The bonus is easy to decay like Lang Yi, and the water flow is infinite like nong sorrow.

Yang Liu QingJiang level, smell the Lang River singing.

The sun rises in the east and the rains in the west, and the road is clear but sunny.

The bamboo branch words pioneered by Liu Yuxi not only retain the simple and natural natural beauty of folk songs, but also use spoken language into poetry, with a strong earthy atmosphere, and at the same time slang into elegant tones, from language to mood, there is more of a literati elegance. For example, "the mountain peach saffron flowers are full of heads, and the spring water of the Shu River beats the mountain stream", and it is both happy and endowed, one writes the mountain flower, and the other writes the river water. The third and fourth sentences are divided into "flower" and "water", and "lang" and "nong", and they are figuratively expressed, one is earthy, and one is full of clouds. "Yang Liu Qing Qing Jiang level, smell the Lang River singing", fluent and simple, quite the rhyme of the folk songs of the Six Dynasties. The third and fourth sentences use the harmonic techniques used in folk songs to harmonize "feelings" with "qing", although they are easy to come by, they are uniquely created by poetry, so they have been popular for thousands of years and have a very high preservation rate.

In the rain, the grass is green and dyed, and the rain reads poetry to call spring


Wei Zhuang

The river rains and the grass are in unison, and the six dynasties are like dream birds crying in the air.

The most ruthless is Taicheng Willow, still smoke cage ten mile causeway.

Taicheng, the city within the city of Jinling, was located in the north along the Qianhe River in the southern foothills of Jiming Mountain in today's Nanjing City, on the side of Xuanwu Lake. Nowadays, people use it to call the section of Jiming Temple that meets the Ming Dynasty city wall as the ruins of Taicheng, which is caused by posterity. Taicheng was originally the Wuhou Garden during the Three Kingdoms period, and was rebuilt as the New Palace of the Jin Dynasty after the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Crossing. During the reign of Emperor Wu of Liang, he stretched from Fuzhoushan in the east to the capital in the west, and built a long causeway known as ten miles long, which became a place of amusement for the princes and nobles. At the end of the Six Dynasties, Lord Chen Hou intensified his efforts and built a large number of civil engineering, and Taicheng became a veritable gold cave and gentle township.

The name "Taicheng" comes from the fact that it was the seat of the Taiwan Province (central government) of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Southern Dynasty, and was the political center of the Six Dynasties. The Jin king Yang Guang (later emperor Taizong of Tang as Emperor Sui) destroyed Chen, and in order to destroy the king's qi here, he razed the city of Jiankang to the ground. By the Time of the Tang Dynasty, Taicheng was only left with the ruins of broken tiles in the slanting sun, and Wu Zi remembered the prosperity of the past, so that future generations could hang on. The scenery is still the same, and the world's conditions are no longer human. The poet depicts the lushness of the smoke willows of the Long Causeway, which is a reflection of the decadence and demise of successive dynasties. Liu's "ruthlessness" contrasts precisely with the poet's "intention": a review of historical transmutation and a reflection on the rise and fall of the state. The whole poem is not a heavenly sphere, and "The Six Dynasties Are Like Dreams and Birds Crying" is a unique witty and aphorism in the poem. Wei Zhuang was in the late Tang Dynasty, witnessing the once prosperous Tang Dynasty ending in the sad evening wind, and the superficial meaning of his "Taicheng" was nostalgic, and the deep meaning was not also to hurt the present?

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