
The fingerprints of koalas and human fingerprints are almost indistinguishable, and there are 20 pieces of cold knowledge related to animals

author:Find knowledge
The fingerprints of koalas and human fingerprints are almost indistinguishable, and there are 20 pieces of cold knowledge related to animals

1. Playing music to the cows allows the cows to supply more milk.

2. Female mosquitoes suck blood in order to obtain protein to mature eggs, that is, mosquitoes will only suck blood during the breeding period.

3. Bees never excrete in the hive, generally in flight.

4. Flies can often haunt places with a lot of bacteria without harm, not because they are not afraid of bacteria, but because flies are almost eating and pulling while spitting.

5. When the mosquito bites you, take advantage of the fact that it does not pay attention to the muscles of the bitten part that suddenly tightens, and the mosquito will be unable to escape because it cannot pull out the sting needle, and it can be killed and retaliated against.

The fingerprints of koalas and human fingerprints are almost indistinguishable, and there are 20 pieces of cold knowledge related to animals

6. The elephant can't jump up not entirely because of weight, but because the bone gap is small and there is no elastic structure.

7. The octopus has three hearts, one is responsible for supplying blood to the whole body, and the other two are responsible for supplying blood to the gills.

8. The fingerprints of koalas and human fingerprints are almost indistinguishable.

9. The purpose of holding hands when sea otters sleep is mainly to prevent drifting on the water.

10. Unlike other cats, the snow leopard does not seem to be aggressive toward humans, and there have been no incidents of snow leopards attacking humans at this time.

The fingerprints of koalas and human fingerprints are almost indistinguishable, and there are 20 pieces of cold knowledge related to animals

11. Cockroaches like to drink.

12. Animals will not eat another animal that has been struck by lightning.

13. Crayfish were once thought to be large sea cockroaches that were used to feed prisoners.

14. When truffles are ripe, they emit the smell of male pig hormones, so people bring a sow when looking for truffles.

15. The way starfish eat is by spitting out the stomach to wrap the food and then retracting it.

The fingerprints of koalas and human fingerprints are almost indistinguishable, and there are 20 pieces of cold knowledge related to animals

16. Kangaroos can only move forward and cannot retreat, if they want to go backwards, they can only turn around and continue to jump.

17. The shooter fish can use the special structure in the mouth to spew out the water column, and can accurately calculate the distance and angle, and shoot down insects from trees or shores into the water.

18. There are more than 1500 fuzzes on the feet of the fly that feel the sense of taste, so the fly only needs to fall on the food to feel the taste of the food.

19. The praying mantis launches an attack that takes only 0.01 seconds to complete.

20. The three known species of menopause are humans, short-limbed pilot whales, and killer whales.

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