
DNF to ward off evil jade fame new algorithm, look at the entry does not look at the quality, attribute attack is the most waterlogged

One of the latest updates to the experience suit is the update to ward off evil jade fame.

Now the reputation of the evil jade is simply to look at the quality of the jade: rare 30, artifact 45, legend 67, epic 93. After the future revision, the reputation of the evil jade will have great changes.

The current experience suit's evil jade reputation algorithm is as follows:

DNF to ward off evil jade fame new algorithm, look at the entry does not look at the quality, attribute attack is the most waterlogged

First, the basic reputation of jade is unchanged, that is, the above, rare ~ epics are: 30, 45, 67, 93;

Second, for every full non-injury entry, including attribute attacks, then increase 56 ranks;

Third, every time the harm entry is full, including the technical attack and milk entry, then increase the reputation by 76;

Fourth, 5 critical hits increase 65 points;

Fifth, for every 1 level of skill, fame increases by 68.

In addition, if the term is not satisfied, then the reputation is increased according to the proportion of the current term to the full attribute, and the negative attribute does not deduct the reputation.

DNF to ward off evil jade fame new algorithm, look at the entry does not look at the quality, attribute attack is the most waterlogged

Let's take an example of a legendary jade, whose three attributes are:

Skill Attack 1.8%, Skill Attack 1.8%, Hit 2%

Then its reputation after the revision is calculated like this:

First of all, it is legendary jade, then there is a basic 67 points of fame; then the first attribute is 1.8% skill attack, the full attribute of the skill attack is 3%, and the damage entry is full of 76 fame, then the 1.8% skill attack increases the fame by 1.8/3*76=45.6; the second is also 1.8 skill attack, which is also 45.6 fame; the third hit is non-damage term, and the increased fame is 2/5*56=22.4.

Then the 4 fames add up to 180.6, and the decimal point in the DNF is discarded, and the final increase in the reputation of this jade is 180.

Compare with before and after the revision, there is now an increase of 67 reputations, and after the revision of 180, an increase of 113.

Then after the update, there will be a large number of water injection jade, and the strongest water injection jade is like this:

DNF to ward off evil jade fame new algorithm, look at the entry does not look at the quality, attribute attack is the most waterlogged

According to the algorithm, the jade with four full non-harm terms increases by 93 (epic jade base) + 56 * 4 (4 non-injury full terms) = 317 points of fame after the revision, which is 224 more points of fame than before the revision.

But in terms of damage, this jade can basically be said to have zero boost, unless you don't set a crystal contract, the class doesn't have its own attribute attack, the weapon doesn't have the attribute attack enchantment or comes with its own attribute, and you don't have a gatekeeper.

And a red 12 is 59 points more famous than red 11, a water injection jade can stand up to 4 pieces of red 11 to red 12 promotion, the current limit of the whole body red 11 is about 1.97W, after the revision of the evil jade, make a high reputation jade, red 11 can also reach the Doudi, and even the jade does not need to be full body 11.

At present, this kind of water injection jade in various regions is getting more and more attention, and players who want to get it must be early, and after the revision is implemented to the official service, then it will be more difficult to get it.

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