
Who should be United captain? C Ronaldo will not give in! There are also 4 big candidates Maguire should have let the sage long ago

According to British media reports, there is a captainship dispute in the Manchester United team, C Ronaldo intends to take away the armband, but Maguire refuses to give in, so the question is, who should be the first captain of the Red Devils?

Who should be United captain? C Ronaldo will not give in! There are also 4 big candidates Maguire should have let the sage long ago

The four conditions of being captain

To be the captain of a team, especially the European giants, there are at least one of the four conditions. First, super capable, absolute top star. Second, outstanding temperament and leadership style. Third, the blood is pure, and the team is from the youth training. Fourth, he has a lot of seniority and has played for the team for many years.

Look at the captains of other giants in the Premier League: Fernandinho of Manchester City, Henderson of Liverpool, Azpilicueta of Chelsea, Andttenham Lowry, all account for this section of seniority, de Bruyne, Salah and Kane are the team's top players, and they are not the first captains. Arsenal's two former captains, Aubameyang and Lacazette, took advantage of the ability, also because of the gunner's decline.

Look at the captains of the Manchester United Premier League era, Robson, Bruce, Roy Keane, Vidic accounted for the temperament, Cantona is temperament + ability, Gary Neville is bloodline + seniority, Rooney is ability + seniority, Carrick, Valencia and Ashley Young are seniority.

Who should be United captain? C Ronaldo will not give in! There are also 4 big candidates Maguire should have let the sage long ago

Maguire's captain was the wrong choice

What about Maguire? In January 2020, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer announced his appointment as Manchester United's official captain, giving the explanation at the time: "I am not surprised that Maguire joined the team as leader, and I am impressed by his leadership. ”

However, Maguire has just arrived at Manchester United for half a season, and he has joined from a non-giant team, neither captaining Leicester City nor captaining the England team, which is obviously not senior; although he is very valuable and the core of the defense, he is not the number one star. Therefore, Suo Shuai's move caused controversy at that time.

So does Maguire really have leadership qualities and leadership? On the pitch, it didn't show it. Especially in the past two seasons, his state has plummeted, personal mistakes are frequent, his weaknesses are targeted, he has not organized the defense line very well, and it is rare to see him urging and motivating teammates, or arguing with referees, giving the impression that he is getting softer and weaker.

Off the pitch, Maguire's charm and ability can't conquer his teammates, how many people in the dressing room are willing to listen to him? If the big head is really as Ole said, the leadership is very strong, there will not be so many problems within Manchester United, or the problems have long been resolved by him.

Therefore, Maguire is difficult to become the captain of Manchester United, and he should have taken the initiative to let xian instead of the position and honor of the stack.

Who should be United captain? C Ronaldo will not give in! There are also 4 big candidates Maguire should have let the sage long ago

Who should be United captain?

So who is the best choice for a Manchester United captain? Ronaldo! Needless to say, the superstar of football, the king of the team's top scorers, is definitely the top card. Temperament also needless to say, the captain of the Portuguese national team, domineering. Joining Manchester United at the age of 18, it is not a youth training victory like a youth training, the seniority is there, who can compare?

The second best choice is B Fee, who is the core of Manchester United's attacking organization, scrappy, dare to say, very responsible, is the captain in the hearts of many Red Devils fans, and has also worn an armband on the field.

De Gea is also an option, if you count the consecutive time with Manchester United, he is longer than Cristiano Ronaldo, and now he is back in the position of the main goalkeeper. There may be concerns that the goalkeeper is not suitable to be captain, but Bayern's Neuer, Tottenham's Lowry, Inter's Handanovic are all the first captains of the giants.

If you look at the bloodline and heavy youth training, Rashford and Scott McTominay also have a chance, but they are still a little young. All in all, United have a lot of suitable captains and Maguire should be self-aware.

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