
How does Little Red Book create high-quality notes, and what points do you need to pay attention to?

author:OST Media

Although Xiaohongshu is praised by many people as one of the best platforms to carry goods, the works released by many people have not achieved the expected effect, because the quality of the notes is not high, and it may also be that the notes are violated. So today let's talk about how Little Red Book creates high-quality notes, what points need to be paid attention to?

How does Little Red Book create high-quality notes, and what points do you need to pay attention to?

1. Cover

Little Red Book is a selective viewing process, users like to see which one to click on which one, so the cover has become the best tool to attract clicks, must be eye-catching, and let users see your theme at a glance.

2. Title

The title occupies a large weight in a note, not only to satisfy the user search, the appropriate title party, but also to attract more users to click.

How does Little Red Book create high-quality notes, and what points do you need to pay attention to?

3. Emoticons

The content can be appropriately added emoticons, increase the readability of the copy content, if an article is all text, then the user will certainly not be able to read it.

4. Keywords (tags)

Xiaohongshu has two traffic entrances, one is system recommendation, and the other is user search, adding keywords to the content can increase the relevance of the content, and the system will recommend your content when the user searches.

5. Hotspots

Properly rubbing hot topics can not only allow you to quickly harvest traffic, but also drive the account weight to increase, provided that the hot spots are related to your positioning.

How does Little Red Book create high-quality notes, and what points do you need to pay attention to?

The above is how Little Red Book creates high-quality notes, and what aspects need to be paid attention to. In fact, Xiaohongshu's support for high-quality works is still very large, and the platform can retain users because of these high-quality works, so it only needs to focus on creating high-quality works, and naturally it can get the recommendation of the platform.