
In an intimate relationship, you are absolutely obedient to your significant other? Then you have to be vigilant

author:Herod's psychological headlines
In an intimate relationship, you are absolutely obedient to your significant other? Then you have to be vigilant

Mind control in marriage is also what we call PUA:

By disintegrating the individual's perception of himself in marriage, the individual radically changes his or her perception of his or her own experiences and personality.

Then instill new values and worldviews.

Thus the individual depends on his other half and obeys the demands of the other half absolutely.

The movie "Under the Gaslight" tells the story of mind control in marriage:

A wife who was originally confident and had the ability to think independently became suspicious of herself under the long-term mental control of her husband, and finally her psychology was almost completely controlled by her husband.

In the film, the husband deliberately turns the gas lamp on and out.

When the wife suggested that the light flickered on and off, the husband not only firmly denied it, but also told her that it was her hallucination, that there was a problem with her own perception.

This plunges the wife into self-doubt.

In the end, the wife completely gave up her ability to perceive the world, completely dependent on her husband, obedient to his words, and completely controlled by him.

In an intimate relationship, you are absolutely obedient to your significant other? Then you have to be vigilant

Mind control has two related concepts in psychology:

The first is called the "gaslight effect", which refers to the emotional abuse and manipulation imposed on the victim, so that the victim gradually loses self-esteem, has self-doubt, and cannot escape.

The second is the "Stockholm effect," where hostages develop a psychological sense of dependence on their captors, for example.

Because their life and death are in the hands of the hijackers, who let them live, they are grateful, treating the hijackers as benefactors and the liberators as enemies.

It can be seen from this that mind control is very dangerous, and it is even more so in marriage.

Because two people are together every day, it is difficult to be self-aware if they are mentally controlled.

So understand "How is it to be mentally controlled?" "This is a particularly critical issue.

In an intimate relationship, you are absolutely obedient to your significant other? Then you have to be vigilant

Manifestations of mind control in marriage:

Verbal repression

Someone found that his husband had changed since he got married.

Gentle and considerate before marriage, she will go out in the middle of the night to buy a supper for her fiancée.

But after marriage, he dislikes his wife in every way, the food is not in line with the taste, he will lose his temper with his wife, and the child will blame his wife when he cries.

It seems that whatever the wife does is wrong, even threatened with divorce.

This verbal repression is mind control, which makes the wife doubt herself.

Just like the wife in "Under the Gaslight", she will end up completely controlled by her husband.

Restrict freedom and suppress individuality

For example, it is stipulated that you cannot go out shopping or party with colleagues at night, and you must bring your children at home.

Husbands who are good at mental control often use the words "good wife and good mother" to limit their wives.

Because you are a good wife and mother, I can go out and drink, and you have to be at home with children;

Because you are a good wife and mother, you have to cook and wash dishes and mop the floor every day.

In the name of love is not the right way to run a marriage, but a technique of mind control.

In an intimate relationship, you are absolutely obedient to your significant other? Then you have to be vigilant

Keep instilling his point of view to you

If a husband adopts mind control, then what he often says must be:

I think, I think...

He never seemed to ask his wife, "What do you think of this?" ”

Because they have overlooked that the wife in front of them is also an individual with the ability to think independently, they just want their wife to become what they want.

In short, be wary of mind control in marriage.

Always keep your own thoughts in your relationship, believe in yourself, and seek help from others when necessary.


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