
The short program once again broke the world record, and Sui Wenjing/Han Cong rushed to gold on the 19th

author:Beijing News
The short program once again broke the world record, and Sui Wenjing/Han Cong rushed to gold on the 19th

Sui Wenjing/Han Cong short program performance. Beijing News reporter Tao Ran photographed

Sui Wenjing/Han Cong have set a new world record again. On the evening of February 18, Sui Wenjing/Han Cong, a figure skating short program at the Beijing Winter Olympics, broke the world record again in two weeks, entering the free skate with 84.41 points. The Russian pairs are close behind, with Tarasova/Morazov and Sui Wenjing/Han Cong having a score difference of only 0.16 points, which also makes the February 19 free skating full of suspense. The other Chinese duo, Peng Cheng/Jin Yang, also had a steady performance, and finally entered the free skate with a 5th place result.

Sui Wenjing/Han Cong

The decisive free skating will also challenge "twist 4 weeks"

In the song "Mission Impossible", Sui Wenjing/ Han Cong broke the world record for short programs twice at the Beijing Winter Olympics. Following the team game two weeks ago, Sui Wenjing/Han Cong broke the world record for short programs today with 84.41 points, ranking first into the free skate.

Talking about frequently breaking world records, Sui Wenjing calmly said that she didn't feel anything. Han Cong said that he was very happy to present a good set of programs at the familiar Capital Gymnasium, "We enjoyed the process and thanked the referees and the audience for the recognition and the opportunity to set a world record." ”

In Sui Wenjing's view, the short program only laid a relatively good foundation. "I hope to maintain the excitement and play better in the free skating tomorrow (19th)." Sui Wenjing said that they are the only pair skaters in these groups to do twist rotation for 4 weeks, and will also challenge this action in the free skating, "We are not young, and we are the older ones in the pair skating." We feel that being able to challenge this difficulty in the competition is also a pursuit of the Olympic spirit. ”

Judging from the ranking of short programs, Sui Wenjing/Han Cong's lead is not large. Sui Wenjing admitted that everyone on the stage of the Winter Olympics has a chance because the scores are very close, "Our goal is to hope to complete a wonderful game, which is what we want to do the most." ”

On February 19, Sui Wenjing/Han Cong will make the last appearance. "In fact, the order of appearances has no impact, just go and slide." Show your best self, skate and have fun and enjoy the game. Sui Wenjing said.

The short program once again broke the world record, and Sui Wenjing/Han Cong rushed to gold on the 19th

The "onion barrel" free skating will also challenge high difficulty. Beijing News reporter Tao Ran photographed

Peng Cheng/Jin Yang

Two months ago, I was still considering whether to change the show

The soundtrack of Peng Cheng/Jin Yang's short program is "Moonlight Sonata" and "No One", and the style of the song is perfectly switched from quiet and elegant to passionate. In the end, the short program scored 76.10 points, ranking 5th to qualify for free skating.

"When compiling this short program, we hope that this music has classical elements in it, and there are hip pop elements in the back, and we want to do a combination of classical and modern, so that the presentation of the program is relatively new and bright."

Peng Cheng said that the birth of this short program was full of twists and turns, because everyone rarely touched such a style, and the change in style made everyone not very recognized at the beginning, "Including coaches, we all feel that we need to change programs." ”

Peng Cheng introduced that until December last year, everyone was still discussing whether to change the program together, and then it was their insistence that this program be retained until now, "To have such a show today proves our persistence and gives ourselves an explanation." ”

The 76.10 points were separated by only 0.51 points of the season between the two. Jin Yang said that some of the moves in the game were not as complete as the World Cup Italy station, and there was some impact on the score, "I think we played at an ideal level." ”

Back at the Capital Gymnasium, Peng Cheng/Jin Yang felt very happy, the two directly called "both familiar and strange", the familiar environment gave them a familiar feeling, standing on the ice is very enjoyable. Peng Cheng said that the background of the head body was changed to blue, which is her favorite color, "I think everything is so good." ”

The short program once again broke the world record, and Sui Wenjing/Han Cong rushed to gold on the 19th

Peng Cheng/Jin Yang are provisionally ranked 5th. Beijing News reporter Tao Ran photographed

Compete for gold opponents

The two pairs of the Russian Olympic team combined into a "roadblock"

Before the Beijing Olympics, Russian Olympic team Michelina/Galiamov broke the world record for total results at the European Championships, and they were regarded as Sui Wenjing/Han Cong's biggest opponents on the road to victory.

In tonight's short program game, Michelina/Galiamov continued to play at a high level, scoring 82.76 points. Talking about the changes in pair skating over the years, Michelsena said that there have been great improvements in all aspects, "Now there are almost five or six pairs of combinations that are playing perfectly, which is very good, and I hope that there will be more and more high-quality moves in the future." ”

However, Mishina/Galiamov was not the highest-scoring combination in the team tonight, and Tarasova/Morazov played more steadily, ranking second with 84.25 points, and only 0.16 points away from Sui Wenjing/Han Cong, which also made the free skating competition full of suspense.

When asked about the current pair skating pattern after the game, Morazov said that in recent years, there have been great changes in both sliding, difficulty level and lifting, and everyone's level has become more and more similar, "In the past 4 years, everyone has changed, whether mentally or physically, it is a different experience for us. For this Olympic Games, we have been working hard, improving some of our gliding skills, and we hope to show the results of our efforts in the subsequent free skating. ”

Sun Haiguang, chief reporter of the Beijing News

Edited by Wang Chunqiu Proofreader Zhang Yanjun

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