
The German newspaper said that the solar terms | today's rain! The light rain on the sky street is as moist as crisp, and the grass color is close at a distance...

The German newspaper said that the solar terms | today's rain! The light rain on the sky street is as moist as crisp, and the grass color is close at a distance...

00:42:50 Beijing time on February 19

Usher in the "rain" festival

The spring breeze gradually blows all over the earth

Snow and ice melt

The air began to get wet

Everywhere there is a thriving scene

The German newspaper said that the solar terms | today's rain! The light rain on the sky street is as moist as crisp, and the grass color is close at a distance...

After the rain, everything begins to sprout, and the three rains reflect this characteristic.

Rain for three days

A waiting otter sacrifices fish | It's about the rainy season, the ice on the surface melts, and the otters start fishing. Otters like to put fish on the shore after biting and placing them in a sequential manner, like sacrifices, so there is a saying of "otter sacrifice fish".

The second Waiting Hongyan came to | It means that after 5 days, the weather in the south is warm, the geese begin to fly back from the south to the north, and the migratory birds come and go with the changes of the yin and yang of heaven and earth to adapt to the climate.

Three waiting grasses and trees sprouted | It means that in another 5 days, the yin and yang between heaven and earth will intersect, and there will be vitality, and the grass and trees will begin to sprout by taking advantage of this vitality, and in the spring rain of "moisturizing and silent", the grass and trees will begin to pull out young shoots. Since then, the earth has gradually begun to show a thriving scene.

Rainwater customs


Labaobao is an ancient Han folk culture in Sichuan. Labaobao means that parents recognize their children as a father and mother. Today, this unique Han folk custom in western Sichuan has established a festival "Bao Bao Festival" for the participation of the whole people in Guanghan.

The German newspaper said that the solar terms | today's rain! The light rain on the sky street is as moist as crisp, and the grass color is close at a distance...

Take the birthday

The custom of receiving life means to wish your father-in-law and mother-in-law a long life of 100 years. This is a tribute to the father-in-law and mother-in-law who have worked hard to raise their daughters to adulthood. If it is a newlywed son-in-law to send a festival, the father-in-law and mother-in-law will also give back an umbrella, let the son-in-law go out to run, can cover the wind and rain, and also wish the son-in-law a smooth and peaceful life journey.

Living and wellness

Although the rainy season is not as cold as the cold winter moon, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the human skin has become relatively loose, and the resistance to wind and cold has weakened, so the elderly often say that they should pay attention to spring cover.

After the rain, the spring wind sends warmth, and the pathogenic bacteria and viruses are easy to spread with the wind, so the spring infectious diseases are often prone to outbreaks of influenza. Everyone should protect themselves, pay attention to exercise, strengthen resistance, and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

The German newspaper said that the solar terms | today's rain! The light rain on the sky street is as moist as crisp, and the grass color is close at a distance...

During the rainy season, the moisture of the ground gradually rises, and there is dew and frost in the morning. Therefore, in view of such climatic characteristics, attention should be paid to nourishing the spleen and stomach and removing wind and dehumidification. In spring, the liver is strong and the spleen is weak, and the diet should be less sour and sweet, and more dates, spinach, water chestnut, sugar cane, artemisia annua, yam and so on can be eaten.

Rainwater poetry

"Happy Rain on Spring Night"

(Tang) Du Fu

Good rain knows the season, when spring is happening.

Dive into the night with the wind, and the moisturizer is silent.

The wild trails are dark and the river boats are alone.

Xiao looked at the red wet place, and the flowers were heavy in the official city.

"Early Spring Rain"

(Tang) Han Yu

The light rain on the sky street is as moist as crisp, and the grass color is close but not there.

The most is the benefit of spring of the year, which is better than the smoke and willow full of imperial capital.

"Night Rain Sends North"

(Tang) Li Shangyin

Junwen returned to the autumn pond at night.

He Dang cut the candle in the west window together, but when it rained at night.

The German newspaper said that the solar terms | today's rain! The light rain on the sky street is as moist as crisp, and the grass color is close at a distance...

Today's rain

On this wonderful spring day

Let us cultivate the land

Sow hope

Welcome a new world

Produced by Texas Daily New Media

Poster design | Liu Zhenxing

Wang Lin, editor of this newspaper|

Zhang Xiaohang, | of the audit, | Zhu Daijun in the final review

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